Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Or Would it Be Forever

I Yelled my Commands

by KimmaLoveLaugh

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Angst,Drama,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Warnings: [X] - Published: 2011-06-24 - Updated: 2011-06-24 - 3368 words - Complete

Oh my God. I'm done. I'm sorry this took so long, I had started to write it, then I got sick, then I had to work, then I got fired, then I decided that you guys deserved some (badly written) sex, and then finally I got the time to finish it. So it may seem a little rushed, but I really wanted to get it to you guys.

Um, the sequel will be coming soon...ish. I have a few oneshots I want to write, and I'm working on my other cowritten story. But thank you all so much for reading and commenting and making me extremely happy. You have no idea how much every single comment means to me. I love you all! Oh and can anyone tell me the song that chapter tittles are from? I'm curious to know if you guys know it or not.

Curled in the spoon of Gerard's warm body, Frank slept soundlessly. Gerard had been up for about an hour, completely content in watching his boyfri..ah...fiance sleep. His arm was wrapped loosely over Frank's hip, his hand splayed on Frank's bare, flat stomach. It was rare that he woke up before Frank, so when the opportunity arose, he definitely took advantage of it. He loved being able to stroke Frank's hair, that had grown, been cut, and dyed a lot in the last two years. He loved seeing the smile twitch onto Frank's face when the dream in Franks head was good. And he even loved being there to wake Frank from his nightmares that still occasionally ripped through the peacefulness of the world he and Frank had created. Today, thankfully there was a smile playing on Frank's still lips. No nightmares in his baby's mind.

Gerard, taking light of Frank's probably good mood, used the arm that was wrapped around his fiance, to gently run his finger down Frank's nose Laughing to himself when Frank's nose twitched, he did it again, resting his chin gently on Frank's shoulder. This time, instead of the adorable nose twitch, Gerard was greeted with a mumbled, 'Fuck you.' before he felt Frank roll onto his stomach, burying his face in the mattress, trying to find a comfortable position.

“Morning, Frankie.” Gerard smiled, letting his hand slide to rest on the small of Frank's back, his pinky dipping into the waistband on Frank's boxers.

Frank just grumbled at Gerard, not ready to let the day take him yet.

Gerard leaned over Frank, letting his lips brush Frank's ear before he whispered, “If you wake up we can have sex before your class.”

Frank instantly stilled, his right eye opening. He turned his head so his mouth was no longer pressed into the mattress, “What time is it?”

“Six thirty.” Gerard smirked, letting his thumb stroke the soft skin of Frank's back. Frank didn't have to leave until eight and the smaller man could shower in less than fifteen minutes. They had loads of time.

Without a word, Frank rolled onto his back, pushing Gerard onto his back with the force, and straddled the older man, a lazy smile playing on his lips. He then leaned forward, pressing his lips to Gerard's, his hand finding the smooth skin of his fiance's chest, stroking it lightly.

“Eager are we?” Gerard mumbled into the kiss, his hand pressing past the waistband of Frank's boxers.

“Shh.” Frank hushed against Gerard's lips, making the older man's lips vibrate, “No talking, more kissing.”

Gerard just laughed and attached his lips to Frank's once more pulling Frank's hips to his own using the hand that was currently ghosting over the flesh of Frank's ass.

Frank moaned in appreciation as he felt his hardening member press against Gerard's. He ground his hips down slightly, letting his tongue work with Gerard's. As the two men moved their hips against on and other, Gerard pressed his hand further down the back of Frank's boxers, sliding his fingers to graze Frank's entrance, causing Frank to moan.

Gerard smiled softly and teased Frank for a few moments, but never pressing his finger into the younger man. After a few moments, he pulled his hand out from Frank's boxers and pushed them off of Frank's hips. Frank then kicked the boxers off his legs and off the bed, rolling him and Gerard over, with their lips attached, so Gerard was on top now.

Lifting his lips from Franks after a few minutes, Gerard trails down Frank's neck and chest with kisses. He took a hold of Frank's erection, stroking it while he balanced himself above the younger man. Frank moaned and rested his hand on Gerard's shoulder, biting his bottom lip.

Gerard continued to stroke Frank as he move his mouth down Frank's chest, his tongue flicking over the smaller man's nipple. When Frank moans began to get louder, Gerard smiled slightly, taking the nub into his mouth, sucking on it gently, his hand moving faster on Frank's erection.

“Gee, Gee, don't.” Frank panted, moving his hand from the sheet that he had been unknowingly gripping to gently push Gerard's shoulder. “I need you.”

Smiling to himself, Gerard removed his hand from Frank's slick member, sitting up with a final lick to Frank's nipple. Moving off of Frank for a second, Gerard moved from the bed, grabbing the lube and removing his boxers. Climbing back on the bed, he attached his lips to Frank's again, moving a hand in between the younger man's legs, spreading them gently. Sliding his fingers down to Frank's entrance for a moment, he pressed gently with his fingertips.

Gerard then broke the kiss, sitting up, dropping some lube on the fingers that were ready to push into his fiance. Looking down at Frank, he bit his lip, pressing one finger into the waiting man. He watched as Frank's facial expression changed from pain to pleasure as he got used to the feeling again.

Once the finger feels comfortable to Frank, he nodded to Gerard, telling him to continue and Gerard complied, pressing in a second finger. He worked in and out of Frank with two fingers before adding a third, stretching the younger man. Frank moaned loudly, tilting his head to the side as he pressed his hips down against Gerard's hand.

Gerard smiled softly at his eager fiance and looks down at him, “Are you ready, Frankie?” Frank nodded turning his head back to look at Gerard.

“Yeah, come on, Gee.” Gerard smiled lazily, removing his fingers from Frank, wiping them clean on the sheets. He sat up, grabbing the lube bottle, squeezing some on to his own erection, spreading it gingerly. After the lube was spread on him, he lined himself up with Frank, slowly and steadily pushing into him.

Frank groaned lowly, grabbing the sheets on the bed again as Gerard stretched him. Gerard looked down at Frank, resting a hand on Frank's thigh, stroking it gently as he makes his way entirely into Frank. Once he's in Frank completely, he waited, watching the younger man as he shifted slightly, getting more comfortable.

“You okay, baby?” Gerard asked, moving his other hand down to stroked Frank's dick slowly.

“Mm, yeah. M'good. Go.” Frank mumbled, uncoiling his fingers from the sheets and moved his hand down to find Gerard's. After finding Gerard's hand, Frank laced their fingers together, closing his eyes. “Go, Gee.” He mumbled again.

Not needing anymore assurance, Gerard began to rock his body gently against Frank's, sliding himself in and out of the smaller man. He moaned feeling the tightness of Frank, letting his hand slide up and down Frank's erection. Squeezing Frank's hand in his, he continued to move in and out of Frank, angling differently every time.

When Gerard finally taps against his prostate, Frank moaned, arching his back off the bed, “Oh God, Gerard! Fuck! There.” He yelled as Gerard continued to tap the same spot. Frank contracted around Gerard in pleasure, pressing his feet flat against the sheets.

“Fuck, Frankie.” Gerard moaned, looking down at Frank as he stroked the younger man faster, feeling his orgasm grow inside of himself. “Frankie, you're so beautiful.” He moaned again watching as Frank arched and pushed his hips back against Gerard.

“Gee. Kiss me.” Frank panted, pulling down on Gerard's hand, lifting his upper body off the bed, slightly to meet Gerard. The mens mouths collided, tongues moving in unrehearsed patterns, lustfully. They continued to move together, their orgasms building with each and every thrust.

Soon Frank pulled his lips from Gerard and dropped his body back to the bed, harshly, as his orgasm overtook him without warning. Contracting tightly around Gerard, Frank moaned, his body shaking with passion, as he came over Gerard's hand.

“Gerard! Holy....fuck!” Frank moaned loudly.

Not very long after Frank came, contracting around him, Gerard came inside of Frank, his hips jolting forward. Moaning loudly, Gerard fell forward, his open mouth resting on Frank's shoulder as he panted. He rocked his hips slowly in and out of Frank as he rode out his orgasm, holding on tightly to Frank's hand.

When the two men were finally able to think coherently, Gerard sat up, pulling himself out of Frank. “God, baby.”

Frank just hummed as a response, letting his eyes slip shut as the post orgasm waves rippled through him. Gerard smiled at Frank, falling to the bed next to him on his side, wrapping his arm gently around Frank's stomach.

“Don't fall asleep now, baby. You have class soon.” Gerard reminded his lover, pressing a small kiss to Frank's shoulder.

“Mm, I could always skip the class.” Frank mumbled, turning his head to face Gerard, opening his eyes. “We could do that again.”

“No, baby, you can't.” He smiled, stroking the sweaty skin of Frank's stomach. “Your finals are coming up.” He kissed Frank's shoulder again. “And I have work anyway.”

Frank shrugged, turning onto his side in Gerard's arm, curling close to his fiance, “Call in sick.” He wrapped his arm around Gerard's back, laying with his head on Gerard's pillow so the two men are basically nose to nose. “Say you got a bug that requires you to stay in bed all day.” He pressed his lips against Gerard's and mumbled against them, “Too risky. You could infect other people.”

“I can't do that, Frankie.” Gerard laughed and pulled Frank close to him. “But we can do round two tonight.”

Frank tilted his head forward s just his forehead was resting against Gerard's. “Mm, evil.”

“Well somebody has to earn the bacon.” Gerard reminded his fiance, playfully.

“Fine.” Frank rolled away from Gerard, climbing off the bed. “As long as it's vegetarian bacon.” Frank said over his shoulder as his naked body walked into the bathroom for a shower.

“It is!” Gerard called to Frank, rolling onto his back, staring up at the ceiling as the heard the shower start.

Letting his eyes slip shut, he pulled the blanket across himself as he waits for Frank to shower. While he heard the soft pitter patter of the water hitting the shower floor, he falls into a light sleep, dreaming only of the bright future he and Frank have together.

Since Frank had returned home, a good two years ago, things have been incredibly blissful. Frank had gotten a grant through the army to go to school; where he is studying to work with troubled teens. He got all of his medical bills paid, and his body was fully recovered six months after returning home. The only indication that Frank was even in the army are a few scars on his knee, the one that got shattered. And the mental trauma that he still struggles with each day.

Frank still goes to therapy twice a month. The therapist had said that Frank had come a long was since the raid and he fine, mostly, but she wants to ensure that there are no meltdowns down the line. Frank had finally come to terms with the fact that the men that were killed was not his fault. That it could have happened to any one of the soldiers if it were their post.

Frank and Gerard's relationship was rekindled and back to normal a few weeks after their revelation. Their relationship was a lot stronger, too. They were growing together and learning how to communicate. Both men realized that the 'separation' could have been avoided if they would have talked to each other.

After they relationship was back to normal, the two lovers decided to get an apartment together. They got one a few hours away from Belleville, but it was a lot closer to New York City, where Gerard worked, and Frank's school. Ray, Gerard's roommate, was only slightly pissed that he would lose a roommate.

Then after living together for almost a year, Gerard finally grew a pair and asked Frank to marry him. It was really cheesy with candles, wine, and a ring. After there were talks of babies and white pickets fences; but then Frank came to his twenty year old senses and scowled at Gerard playfully, claiming that he 'did not get a vagina installed,' and that he was 'a manly man that would have a bachelor pad filled with video games and beer. Not kids.' Then both men cracked up, knowing that weddings, houses, and kids were in their dreams. As long as they were with each other.

Things weren't always perfect for the couple, though. They still had their fights and they still had their own demons to work through. Frank still reverted back to keeping his nightmares to himself occasionally; not telling Gerard until the memories were eating at him for days later. Gerard always knew when Frank had a nightmare, though. It was one of those things. Like how Frank knew that spent the entire night sketching and just slipped into the bed before the alarm. Both men had their faults, and they were working on them.

Standing in the kitchen moving his vegan bacon around on the pan, Frank watched as the grease sizzled on the bottom of the pan. Satisfied that the fake bacon was cooked enough, he turned off the burner, moving the cooked bacon to plates that already had eggs and toast that he prepared for him and Gerard. He then moved the plates to the breakfast bar setting forks next to them. After stepping out of the shower, he had seen that his fiance fell back asleep. He then decided to just let him sleep and cook breakfast, like the good housewife he was becoming.

Stepping away from the breakfast bar, Frank walked out into the hallway, calling out to Gerard, “Gerard wake up, babe. Breakfast is done.”

Walking back into the kitchen, Frank grabbed two coffee mugs from the cabinet, filling them with the freshly brewed coffee, fixing them and setting them on the bar. Sitting down at the stool, he began sipping his coffee, ripping off a piece of bacon, stuffing it in his mouth, as he waited for Gerard.

When Frank still didn't hear any movement coming from the bedroom, he groaned calling out to Gerard again, “Gee!” Still not gaining any response, Frank slid from the stool, walking down the hall to the bedroom, shaking his head at his seemingly dead fiance.

“Gerard.” He spoke loudly, walking toward the bed, pulling back the covers that were hiding Gerard.

When the sudden coldness of the room hit Gerard's naked torso, the older man groaned, rolling onto Frank's side of the bed, wrapping himself in blanket again.

“Oh, no you don't. I made breakfast and you have work. Get the fuck up.” The annoyed man said, reaching over the bed, tearing the sheets from Gerard's grasp, tossing them to the bottom of the bed.

“Mm, I’m up. ” Gerard mumbled, burying his head in the Frank scented pillow that was under his head.

“No, Gerard. You're not.” Frank sighed and nudged his fiance, rolling his eyes. “Come on, I have to leave soon and so do you.”

Sighing to himself, knowing that Frank was right, Gerard rolled over, sitting up in the bed, running his hand over his face and up through his hair.

“Good boy,” Frank smiled, standing up from the bed, “now get your ass to the kitchen.” He said, walking out of the bedroom. When he made his way through the small apartment that he and Gerard shared, he entered the kitchen, getting on to the stool in front of the breakfast bar, again.

Frank began to eat, not waiting for Gerard, who was currently groaning and gaining the strength to leave the comfort of his bed. Although, it would be more comfortable if his fiance was next to him, and if said fiance didn't throw off the fucking covers. Finally deciding to take on the day, Gerard tossed one leg off the bed, shivering as the cold hardwood floor touched his warm foot, then dropping his other leg to the floor as he pushed himself of the bed, stretching, raising his arms up to the ceiling.

Gerard made his way out of the bedroom after grabbing a t-shirt, probably Franks, and a pair of boxers, pulling them both on. Once he was in the kitchen, he smiled seeing Frank all dressed and ready to start his day.

“Mm, morning, baby.” He mumbled, stepping behind Frank, kissing the top of his head, rubbing his hand up and down Frank's side for a moment before walking to his stool, climbing on. He pushed down the t-shirt that was riding up on his stomach, yeah this shirt was definitely Franks.

“Hey, Gee.” Frank smiled, mouth full of toast, crumbs flying out the side of his mouth.

Gerard laughed at Frank, taking his coffee mug in his hand, taking a sip of it cautiously. When he knew the liquid would not burn his mouth, he took a large swig before setting down the mug picking up his fork.

“Are you coming home after class or are you heading to the library?” Gerard questioned before shoving some eggs in his mouth.

“I'm going to the library for a bit. I have to get a paper done and I’m pretty sure there's a man here that will distract me.” Frank smiled, taking a sip of his coffee, looking at Gerard accusingly over the top of the mug.

“I have no idea what you're talking about.” Gerard feigned innocence, turning his head away from Frank.

“Oh really? Do you not remember last week when I tried to work on my lit paper and you started making out with my neck?”

Gerard shrugged, sheepishly, “A man has needs, baby.”

Frank shook his head, “Yeah a normal man, but you're not normal. You have like...a super dick or something.”

“Are you complaining?” Gerard laughed, looking over at Frank.

“Nah, I’m just stating facts.” Frank smiled, sliding off the stool. “I've gotta run, I’ll call you when I’m on my way home, yeah?”

“Mm, sure.” Gerard looked over at Frank's plate, which was half full. “Babe, you didn't eat a lot.”

“It's alright.” Frank shrugged, grabbing his messenger bag from the hallway, walking back to Gerard. He pressed a kiss to Gerard's soft cheek, “I'm running late, anyway. There was some sex addict in my bed this morning trying to put his super dick in me.” He smirked.

“That's it, I’m calling the cops. That's the third morning this week!” Gerard exclaimed, shaking his head.

“I know, it's a tragedy.” Frank laughed, stepping away from the older man, making his way to the front door. “I'll call you, later, Gee. Love you.”

“I love you, too, Frankie.” Gerard smiled watching as his fiance stepping out of the apartment. “And eat something!” Gerard yelled, hoping that Frank could hear him.

Frank shook his head, mumbling loud enough that he was sure Gerard could hear him, “I swear sometime he thinks he's my God damned mother.”

Gerard just laughed, standing up from the bar, cleaning up from breakfast. Sue him for being overprotective sometimes. He happened to really love his future husband.
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