Categories > Original > Historical

The War

by IrishNoel 0 reviews

Category: Historical - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2011-06-23 - Updated: 2011-06-23 - 799 words

The rain hit my pale face as I looked up to the sky, It was black and the clouds weren't all together they were swirled and spread out all around. Prayers and sniffling from crying was all I could here over the thunder. I looked to my left and saw people hiding their faces. To my right few people were praying and squeezing their rosaries so tight their knuckles turned white. Many of the red and puffy faces around me didn't fool me that everyone was scared to death. I was one of the many women that was forced into fighting for what I didn't feel was right. But the thing was I wasn't a woman, I was a fifteen year old girl who matched up with the new law that any thirteen year old and older must fight. “It wasn't suppose to be this way papa.” I looked to my side and saw a girl that had only just turned thirteen yesterday look at her father confused and unprepared. I saw him bend down to her and whisper “I'm sorry I couldn't give you a future my lovely. You must know I love you and I have tried everything for you to not have to be apart of this war. I failed you.” I saw the father's head drop and tears fall but the girl lifted his chin. “Papa you didn't fail me. “ She replied hugging him. He kissed her on the forehead then put his rosary around her neck and tucked it under her shirt. I turned my head back around and looked up to the front again. I felt bad because I could tell the girl knew her time was going to come, but it was the truth. I would be lucky if I even came out alive. I saw the one of the leaders of the our 'army' turn his head to his right and whisper “It was nice fighting this war with you general.” The general turned his head and said “Its not over yet sir. We still have time........we still have more slaves.” I could feel a look of disgust come over my face. How could he force so many people to fight for him when he hasn't done a damn thing for anybody. I knew this war was going to be a victory for the other army. We were out numbered and every person on our ship was pale and sick. We were dyping of starvation and lack of strength. I looked down at the ground and bent down to tighten the laces of my rugged boots. The green pants and long sleeve shirt I was wearing was ripping and was worn out. I couldn't imagine how many people have worn this and how many people these worthless clothes have been stripped of their dead bodies. I stood back up and saw Zander Henice grinning at me. “You think your going to make it out?” He asked. “No ones going to make it out.” “Except for me.” He said immediately said. “Don't get to cocky. I'm pretty sure anyone will make it out over you” I warned. He looked at me with now a stupid pissy look. “What makes you think you will make it out. Your kind never has.” He laughed. He was talking about my sisters and mother that were forced to fight months before I did. I punched him in the stomach. “My kind would have never died if your father wouldn't have given them away. So I would shut my mouth if I were you before you leave this world without even starting the battle.” I hissed. He took the message and turned the other way holding his stomach. The ship was beginning to slow down and the rough pushes through the angry sea made me think we where close to land. I couldn't see well over all the other people in front of me but I could tell by whispers we had hit land. The hatched door feel to the ground and every one walked off in piles. The storm had stopped and it was quiet, too quiet to be exact. I pushed to the front and looked at the ground and noticed foot steps. “THEY'RE HERE!” I yelled. Everyone grabbed their gun and hurried behind logs that had been stacked up from battles that were held there before. I was kneeling next to two sixteen year old boys talking to each other and saying their goodbyes. “Are you ready?” The one with black soaked hair asked me. “I don't know.” I replied with a big pause. I took a big breathe and looked at the two boys next to me and nodded. We came out of the protection and waited for the battle to start.
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