Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Been Holding On Forever

Drop Like A Bullet Shell

by raygun33 1 review

StarScream gets more than she can handle from a fire fight

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2011-07-17 - Updated: 2011-07-18 - 1074 words


Jet Star fiddled with the dial as they struggled to get a clear channel. In the backseat, Grace and Fun Ghoul were arguing about something that eventually turned into some sort of tickle fight. Party Poison concentrated on the desert road and Kobra Kid sat in the back flipping through a magazine while ignoring the fight next to him. Suddenly Jet Star yelled,
"Shut up!"
"What?" Poison asked, concerned.
"I can't get the signal...caught the tail end- something about a Drac horde in a Zone 1 warehouse...but there's too much static."
Kobra looked up from the back.
"Then let's go!"
Poison grinned and did a three point turn, causing dust to cloud around the vehicle.
"I'm on it.", He said, and they sped away.


It took StarScream about an hour to find what she was looking for. She knew it wouldn't be hard, what with the lack of buildings in Zone 1, so she wasn't surprised to see the mass of white motorcycles parked outside the warehouse. It would be a challenge, yes, but right now that was exactly what she wanted. Quickly, she sized up the situation. Presumably eleven Dracs in a two story warehouse, not including the basement. So what were they doing there? Searching for survivors, no doubt. Or maybe they were simply there to ransack the place. Quite possible either way..

Escape could be difficult, and I don't know where they all would be...
After some consideration, StarScream pulled a large, flat case from under the passenger's seat. She opened it carefully, and observed the gorgeous treasure inside. Seven ray guns, each a different color, gleamed in the sunlight. StarScream ran her finger over a row and then selected two from the bottom. First a venomous green one, appropriately named Monstrosity, and the a subtly shining white one- Ghost. She slipped the two into the low-slung holster across her waist, grinning smugly at at her choice. Monstrosity was the best when it came to her aim, and Ghost was pure mockery- the same color was used by the Dracs. Satisfied, she closed the case and then returned it to its original place. Then she turned serious.
"I want you to stay here, Zombie. I'm not going to risk your life again."
After several attempts to disobey, the dog returned to the car, sitting up straight in the drivers seat as if to guard the vehicle.

StarScream then turned on her heel and walked around the back of the building to find the least obvious entrance. When she did, she took a deep breath and slowly opened the door. She found herself on a balcony of sorts, looking down on the workroom below. Shelves and boxes filled the place, and everything was eerily quiet until she heard a scuffling sound in the corner below. Taking Monstrosity from her holster, she withdrew into the shadows and pressed against the wall. From there she could see two Dracs going through a large box below. In it seemed to be...batteries.
So the city's running out, huh? she thought. How ironic. Battery city, low on power. But of course you have stashes in the zones...

The thought was sobering, and she solemnly raised the gun and took careful aim. The sound of a laser beam shot past her and the Drac fell, a scorch mark visible surrounding his eye. Well, she was good with guns. The other Drac, however, remained standing. She watched his panicked confusion until he looked up and spotted her. Even through his mask she could tell he was surprised. However, he was also fast. A second later, a ray hit the wall just beside StarScream.
"Gotta do better than that if you wanna kill me, bitch.", she hissed and flew down the staircase and across the floor, aiming a kick between the Dracs legs. Slow on the uptake and unable to recover, he dropped to his knees with a cry of anguish. StarScream kicked him again and the stood with her foot on his back, pinning him to the floor. She looked down in disgust.
"This is for my parents.", She snarled, and pulled the trigger. This is almost too easy, she thought. But there was one problem. Where were the others?

Her question was answered almost immediately when a door slammed open and two Dracs appeared, probably to see about the noise. By this time, animal instinct took over and StarScream sped across the room and went behind a shelf, blindly taking aim. She heard a body crumple to the floor, but the other Drac was too quick. Footsteps retreated quickly, but she knew they would return with more. In the meantime, she rushed to the box of batteries and stuffed handfuls into her jacket. A shout made her look up, immediately pointing her gun to the balcony. Two Dracs fell, but another surprised her by coming in on the same floor behind her. She aimed a punch to his face and fired to the left where another one had appeared. Dodging fire, StarScream ran between shelves and avoided the falling boxes and ladders. Then, everything was quiet. Five seconds, eight seconds, nothing. Cautiously, StarScream peered around the edge of the shelf. Nothing. Then- BAM! A blast grazed her left arm and she ran back to the end of the room. Through a hole from a ray gun in the shelf she stood behind, she could see four Draculoids walking slowly her way. But something was wrong. More were appearing. There were way more than eleven here already...

In a split-second decision, she fired several shots from Ghost, and then made a run for where she hoped the exit was. Suddenly, out of nowhere, came the deafening sound of metal on concrete, panicked yells, and simultaneously something tripped her from behind. Managing to catch herself, she spun around to see a Drac behind her, gun at the ready. She screamed and lunge forward, knocking the gun from the Dracs hand and kicking it spinning across the warehouse. Behind her, she heard voices, gunshots, explosions. What was happening? It didn't make sense. There was a fight, but no one was shooting at her. That could only mean...
But before any of this could register, a shattering punch was aimed at her eye, and another to her temple. What was- but she didn't finish the thought. Stars erupted into her vision, and everything went black.

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