Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Everybody Wants To Change The World

Prologue - Make A Choice

by Nightstars 5 reviews

Welcome to the world of the Fabulous Killjoys.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Fantasy - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2011-07-09 - Updated: 2011-07-11 - 1450 words

Some information on this fanfiction before you start reading: I plan on trying to follow the story line of SING. I'm starting it with the Na Na Na video though, so I can introduce the Killjoys that gave me their info.

So, this prologue is basically a quick run through of the important stuff that happened through the years for the Fabulous Killjoys up until 2018. Then the first chapter will be starting in the year 2019.

Prologue - Make A Choice

Year 2010
Month - Unknown

A white Trans Am sat in the driveway, glittering faintly in the fading light. There was a low rumble and then it started to grow. It sounded louder, and louder and soon the whole ground was trembling. There were screams that mixed with the sound of the earth shifting and then chaos erupted.

Year 2011
Month - Unknown

Cans of spray paint sat in the unused shed and then the metal door shifted. It was shoved open before screeching to a halt. A raven haired man stood in the doorway, his eyes probing every inch of the shed before slowly moving his hand to the holster at his side. He took a tentative step into the small building and clenched his hand tighter around the handle.
Bright hazel eyes searched through the darkness, shifting through the dark shadows before he declared it safe to enter. His voice rang through the silence, like a knife cutting through a piece of cardboard. Immediately three other men entered the small place behind him. He reminded them of what they needed and they jumped into action.
There was low clattering as the four men ransacked the shed, pulling warped peiced of metal off the wall and pushing open old rusty cabinets. Then one of them, a rather tall man with light brown hair, spotted the spray cans. He called over to the raven haired man who went to his side and appraised the metal cans.
A grin spread across his face and grew quickly when he spotted the can beside it.


He quickly grabbed the cans and shoved them into the satchel that hung off his shoulders. Then, their search complete, the group turned and left the shed, pushing the door closed and encasing the building once again in darkness.

Year 2012
Month: Unknown

The small group of men raced through the rough dunes and immediately pulled the doors on the Trans Am open. The spray paint slightly dulled from the sand that settled on the hood and body of the car.
The man with sandy brown hair quickly turned the ignition and smashed his foot onto the gas pedal. A fiery haired man in the passengers seat beside him shot him a frantic look before pulling a bright yellow raygun from the holster on his hip. He jumped to his feet and stood up, everywhere from his waist up sticking through the sun roof. Then a black haired man was standing beside him, a bright green raygun held tightly in his gloved hands.
They exchanged a quick glance before turning to the motorcycles that trailed a few yards after them. They raised their rayguns and pulled the triggers.

Year 2013
Month: Unknown

The fiery-haired man kicked the door open and held the bright yellow raygun level with his eyes. His finger would tighten and then relax around the trigger at every unknown sound that traveled through the old run-down clothing store. After a second of appraisal he nodded to himself and then lowered his gun.
Three men stepped in behind him, thier own rayguns held in thier hands before quickly spreading throughout the store. One of the men, one with massive brown curls, wandered towards the back of the store and couldn't help the smile that crossed his lips. Hastily, he lifted a few coats off the hangers and wandered back towards his friend.
Each of them sprouted their own wide grins as he lifted the coats from his side and they each grabbed the one that seemed to match themselves.

Year 2014
Month: Unknown

The blue jacket shimmered slightly as the man moved, his red hair falling slightly into his face. He shook his head, attempting to push his hair from his face but only succeding in knocking more of the red locks into his eyes. Then a low sound of static sounded. His attention snapped back to the black transmitter that the group had found a few months back.
A loud voice then spilled from the speakers, low and gruff but very comforting. After four years, this was one of the first voices they had heard through the radio-waves.

Year 2015
Month: Unknown

There was a gentle sigh and then the red-haired man stepped into the basement. The door swung shut behind him as he entered the dark room. He knew his friends would be pissed at him later for wandering off but he knew he had to come down here. It was unexplainable as to why but he just knew it.
His eyes probed into the dark corners and then he stubbed his toe on the leg of a table. A swear word escaped his lips as he hissed in pain but then shook his head and looked around the room once again. He spotted a black and white skeleton mask that he briefly held, for a moment of two, before placing it gently back on the table. That was part of a past that he yearned to let go.
He turned his gaze to the next table and then smiled to himself.
His hands fell onto the fake blue fur of the mask before him. A giant mouse head grinned back at him, wide eyes gleaming in the gentle light that spilled through the windows. Carefully, as if any wrong move would shatter the head, he lifted it from the table and then lowered it onto his shoulders.
Wearing his new-found prize he turned and left the basement, shutting the door on the basement and his old life.

Year 2016
Month: Unknown

The four men walked quietly through the sand, their feet barely crunching against the rough grains. Their hands were clenched around the rayguns as they approached the spray painted shack. Carefully they prodded at the wooden boards. The brown haired man pushed particularly hard on one of the panels and fell through in shock when it moved under his hands.
The other three imediately rushed to their friend's side and then gasped at the sight before. A man in a wheelchair with dark sunglasses gave them an appraising before continuing to speak into the microphone. The same voice that had been broadcasted to them on so many sleepless night. The same voice that had helped them in their darkest bits of trouble.
They shared a grin and watched as the man let his voice spring hope in whoever was left out in the isolated world.

Year 2017
Month: Unknown

The girl huddled in the far corner of the closet and peered through the crack between the door and the wall as the entrance door shook. It crashed open and she stiffled a soft yell, but it was to late.
The man with sandy hair turned his gaze to the closet. He took a tentative step towards it and held his red raygun tightly in his hand. His fingers curled around the trigger while his other hand gently touched the handle of the closet door. The group behind him nodded and shifted their hands on their own rayguns before the sandy-haired man flung the door open. Immediately he let his raygun drop to the floor.
A small girl fell out of the closets depths and dug her head into his stomach, the only part that she could really reach. Her arms wrapped around his waist as he gently dropped his hands to her light brown curls and tentatively ran his fingers through her hair. The group near the front door relaxed and stared with wide eyes at the two embracing before them.

Year 2018
Month: Unknown

There was a collective smile as they stared at the building before them. An old diner, completely dilapitated but it was far from any probing eyes and it would always seem abandoned, even if they would start living in it, it would seem so desolate.
The men glanced at each other and grinned before glancing down at the small girl holding tightly onto blonde haired man's hand. She flashed her teeth at them and that's when they new that for the first time in years, they had a place where they would feel safe. No matter how terrible the world got around them they would always have the diner.
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