Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > I Don't Love You

If You Look In The Mirror And Don't Like What You See

by DoctorDeathDefy 4 reviews

"They all either made up excuses, said they'd already said they'd go with somebody else or just laughed in my face."

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Angst,Drama - Characters: Mikey Way - Published: 2011-07-15 - Updated: 2011-07-15 - 915 words

I was even more depressed when I went home than I was when I left for school.

“Hi, boys. Good day at school?” Mom called.

“Yeah, thanks, Mom,” Gee replied.

“Mm,” I mumbled, not in the mood for conversation.

“Dinners on the table in thirty minutes, guys, okay?” She told us. I didn't even bother replying. I just went straight up to my room.

Mom called me downstairs and Gee upstairs when dinner was on the table. I didn't feel like eating, so I kinda just pushed the food around my plate with my fork. Mom pressed a hand to my forehead with a concerned look on her face. “Are you feeling okay, sweetie?”

“Yeah, Mom, I'm fine,” I replied, sighing.

“Well, why aren't you eating?” She sat down, looking confused.

“I'm just... I'm not hungry,” I shrugged.

“Oh, come on, Mikey. You're always hungry,” Mom laughed. That just made my heart sink even lower. Great. Now I was fat and ugly.

“Not tonight,” I said. “May I be excused?”

“Why? Mikey, do you have plans with Sam or something?” Mom asked.

“Sam dumped me,” I said, flashing a jealous look at Gee, who blushed and looked down at his lap.

“Oh, sweetie. You never told me,” She stroked my hair. “Well. Do you have plans with your friends?”

“No, Mom. Please, can I just go to my room?”

“That's a first. You always go out with your friends,” Mom observed. That just pushed me over the edge.

“No I don't!” I yelled. “I've never been out with my friends. Know why? Because nobody likes me, Mom. I haven't got any fucking friends. Not real ones, anyway. I'm a loser, alright?”

And then I ran back up to my bedroom in tears.

Gee arrived at my bedroom door about ten minutes later. “Hey. Wanna tell me what that was about?” He said, sitting on the edge of my bed. I'd been lying there crying for a while now.

“I told you at school- nobody likes me,” I sniffed.

“And I told you to stop being so stupid,” He put a hand on my arm. “Now come on. Tell me why you think that.”

“Because Jessica and Trey and Ben and the rest of them told me so, alright?” I turned to face him. “My so-called 'friends' told me that nobody likes me. They were the only people in my grade who even liked me anyway. If they don't like, who does?”

“I'm sure you have other friends, Mikey,” He said, giving my shoulder a reassuring shake.

“I really don't,” I sighed. “And... and I'm never going to have a real relationship.”

“Why not?” Gerard said. “The right guy's out there for you somewhere.”

“I don't think he is. Every relationship I've had is people using me to get someone back at someone or to get closer to somebody else,” I sat up. “I've told six people that I love them, and I've never once heard it from anyone outside the family. Did you know that?”

“Well, you're only fifteen, you still need some time.” He stroked my cheek. “Look, I promise you'll find Mr Perfect.”

“Will I?” I raised my eyebrows.

“Yeah. And you never know. There's that school dance on Saturday. Maybe you'll find him there?” Gee said. I shook my head.

“I'm not going,”

“Yes you are, Mikey. Come on. We'll find you a cute guy to go with, someone real nice, yeah?”

“Well... I guess,” I sighed. Maybe he was right. Maybe I could find my Mr Perfect.

Or maybe not. I spent the whole of the next day asking round all the single gay and bi guys if they'd go to the dance with me. They all either made up excuses, said they'd already said they'd go with somebody else or just laughed in my face. I was down to the last one. A kid named Ethan, a shy, nerdy kid who was kinda a social outcast. He just drifted along, keeping himself to himself. He got teased a lot for being smart and quiet. He really was the bottom of the social ladder. But you just never know... he could have been my Mr Right. I took a deep breath then walked over to him.

“Hi, Ethan,” I said, smiling pleasantly.

“Er... hi, Mikey,” He replied, blinking at me, confused. I couldn't blame him. I don't think we'd ever spoken to each other. Ever.

“So... listen. There's the big dance on Saturday and I was just wondering... since I don't have a date, and I hear you don't have a date maybe we could... you know...”

“What?” He still looked confused. Sam and all his friends were standing on the corner, watching and spluttering with laughter.

“I er... I was wondering if you wanted to go to the dance. With me,” I smiled wider. Ethan didn't.

“Oh.” He swallowed. “Mikey, look. You seem like a nice guy and everything. But my social status really doesn't need to be dragged down any more. And I think, if you and I went to the dance together, that's what would happen.”

“What?” It was my turn to look confused.

“I'm already considered a big enough nerd without everyone thinking we're dating,” He explained. “I'm going with my friends. Maybe you should do that too?”

“Yeah, I er... I will. Sorry I wasted your time,” I swallowed again.

“See you,” Ethan walked away, leaving me standing there while all my ex-friends laughed at me.
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