Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Unfair As It May Be

Chapter Six

by x_constance 0 reviews

Will everything work out?

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Published: 2011-07-07 - Updated: 2011-07-08 - 485 words

Chapter SIXXX

I woke up in the morning to Frank going through my things, putting everything he found that he didn't like into a little cup.

"What the! Frankie?!" I said, grabbing the cup from him in a panic.

"No! You said you're going to try to stop. Give me them!" He screamed, grabbing them away from me and pushing me roughly but accidentally and causing me to fall backwards slightly. Tears welled up in my eyes.

“Oh god… I’m so sorry… I ju-just… I want you to change. I love you so much and I don’t want to see you hurting yourself anymore…” He dropped to the floor, crawling against the wall, tears rolling down his cheeks. I ran out of the room, smashing into Gerard on my way out. He wrapped his arms around me, and I tried to get away, but he just pulled me closer.

“Sweetie... Conny, what’s wrong?!”

“Frank pushed me. He’s t-trying to take my pills and he pushed me,” I said, sobbing. I knew I was overreacting, but I was scared. I hoped Frank didn’t secretly mean to…

“Oh, sweets. Frank didn’t mean it. He loves you, you know that. He wants the absolute best for you. Sometimes he just… Over-reacts… Don’t be afraid, he loves you.”

Frank came out into the hallway, his cheeks, neck and collar of his shirt soaked in tears. “Conny, I’m so sorry. Please forgive me… I-… I didn’t...”

I simply walked up to him and hugged him. I couldn’t stand seeing Frank this hurt. He really did only want the best for me. He tried handing me the cup of pills, but I denied them. Partially because I wanted to change… But I did have a stash hidden away. I’d tell Frank sooner or later… Everything would be okay eventually.

We spent the rest of the day out and about. Frank let me drive him and Gerard to the mall, where I loaded up on skinny jeans, which I had failed to pack enough of. We hit up the music stores, buying countless albums, stickers and T’s. We ate out at a Chinese restaurant, and had ice cream downtown. When we got home, it was almost 11 and we were all zonked. Gerard passed out on the recliner while I lay on top of Frank on the couch.

I closed my eyes, feeling myself drifting to sleep while Frank flipped through the channels. It simply felt right, being in his arms, feeling his fingers run through my hair and his breath on my neck. At that moment, I knew that if I was going to change for anyone but I, it would be him. This man was amazing, and deserving of anything and everything that I could give him. I would make things perfect even if it threatened to kill me.
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