Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Kidnapped

Kidnapped Ch. 5

by DoctorDeathDefy 3 reviews

Frank's Panicking.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Frank Iero,Ray Toro - Published: 2011-07-17 - Updated: 2011-07-17 - 421 words

Frank's P.O.V:
The sound of my phone ringing tore me from sleep. I groaned and looked at the caller ID on my screen. Ray Toro. I pressed the recieve call button and pressed the cell phone to my ear. "Look, Ray, if you and Bob got it on last night, that's fantastic. But like I said last time; I don't need to hear about it," I told him.

"No, Frank, it's not that," Ray sounded frantic. "Gee and Mikey are at your place, right?"

"No," I replied, sitting up straight. "They're at home. Why?"

"Because I left my sweater here last night and er... well... you should probably get down here..." He gulped. I didn't need to be told twice; I got dressed quickly then flew outside and into my car. I was at Gee and Mikey's within two minutes.

I gasped. The house was a complete mess. The whitewashed front had been splattered with red paint. The longue window was smashed, and the torn curtains were hanging out of it. The garage door was dented and most of the paintwork had been scraped off. The door had been knocked right off its hinges and was lying on the floor in the hall. "Ray?" I yelled. "Ray, where the fuck are you, man?"

"Here," He stuck his head out from where the front door had once been. I ran over.

"What the fuck happened?"

"I don't know," He shook his head. "But come in - take a look."

Everything was on the floor. All the Way family portraits had been smashed. Anything porcelain or glass was in shards on the floor. Any paintings and drawings of Gee's were either torn to shreds or burnt to ash. I whirled round to look at Ray. "Are they here?"

"No - all I could find was this," He held up a cigarette butt. "I thought it was Gee's at first, but it was on the floor in Mikey's room."

"Oh," I swallowed. "So... so somebody's taken them then?"

"I think so," Ray nodded. I gasped. Somewhere, someone had my beautiful GeeGee. Someone might've been hurting him, or doing God knows what to him. I got the worst picture in my head - Gerard being beaten by a faceless figure, gritting his teeth and trying not to cry for his little brother's sake, while a bloodsoaked and weeping Mikey was forced to watch. I felt tears trickling down my cheeks.

I was vaguely aware of Ray's voice saying my name before I fainted.
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