Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Don't Stop If I Fall And Don't Look Back
Another Cog In the Murder Machine
8 reviewsThe hate dripping off his every word was enough for me to know that it wasn't Gerard in front of me, still dripping with blood and tears.
Don't Stop If I Fall And Don't Look Back
(#) amos222 2011-07-04
DID YOU KILL FRANKIE?!?! I'm gonna cry.Don't Stop If I Fall And Don't Look Back
(#) ChloesGreenDay 2011-07-04
Shit! That was Intense! This was absolutely amazing as usual, great job! Love this story so muchDon't Stop If I Fall And Don't Look Back
(#) annabel-lee 2011-07-05
That I almost screamed at my computer "GERARD! GET OUT OF THE BATHROOM AND GET FRANK SOME HELP!" The ending reminded me of the scenes with Golom (I think that's how you spell it...) in Lord of the Rings.
LIVE FRANKIE LIVE!Don't Stop If I Fall And Don't Look Back
(#) kirrahdiviney 2011-07-05
DID YOU KILL FRANK?! PLEASE TELL ME FRANKIE'S ALIVE! frankie O.O please don't let him die! i'll cry if i discover he died. no joke. please, PLEASE let him live! and help gee, and everything will be okay. please :(
- kirrah xxDon't Stop If I Fall And Don't Look Back
(#) AmberMayJensen 2011-07-06
I don't want anyone to die in this story! :(
Still, great job. this was so intense.Don't Stop If I Fall And Don't Look Back
(#) YouCanRunAwayWithMe 2011-07-06
i actually think he is alive. i spoke to the author today and she said that everyone thinks he is dead and she started laughing. honestly i think he is ok but dot take my word for it :)
lina -x-Author's response
yeah because i have such a high reputation for telling the truth >:)[note the sarcasm] NEVER trust anything i say.Don't Stop If I Fall And Don't Look Back
(#) SolarShadow 2011-07-06
NO FRANKIE NO!! how could you evil gerard! someone get a bandaid for frankie!
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