Categories > Books > Harry Potter > The Slayer, The Avatar And The Guardian Of Light

CH5 - Traitor

by GuardianOfLight 3 reviews

Glory and Adam attack the Magic Box

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: R - Genres: Crossover, Fantasy, Romance - Warnings: [!!] [?] [V] - Published: 2006-06-01 - Updated: 2006-06-01 - 2015 words

Chapter 5 - Traitor

Dimension: 165 - Earth
Date: 5th July 2001 AD
Country: USA - California
Location: Sunnydale - The Factory
Time: Early Morning

Late that night on patrol Buffy entered the factory; you could see just by looking around the building was falling to pieces.

She wouldn't even be there if she hadn't seen the security guard in the hospital. She went up to the first floor after finding nothing except the odd rat and broken pillar on the ground floor.

Upon reaching the first floor she immediately saw that the door to the main storeroom and half the wall around it was not where it was supposed to be. The door was at least three inches thick and was lying on the floor with huge dents in it. It looked like it had been hit with a tank.

She didn't think even Adam could do damage like that. She moved into the room. In the centre of the room was a chair containing what appeared to be a badly beaten monk tied to it.

She ran to him and immediately undid the ropes.

"Hey, it was you who planted the Dagon Sphere right....I got it.... Don't worry. I'm stronger than I look. I've had experience with stuff like this before." Looking up she saw the monk looking over her shoulder with a look of horror.

Listening Buffy could hear faint not very subtle foot falls approaching, probably by the sound of them from heels.

"And best of all...." she jumped up and turned around in time to grab a blond woman in a red dress around the neck. "I'm not stupid."

The women removed Buffy's arm from her neck and flung her across the room with little or no effort.

Buffy turned to look at the women with fear in her eyes.

"You sure about that last part?" the women said as Buffy fearfully got to her feet. "Because if you end up dead, don't say I didn't tell you so."

Buffy ran at the women and sent a flurry of punches and kicks at her, but each was blocked and ended in Buffy hitting the wall and leaving major indentations in the concrete.

Buffy got thrown against the wall again, landing with a grunt.

"And another thing, I just want you to know." the woman marched over and picked Buffy up off the floor while rambling to Buffy, though to tell the truth she wasn't listening "This whole beat you black thing I'm doing is valuable time out of life that I'm never going to get back."

Buffy managed to send a kick her way, but the woman easily dodged it.

Buffy cried out in pain as the woman started forcing Buffy's arms back to her sides after a failed punch.

"Wait. I've always wanted to try this. You know where you get a worm and cut it in half and you get two worms." she leaned in closer. "Do you think it will work with you?"

With all her might, Buffy leaned back and slammed her head forward, head-butted the woman, causing her to release her and grabbed her head in shock.

"You hit me. What are you crazy?" said the woman in astonishment

Buffy started reigning punches down on the woman

"You just can't go around," the woman said in between blows to the face "Hitting people.....(punch)....What were you....(punch)....born in a barn?"

Finally she managed to grab Buffy.

"Fine, be that way." the woman said slamming her into a concrete pillar and making large holes in it when she missed the following punches, before catching Buffy around the neck.

"I just noticed you have super powers. That is so cool. Can you fly?"

Buffy flew ten meters through the air and closed her eyes in preparation for the impact....but it never came.

She opened her eyes to see she was hovering in the air a meter from the ground.

"Hey no magic! That's cheating!" shouted the woman.

Buffy was lowered to the ground. She turned to see a very familiar cloak covered figure facing the woman. He lowered his arm to his side after letting her feet touch the floor comfortably right next to the monk.

"Two on one's no fair. Who are you anyway? And you do know that you've got some serious case of dark prince envy going on."

Adam lowered his hood and let his cloak slide to the floor, revealing the attire he wore on campus.

The woman put on a happy surprised look.

"Hey you been?"

"The same as ever, Glorificus. Yourself?"

"Oh please, call me Glory. And terrible, this mortal body is a real do you deal with it?"

"You get used to it after several billion years." replied Adam.

He's creating a distraction, giving me the chance to get the monk out thought Buffy.

She turned to the monk who though untied hadn't been able to leave the chair due to his injuries; she grabbed him and moved him quickly to the nearby window as Glory was between them and the door.

"Hey, hey! Hands off my holy man!" she heard shouted as they ran for the window, hearing Glory running after them.

God I hope Adam can stop her.

She jumped through the window and turned them around so when they landed she was underneath. She landed hard but ignored the pain.

She quickly pulled the monk to his feet and half carried him; half dragged him as fast as she could towards the gate.

As they reached it, Buffy turned around and saw a huge cloud of dust and rubble emerge from the window and the sounds of the building collapsing internally.

Sounds like Adam's finishing her off.

"Stop....please." the monk struggled.

"No, we have to keep going." Buffy urged as the monk collapsed against the gate.

"My journey is done."

"Don't get metaphory on me."

"You have to....The Key. You must protect The Key."

"Fine, we can protect The Key together, just, far, far from here," she said, looking back at the factory. She didn't know how long Adam could hold of that woman.

"Many more die, if you don't keep it safe."

"How, what is it?"

"The Key is energy. It's a portal. It opens the door"

'The....The Dagon Sphere?" she asked.

"No. For centuries it had no form at all. My brethren were its last keepers. Then the abomination...." he said, looking back at the factory. "....found us. We had to hide The Key, gave it form, moulded it into flesh and sent it to you."

"Dawn." Buffy realized.

"She's The Key."

"You put that in my house," she said on the verge of tears. "Why not give it to The Guardian? He's more powerful than...."

"We knew The Slayer would protect," he interrupted.

"Why not give it to The Guardian?" she repeated, shaking him, trying to force out the answer.

"We knew The Slayer would protect," he repeated, avoiding the question.

"My memories? My mom's?"

"We built them."

"Then un-build them. This is my life you're..." she was cut of by the monk choking heavily

"You can not abandon."

"I didn't ask for this. I don't even know. What is she?"

" human and helpless. Please, she's an innocent in this. She needs you."

"She's not my sister."

"She doesn't know that." his eyes then drifted down and stared into space.

Why me?

Why not Adam?


Dimension: 165 - Earth
Date: 19th July 2001 AD
Country: USA - California
Location: Sunnydale - The Magic Box
Time: Afternoon

After the events of that night not much had happened on the Glory front, or on any other front other than the creation and sudden demise of her pet snake and the attack of the troll. Until....

Two weeks later, at the Magic Box after they had shut up shop, Dawn, Willow, Giles, Tara, Xander and Anya are present and busy researching (or in Anya, Xander and Dawn's case, trying not to.)

"This is getting us nowhere." Anya protested.

"Well, what would you suggest instead?" Giles said, equally frustrated, though partially because of their constant complaining.

"We haven't asked Spike yet," Willow suggested.

"I hate to admit it, but she's right. We haven't. Has anyone got money on them?" Xander asked

"Here." Giles said annoyed that it had come down to this as he went to the till to retrieve some money, which caused Anya to look at the cash register, resisting the urge to jump up and slam the till shut, with Giles fingers in it if necessary.

"There is one other person you haven't asked." Dawn added.

When most gave her blank looks, she rolled her eyes.

"She means Adam," Tara finished.

Everyone except Giles murmured in realization.

"I have already tried to contact him; I went to his mansion only to see an empty plot of land." He explained "So we haven't seen him since he helped Buffy escape from that woman."

"When was the last time anyone saw him?" Buffy asked.

"Yesterday," Dawn said proudly.

Everyone turned to her in shock; apparently she'd neglected to mention this little snippet of information.

"Didn't I tell you?....He came round, well, actually he appeared when Buffy and Mom were at the hospital, he kept me company until they got home. I'll ask him when I see him." She replied smugly.

All of a sudden an almighty crash was heard from the front of the shop. Everyone turned towards the source of the sound.

The shop window was in a thousand pieces and littering the floor. Glory stood on top of the rubble, her hands on her hips.

"Hey everyone, I'm just doing some window shopping." she strode forward, knocking aside shelves as she went. Xander, Giles and Buffy moved in front of the others protectively as Willow, Tara and Anya moved to protect Dawn (and the cash register).

"A friend told me that my Key was here, so hand it over and no one gets hurt....much."

"You are not having h....It." Giles responded, quickly corrected himself

"Are you going to stop her?" asked another voice from the door.

Adam was standing there looking if possible blacker than usual.

"Help us!" Dawn called.

He pondered that for a second. "No....No, I think not," he announced as he moved towards the group, who grew even more protective. Xander threw himself at Adam while Giles moved at Glory. Giles was grabbed and thrown over the counter. Xander ended up being blown across the shop and landing on the upper level.

Willow and Tara threw furniture (magically) at the pair, but it was easily deflected. They then sent fireballs, which blew Glory across the shop, though she immediately got back to her feet, not even fazed.

"Didn't your parents ever teach you not to play with fire?" Adam mocked.

Tara threw a fireball in his direction which he caught and threw back twice as powerful.

It blew both witches into the nearest wall. Anya was also quickly dispatched by a back hand from Glory.

Dawn looked wide eyed and panicked and backed up against the wall.

"Hello Dawn," Adam welcomed her with an evil smile on his face. "Or should I say Key."

Dawn sunk down the wall and tried to shrink away from him.

"Traitor." she growled in fear.

He laughed.

"My Key is a person." Glory exclaimed beaming. "Clever little monks."

Adam reaching out to grab Dawn.

Dawn pressed herself further into the wall, closing her eyes tightly. She felt Adam's hand begin to close around her arm.

She saw a sudden flash of light through her eyelids and felt Adam's arm wrenched away from her.

Opening her eyes, she saw that Adam and Glory were no longer in front of her and were getting to their feet on the far side of the shop.

Dawn turned in the direction of the light she had seen. In the window hovering about two inches above the floor was another Adam wearing a look that could have melted steel.

"Would you care to try that again?"
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