Categories > Anime/Manga > Inuyasha > Double Trouble

New Technique

by MarineManiac 1 review

WIND SCAR! Following in the old man's footsteps.

Category: Inuyasha - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure, Fantasy - Characters: Inuyasha, Kagome, Kanna, Kikyo, Kirara, Koga, Miroku, Naraku, Rin, Sango, Sesshoumaru, Shippo - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2006-06-03 - Updated: 2006-06-04 - 1217 words

Double Trouble Chapter 3

"Hey Miki you asleep?" asked Yukiru tried waking her brother up.
"Mmmm...five more minutes mommy..." Miki grumbled turning over.
"Miki! Come on!" she whispered angrily.
"Yuki...go...sleep now." He moaned not really wanting to wake up.
"...There's a massacre we've got to hurry!" she said violently shaking her brother. He sprung up immediately,
"Where!? Where!?" he said almost yelling, Yukiru covered his mouth to keep him quiet.
"Psyche. There isn't a massacre, but I'm worried Inu isn't back yet."
"You woke me up for that?" he paused laying back down, "She can take care of herself, beside Uncle Inuyasha went to go find her, he knows where she goes." He paused closing his eyes, "Now get some rest and leave me out of it."
'Fine...I'll go find her myself.' Yukiru thought to herself. Miki stayed awake,
"You know Yuki sometimes I wonder if I'm related to you and Dad or you two are the twins instead of us." Miki said opening up his eyes,
"If you're going to go, I, as the older brother must go with you." he groaned getting up. He retrieved his weapon and put it in his belt.
"Hey! You're only older by one minute!" Yukiru half yelled.
"Shush do you want them to hear us? Let's go before I leave you." Miki thought. Yukiru walked up to her 'older' brother with her staff,
"We really do think alike...for twins I mean." Yukiru said placing her hand on his shoulder, Miki smiled,
"Let's go." He said. They moved swiftly across the field past their parents, it was cake to them.
"What are you doing out here!?" asked Sango. They both froze to see Sango hadn't seen them but she was talking to Kika, Kilala's offspring. They exhaled in relief and continued on their way.
"Miki shouldn't we go by treetops now? It may help conceal our scent...Uncle Inu does have a more acute sense of smell than Toki."
"You're right, do have that stuff mom gave us for fooling demons?" he asked
"Yup! Always carry it with me!" she said excitedly.
"Sorry," she said. She took out a little container that Kagome called a tupperware container. It had several herbs a little cream thing in it.
"Miki do me a favor and get me a leaf from that tree." She said pointing to the closest tree, he did and brought it to her. She took the leaf and mushed it into the container. She took a rock that was nearby and used it to mix it together,
"This'll take a little bit, might as well sit down." Yukiru said to her. Miki sat obediently and watched his sister work.

"Okay Toki we're here." Said Inuyasha. Toki moved in front of him about 10 feet away.
'Okay Toki, don't be reckless... figure out the weakness of your opponent and if they don't have one, make one.' InuToki thought to herself.
"Okay first off you have to be able to sniff where the youki meets your nose. Then you must aim for that and strike for it to have its greatest effect. Helping to activate it with Kagaga-no-Tsubaba, don't forget to say Wind Scar to use it. Then when you get to my level you'll be able to activate it without saying Wind Scar." Inuyasha started.
"Dad...that made no sense what-so-ever, how 'bout I just unsheathe Tessaiga, sniff out where the two demonic auras collide and strike there, saying Wind Scar?" InuToki asked. Inuyasha was completely confused on how she had got it and understood it so well.
"I did you know that?"
"Mom told me..." she smiled and gave the peace sign to her father, "Where the swirling vortex of demonic energy collides, strike there to perform the Wind Scar."
InuToki walked up to Inuyasha and pulled out Tessaiga, it immediately activated growing three times it size and into a finer blade.
'Wow...awesome." She got a devious grin on her face as she eyed her father.
"Target practice." She whispered. Inuyasha, with his sensitive ears heard her and started backing away slowly, and soon turning into a run. InuToki chased after him, not really knowing when to strike. She caught up but still wasn't as fast finally hoping for the best, she swung full force. Inuyasha jumped to avoid the blast. Toki opened her eyes and saw a path way that she cleared with the Tessaiga. She looked at her father, who landed neatly on the ground. Sheathing Tessaiga quickly and leaving it where she stood she ran up and tackled Inuyasha, making the fall to the ground.
"Didja see that!? That was AWESOME!" she yelled looking at her dad. He smiled back, obviously proud and no words could explain.

Miki and Yukiru froze in their places as a huge cyclone of swirling air shot by barely missing them. They looked in the direction of the blast in time to see InuToki sheath the Tessaiga and tackle her father.
"Whoa...was that..." Yukiru trailed off. Miki nodded also shocked beyond belief. Suddenly Yukiru lost her balance and latched onto Miki, who was dragged down with her.


They hit the ground hard, Yukiru getting it the hardest since her brother fell half on her. Before they knew it, both InuToki and Inuyasha stood right before them.
"What are you two doing here?" InuToki eyed the two, Inuyasha glared at both.
"Umm... we got worried." Yukiru replied smiling after she flipped her brother off her back. Inuyasha crouched down to face her,
"Do your parents know about this?" he said.
"That's a good question...tell you what I'll pay you and we forget this little mess and don't tell Mom and Dad." Yukiru said
"So I take it they don't know." Inuyasha stood up and yanked up Miki and Yukiru.
"C'mon you two your going back home. Toki follow me." The twins walked in front of Inuyasha silent and InuToki next to him only behind slightly. InuToki had already given Tessaiga back to Inuyasha and was already a little gloomy about it. Several minutes had passed and they reached the hut, Miroku and Sango waiting for them- apparently they had found that they were both missing.

"And we were so worried." quoted Yukiru once the twins were put back into bed. She was always being the smartass. Miki sighed knowing this was never going to stop and being the good little boy he was he went to bed, Yukiru soon after she'd clam down. InuToki however stayed up, with her parents, Miroku and Sango in the main hut.
"So Inuyasha tells me you're a fast learner." Kagome said. She had started a little fire some time ago.
"Yup, I learned the Wind Scar." She smiled big. Sango, Miroku and Kagome looked up in shock but quickly returned they're normal faces.
"Is that so?" Kagome replied now her voice was cracking a little bit. She hid it well but with InuToki's acute hearing she could hear it.
"What's wrong mom?" she asked her smile fading.
"Oh it's just a sign that my little baby's growing up!" Kagome lied she knew what the future held. It was something that happened about eighteen years ago...they all knew it, all except for the three kids.
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