Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance

The Bad Coffee

by UltimateKilljoy 1 review

When the guys wake up with a hangover, a coffee will help...or will it (sorry, not good at summaries)

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Humor - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2011-07-29 - Updated: 2011-07-29 - 450 words - Complete

This is my first story so I'm sorry if it's crap...I was just bored :P

Gerard was awoken by a loud snore coming from Mikey's direction. He opened his eyes to see Mikey asleep on the armchair opposite and Frank passed out on top of Ray, who was also awake. Gerard stared at Ray, quietly laughing as his eyes pleaded with him for help. Eventually, Gerard got up, or at least tried to but as he stood, his raging headache making him collapse back onto the sofa with a thud. Mikey suddenly jolted awake, glanced at Ray and Frank, and burst out laughing. Gerard made another attempt to stand, this time succeeding. He walked over to Ray and Frank and lifted Frank off Ray.
"God, for a small person, he's heavy!" Ray exclaimed. Frank must have heard him.
"You calling me fat?" Everyone jumped at the sound of his voice.
" Wait a minute, if you were awake, why were you still on top of Ray?" Gerard asked.
"I couldn't be arsed to move," Frank replied.
"Sure you weren't just enjoying Frank?" Mikey giggled.
"Shut the fuck up man."
"What the fuck did we do last night?" Ray said, showing clear signs of a raging hangover.
" 4 litres of vodka and 20 bottles of beer," Frank replied,"anyone fancy coffee?" he said as he walked into the kitchen.
"Do you even need to ask?" Came Gerard's reply.
Frank walked in a couple minutes later with four cups of coffee. They all grabbed the cups eagerly and began pouring the dark liquid down their throats. They all spat it out.
"What the fuck is this Frank? It tastes like warmed up urine!" Gerard yelled.
"Oh yeah," Mikey said, laughing.
"Micheal Way, what the fuck have you done?"Gerard yelled at his brother.
"Lets just leave it at, I had a LOT to drink last night."
"Dude, are you trying to tell us we just drank your piss?!" Ray yelled.Mikey legged it. Frank stood blocking the doorway.
"Oh shit." Gerard grabbed him from behind and pinned him down to the floor. Frank went and collected all four cups of piss-coffee. Ray sat down next to Mikey and pinched his nose tightly shut. Frank sat the other side of him. Gerard, Frank and Ray sat laughing. As Mikey opened his mouth to breathe, Frank held his mouth open, poured the piss-coffee into his mouth and then held his jaw shut. Mikey gagged. The 3 of them watched as he swallowed it. They all laughed. Gerard released Mikey.
"That'll teach you to piss in the coffee maker then won't it?" Gerard said, all of them laughing at Mikey as he rushed to the kitchen for water.
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