Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > My vegas weekend

i hate you guys

by mcraddikt 0 reviews

the beach

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Parody - Characters: Gerard Way - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2011-06-24 - Updated: 2011-06-24 - 877 words

Kennedy's POV

And somehow, even after setting up camp and snacking around, they managed to drag me into more hell by taking me on a three mile hike. "I hate you guys," I said as we started up these nasty steep stairs. "This better be worth it."

"Definitely, it ends in a beach after this abandoned town," Michael said, holding up a map like a bad tourist. I wasn't too excited for the abandoned town. I was creeped out and easily scared by anything. You could walk up behind me and tap me on the shoulder and I would still jump. Once we hit some flatter land, I took off my hoodie. "Damn, it's getting too hot."

"I'm going to be the Niagara Falls of sweat in a minute," Tyler said, wiping his already beading forehead. "Can the beach come to us or…?"

It was quiet for a bit. Then I spoke up. "So Allstar Weekend, My Chemical Romance, and two other girls are here," I said perkily. "We're not completely alone on this creepy-ass island."

"But it's a pretty big island, we're not going to find them," Kris said. I shrugged. I was kind of hoping we would. I could meet those girls who looked just about my age. And that one Allstar Weekend boy I had yet to be acquainted with. My Chemical Romance was a giant bonus as well. We passed the immigration station, too lazy to head down and check it out. It would probably depress this trip even more. Such sad stories just roaming around the island… rejection and deportation…

As soon as we got to the bottom of the hill past the immigration station, we hit the abandoned place. "Boo!" Kris said, squeezing my shoulders. I covered my face and almost pushed over Tyler. "Jeez, calm down."

Michael was climbing through the window of the building as I started drifting as far away from it as I could. "Get out of there, Goertzen!" I yelled. A cool breeze ran over me again and I fought back a scream. "This is so creepy, oh my goodness."

My feet were sore and sweaty inside my Vans. Wrong shoes to wear on a hike, but I wouldn't have worn them if I had known we were doing this anyways. "Ty-ler," I groaned. "Piggy-back?"

"D, you're a little old for those," he replied. I stuck out my bottom lip.

"Please?" I asked again. He rolled his eyes and stopped in the middle of the gravel walk way. "Yes!"

For the rest of the way, I got a slow piggy-back from Ty, closing my eyes through the abandoned town and all the way until Kris exclaimed, "The beach!"

Tyler dropped me down at the top of the stairs. I kicked my shoes off and threw my hoodie next to them, ready to just get in the water. But first I noticed the others were there too. MCR, ASW, and the two girls from earlier, all in separate groups around the long beach.

"The water is freezing!" Tyler yelled, already in the water up to his knees. "This is amazing."

I ran in after him, the hot sand hitting my feet first, then the cool water rushing over them. I squealed and ran out, not used to the cold water in the Bay Area. I made eye contact with the shorter girl and waved. She made a weak wave back then returned to talking with her friends. "Hey!" Nathan, from Allstar Weekend, said, approaching us in the water. "Nice day for the beach, right?"

"Amazing day," Michael said, rolling up his jeans. "Have you guys talked with the guys from My Chemical Romance? Or are we supposed to keep a distance…?"

"They're cool guys, can make great conversation," Nathan said. "Especially with the taller one of those two girls. I didn't catch her name but… I dunno. You're Kennedy, right?"

"Correct," I nodded. He talked to us for a bit then ran over to go get the rest of the guys. Feeling a little risky, I turned to Tyler. "I'm going to go see if those girls wanna hang out, okay? I kinda feel weird being the only girl as usual… and now there are other girls so I might have a chance at being normal."

I ran across the sand to the towels where the girls were parked. Kris was just breaking out the volleyball, which meant I had an even better reason to invite them over. "Hey, so, I know we don't really know each other or anything," I said. I'm the master at introductions. Not really. "But uh, we were just going to set up a game of beach volleyball and we need a couple of extra players. You in?"

"Sure," the shorter one said, standing up and dusting off her shorts. "I'm Paloma, and this is Xanat."

"Kennedy," I smirked.


"I think you already know the Allstar boys," I said, still trying to figure out who the third one was. "Then that's Tyler, Kris, and Michael."

"Two Michaels," Paloma said. I guess the third boy was a Michael, too. "This should be fun."
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