Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Been Holding On Forever

Been Holding On Forever

by raygun33 0 reviews

Static StarScream has been on her own for years. What will happen when she risks companionship and bands with the Fabulous Killjoys? possible frerard

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Humor,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2011-07-12 - Updated: 2011-07-13 - 583 words

Killjoy Fic! This is a bit of a prologue, so things should speed up a little soon. I'm actually pretty excited about this story, so hopefully it will go as well as I'm planning :)

Shadows fell across Static StarScream's face, making her already angled features stand out in dramatic shades of black. The bell of the shop door tinkled eerily as she stepped into the darkened supermarket and looked around cautiously. Sure that she was alone, she chuckled softly once her eyes adjusted and observed the wreckage before her. Cobweb covered registers, some overturned shopping carts, and piles of only slightly damaged non-perishables came into view. Satisfied, she grinned and stepped through the rubble, leaning over to inspect what she had come for.
"Jackpot." She whispered.
It was hard to find places that could offer food when you were this far out in the zones, but when you got the chance, stocking up heavily was to be taken advantage of.
Twenty minutes later, with her arms full of goods, StarScream made her way toward the entrance, stopping when something caught her eye. In the window was what looked like a flier of some sort. She stopped and made her way toward it, her worn down converse high tops crunching as she stepped through the mounds of broken glass. Her breath caught as she saw the familiar red exes over the four faces of the men she had so long wondered about, secretly worshiped. Shifting her bags aside, she reached a hand up and stroked the paper.
"Good Luck." She murmured, and after a pause, turned on her heel and strode out of the abandoned wreckage.

After unceremoniously throwing the bags of food in the back, StarScream leaned against the side of her convertible Mercury Cougar and whistled. After a few seconds she heard the reliable sound of clanking metal and frantic running. She smiled as her beautiful German Shepherd raced up to her.
"How were the dumpsters, love?"
She was answered with a sloppy lick on the face- apparently Zombie's trip had been equally as successful. She opened the car door, letting the dog jump in first, the went around to the driver's side and slid in.

It had been a few days since she had shaken the Dracs off her trail, but she'd been driving nonstop since. That was the thing about being a killjoy- Sometimes being on the run meant no destination. She loved driving, however. Just the freedom, the silence, the wind. When she couldn't take the thoughts consuming her mind, she would blast music, and sometimes she would tune on the transmitter radio, hearing strange voices-meaningless reports and conversations. It was and odd habit, but the reason was just to hear a human voice once in a while. Because, while she tried and tried to convince herself she wasn't lonely, didn't need anyone else, it was a relief to hear voices sometimes. She found it calming, almost sad, but when the occasional thought crept into her head that maybe, she did need someone, she angrily shut it out, saying, (sometimes out loud),
"I'm FINE. I don't need anyone."
Because she knew she was better on her own. Since she was sixteen she had been on the run, escaping not only BLI, but also her memories, her past. Traveling with people, having companions, meant only one thing- losing them.

I'm probably going to introduce the Fabulous Killjoys in the next chapter for the point of view :P Please R&R!!
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