Categories > Anime/Manga > Inuyasha > A little thing called sisters

Chapter: 3

by ElizabethSpiegel 2 reviews

Inuyasha is seven years old when this starts, at his mother's grave getting taunted by the villagers when a mysterious woman claiming herself as his sister shows up and takes him away to a happier...

Category: Inuyasha - Rating: R - Genres: Humor - Characters: Inuyasha - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2006-05-31 - Updated: 2006-06-01 - 1551 words

Chapter three

Inuyasha awoke alone with a beautiful flower next to his head that he didn't recognize, he walked to where he remembered the kitchen being to find Spike already making him something to eat. "Um.....Mr. Spike where's Inuyisha?"

"She'll be back in a few hours, and please do not call me Mr......just Spike, have a seat, breakfast will be done in a few."

Inuyasha climbed up onto one of the high chairs and sat quietly, he'd wanted to eat with his new sister again. Spike chuckled quietly at the look on the young hanyou's face, he really was too much like her, they could pass as siblings. He laid a plate in front of him and Inuyasha looked at the food oddly, "Um...what is this?"

"Inuyisha's favorite breakfast, it's something sweet she picked up when she was traveling in the East I think. Anyway it's really quite good." He fixed himself a plate and sat down next to him.

Inuyasha took a small bite and smiled widely, "This is really good, thank you!" He began eating quickly and asked for more when he was done.

"Boy I can't wait until I introduce you to some of her favorite're going to go crazy." He handed him another plate and smiled softly as he watched him eat it all. /Yep, they have a lot in common./ He sat back down to finish his own plate before Inuyasha sat back with a happy sigh, "Are you full?"

"Ummm hmmm."

"Then maybe you should take a nap, that way you and Inuyisha can eat lunch when she returns."

Inuyasha nodded as he tried to climb off of the chair and almost fell. Spike caught him and carried him back to Inuyisha's bed. He laid him down and looked at the flower, it was one that she herself had created for special occasions, it smelled distinctly of her, because she had used her blood to make it. He remembered that little experiment because of the seven explosions before she got it right. Spike looked at Inuyasha to find him already asleep with the flower held tightly to him. /He really is a cute kid./

**Two hours later**

Inuyisha walked tiredly back into the cave, covered in dirt and well as a few unmentionable things. Spike raised an eyebrow, "May I ask what happened at the meeting with the Demon of the East?"

She glared as she sat down, "Is my bath drawn?"

"Of course."

"Then come on and I'll tell you while I bathe."

Spike raised a green eyebrow but made no comments as he followed her to the hot spring they had dug into her hide away. He noticed her newest silk haori that she had been wearing was ruined, /Hm have to get her a new one later./

She stripped it off to reveal snow white skin with a few red slashes here, and there as well as some older scars, before climbing into the hot water. Spike swallowed hard before sitting on the stone beside her, "Unbraid my hair and I'll talk while you do it."

He began unbraiding her hair, wishing it was it's usual soft, silky, clean silver as she began talking, "Let me start by saying you are now looking at the Demon Lady of the Southern and Eastern Lands."

"You killed Lord Doragon??!!"

"Yes, I was to meet him for a light breakfast to discuss a few infractions some of his demons had made on my lands, well things did not go well...........he made a derogitory comment about female demons then had the nerve to ask me if I had given any thought about taking a mate. I nearly tore his head off then, but I waited patiently and told him no, then he said something about me needing a mate because females weren't made to rule alone they were too weak......That was the last straw Spike.....hmmmm."

Spike began kneeding her shoulders to work out the stress kinks. "Continue the story I want to hear every gory detail."

"I made a comment about weak male demons trying to take down a powerful female's self-esteem so they could bed them and he tried to hit me." Spike's claws knicked her skin in annoyance at the dead demon wishing he could have killed him himself. "Watch your claws Spike......Anyway I lashed back out and when our energies touched it forced us outside, into the rain. His demon gaurds had orders not to help at all since we are both Lords of our own lands, well half way through the fight he calls for assistance, four of the demons came to help, breaking the sacred laws, so I killed them, I looked him straight in the eye and said it was over, right before I cut off his head with my bare claws......There was a small ceremony and I now rule both Lands."

"So you've had a long day?"

"Yes......Has Inu-chan been up yet?"

"Yes he's had breakfast and is napping at the moment, wanting to have lunch with you.....I'll tell him you're too tired."

"Nonsense, I'm not too tired for my baby brother." She smiled happily before dunking under the water to wet her hair, Spike them lathered it with a special concoction she'd made to clean it and washed around her ears carefully before washing the rest of her hair. She dunked again to get rid of the soap before standing to get out, Spike gulped again before handing her a big fluffy towel he always had ready for her. "Could you bring me something to wear while I dry my hair?"

"What are you wanting to wear?"

"That summer haori that traveler gave me last month, the one with the blue flowers on it."

"I'll be right back with it."

She sat drying her hair, trying to think of some games to play when Inuyasha a woke. Spike brought in a silk Haori that was a midnight blue with sky blue roses embroidered on it. After having Spike bandage the wounds that were still bleeding she changed and went to check on Inuyasha, missing the heated look that Spike gave her back as she walked down the hallway, he was too good to let his scent give away how he was feeling.

She looked in to find Inuyasha sprawled out in the center of her bed and found herself chuckling lightly at him, she already felt better and found herself wanting to wake him to play. It wasn't very Lady like.....but than again she didn't give a damn this was her hide away, she could act however she wanted, to the seventh level of Hell with anyone that didn't think so. She walked into the room and crawled onto the bed with him, carefully moving his bangs out of his face.

Gold eyes opened to look into hers, "You're back!" Inuyasha sat up and hugged her before yawning, missing the wince as he squeezed one of the still open wounds.

"Of course I'm back, you didn't think I'd abandoned you did you?"

He looked down, "Well, um...I...."

"Inuyasha, I won't leave you alone.....unless that is what you want, I swear on my lands."

He hugged her tightly, knowing that that was the best promise anyone could ever hope to recieve. "Are you ready for lunch? Spike said I could eat with you....are you hungry?"

She smiled at his fast sentences, "I'm hungry enough to eat a dragon......" She punctuated her sentence by tickling him lightly before racing him to the kitchen and letting him win.

"I beat you!! Wait did you let me win?"

"Nope, you won fair and square." She smiled as she sat with him, watching Spike fix a quick lunch with fruits and some meats from a cold box. Inuyisha waited for Spike to join them before eating, quicker than was becoming, but with the elegance of a Lady.

Inuyasha looked up and asked with his mouth full, "So, how did you get Spike as a servant?"

Spike raised an eyebrow, but figured it was normal for young demons to be curious.....after all Inuyisha was far from young and she was still curious.....but that could be the cat demon in her. /Hm...wouldn't mind being the cat demon in her.../

"He isn't technically a servant Inuyasha, I pay him and give him my protection. I knew him when he was still a kitten."

Spike stuck out his tongue playfully and Inuyasha giggled hysterically when Inuyisha grabbed it and put some kind of powder on it. "Ow, OW OUCH!" Spike quickly took a drink of milk and bit into a peice of bread, "That was uncalled for!"

"Inuyisha, what was that powder stuff?"

"Curry powder."

Inuyasha winced, "Ouch, that stuff's hot enough with other stuff, but alone I bet it's worse...."

"Care to find out for yourself?"

", that's alright, Spike's reaction was enough."

She chuckled before standing and putting hers and Inuyasha's plate into a small hole in the cave wall. "Come on then, let's go out into the meadow."

Spike watched her go outside with Inuyasha to play while he finished his meal and went to work cleaning up the day's mess.
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