Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > I Thought I Heard You Say Something

Another Freakin' Author's Note, Do Not Ignore

by astrozombie13 5 reviews

i am SO fucking sorry!

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres:  - Characters: Bob Bryar - Published: 2011-07-06 - Updated: 2011-07-06 - 132 words

I'm sorry again guys, but this is another important author's note. Turns out, while I was at lacrosse practice yesterday, one of my little brothers, Hunter, snooped around on my computer and looked at some of the chapters from this story, and erased a lot of my files. So, if any chapter from this story gets erased by ficwad, I honestly don't know how I will re-upload them. Please be patient with me, and as you know, I'm going on vacation tomorrow through Monday, so uploading will be delayed. I love you all, and I am starting to think about discontinuing the story because I have severe writer's block and a lot going on (lacrosse, soccer, softball, cheerleading, drama camp). If you do not want me to discontinue it, please keep reviewing!
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