Categories > Books > Harry Potter > The Slayer, The Avatar And The Guardian Of Light

CH16 - A Mysterious Message

by GuardianOfLight 1 review

Harry sends Dumbledore a message

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: R - Genres: Crossover, Fantasy, Romance - Characters: Dumbledore, Ginny - Warnings: [!] [?] - Published: 2006-06-04 - Updated: 2006-06-04 - 699 words

Chapter 16 - A Mysterious Message

Dimension: 563 - Earth
Date: 31st July 2001 AD
Country: England - Devon
Location: The Burrow
Time: Evening

Ginerva Weasley was sitting by her windowsill again.

She was wondering....or rather praying that Harry had recovered and was in fact alive and well.

Her answer appeared on the horizon as Hedwig swooped into view.

She jumped to her feet as the bird approached and almost ripped the message from her leg, causing the poor bird to click in annoyance.

She quickly opened the message, a second envelope fluttered to the ground which she ignored, instead focusing on the letter in her hands.

Dear Ginny

It's Harry and yes I am alive....thanks of you.

Thanks to the information you sent, Fleur was able to enter my mind and work me through my pain.

I am now fully recovered except for a little weakness from the flu.

I am going to begin training to try to work that off so by the time school starts I should be my old self again.

The enclosed letter is a message for the Order though it is addressed to the Weasley's, that way Hedwig can leave before Dumbledore knows, I would like you when you have finished reading it to run into your brothers room with the other envelope, shouting that it is from me or something.

I owe you my life Ginny; I hope that some day I can repay you.


She read the letter twice sighing, why did he have to say that at the end, she had been trying to get over her school girl infatuation, that letter had just fuelled it.

After thinking for several seconds she placed the letter in one of the draws beside her bed before picking up a bit of parchment and scribbled a note which she gave to Hedwig along with the delivery instructions.

Waiting until Hedwig was completely gone she picked up the letter off the floor, quickly reading it before running out of her room.

Albus Dumbledore was marching back and forth inside his office, he had just received a letter via the Weasley's and he quite honestly was not sure whether it was good or bad news.

Stopping and leaning against his chair he read the letter again.

To the Order

By now I'm sure you will have discovered that I am no longer in Little Whinging and you are probably combing the country for me.

What you do not know is that I have no intention of ever going back to the Dursley's ever again, especially after this summer.

I expect they told you that I had just left on my own or something, well I am telling you now this is not true, I had very real reasons for leaving.

I will not tell you what these reasons are but rest assured they have destroyed my faith in the Order, Dumbledore, and in particular their ability to keep me safe.

I am sure you will be pleased to here that the wards around the Dursley's were useless as when my hosts came to get me, the only barrier they faced was the front door. The protections around me at the moment are significantly greater than those protecting me before.

All I am going to tell you is that I am alive and that I am not going back, I trust my current hosts a lot more than the rest of you and I will be staying with them for the remainder of the summer.

Ron, Hermione, Ginny, I apologise if I worried you and I look forward to seeing you on the first day of school.

I will return on September 1st.

Do not try to find me.

Harry Potter.

Dumbledore folded the letter and placed it on his desk, he had sent word to all the Order members to keep looking, he did not believe that Harry was safe wherever he was, if the letter was even genuine.

He had had Mr Weasley send a message to Miss Granger informing her of Harry's letter, there was no need for them to worry as well.

There had to be a way to find him....there had to be....
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