Categories > Books > Harry Potter > The Slayer, The Avatar And The Guardian Of Light

CH18 - Take Two - Sleeping Arangments

by GuardianOfLight 2 reviews

Harry gets a surprise when he hears where he will be sleeping during his training

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: R - Genres: Crossover, Fantasy, Romance - Characters: Fleur, Harry - Warnings: [!] [?] - Published: 2006-06-04 - Updated: 2006-06-04 - 1712 words

Chapter 18 - Take Two: Sleeping Arrangements

Dimension: 563 - Earth
Date: 31st July 2001 AD
Country: France - The French Riviera - Marseeleveyre Mountains
Location: Chateau Delacour
Time: Morning

They materialised in the same room twenty four hours earlier.

"Did it work?" asked Harry

Fleur looked at a clock on the wall "Yez, it is exactly tvelve O'clock midnight, tventy vour hourz earlier."

"Right, I suggest we get some sleep then, we have a busy day tomorrow, I'll go and change." He then headed into the bathroom.

Returning several minutes later wearing only his boxers and a dressing gown he discovered Fleur sitting on the bed, doing her hair, wearing a long flowing night dress, with a low cut neck.

"Fleur....I though this was my room?" he said slightly embarrassed at seeing her in her night things, he instinctively pulled the dressing gown tight around himself.

She laughed

"Oh Arry, don't be zilly, it iz our room."

"But....why aren't you in your room?"

"Because I am already vere remember, the Chateau may be large Arry but it is not big enough for uz each to ave separate roomz while you're training."

"Shall I....shall I go and get some extra bedding?" he asked moving to the door.

"Vhat for?" she asked looking confused.

"So that I can sleep on the floor" he replied.

"Oh Arry, don't be silly," she laughed, getting up and walking towards him, Harry had to fight the urge to back up....either that our throw himself at the sexy Veela "Ve are sleeping in the zame bed."

Harry's eyebrows almost went through the roof.

"Wer, we, were.....were what?" he stuttered.

She didn't answer him but began to pull him towards the bed, when they reached it, she began pulling at the cord of his dressing gown, he instinctively pulled it tighter around himself.

"Vere is no need to be shy; I have zeen you in your night vings before."

While she had seen him wearing what he was wearing at this precise moment in time before, it did not feel right, she had been fully clothed and he had been sick and bedridden

He reluctantly let her remove his dressing gown before pushing him onto the bed, dressed only in his boxers.

She moved around to the other side and got in as Harry slowly did the same on his own side, laying on his back, staying as close to the edge as possible.

Fleur saw what he was doing.

"Arry, I azzure you I don't bite."

He shifted in ten centimetres.

Fleur rolled her eyes.

"Come ere Arry."

He shifted in another ten centimetres, staying on his back and getting more and more rigid as he got closer.


He moved another ten centimetres.

"Arry, you don't need to be zo Chivalrouz." she moved towards him so that they were both in the centre of the bed, she very slightly brushed his hand with her own and he began shifting back to the other side.

"Oh no you don't." she scolded catching his arm and pulling him back.

Before he had a chance to protest she shuffled right next to him, laid her head on his chest and pulled his left arm around her.

She snuggled into his embrace and closed her eyes.

Harry was tenser than he had ever been in his life, the most beautiful woman he had ever met, dressed in a sexy nightdress was in the same bed with him, but more shockingly was that she was using his chest as a pillow.

He would never be able to get to sleep.

He just hoped Fleur didn't notice what had grown between his thighs.

Despite what Harry believed he did eventually fall to sleep to enjoy one of the most peaceful night's rests of his life.

He awoke the next morning feeling more refreshed than he had all year, he could feel Fleur's weight against his chest, the feeling was somehow comforting.

He still had one arm around her while the other lay beside her face.

He began stroking circles through her night gown, enjoying the friendly if not slightly close contact.

After several seconds he had come around fully and carefully opened his eyes.

He had to try very hard not to jump out of the bed when he saw exactly where his hand had been stroking.

He very rapidly withdrew his hand from her breast as she began to stir and pretended to be asleep as her eyes fluttered open.

After several seconds he heard Fleur whisper.

"Arry, it iz time to vake up."

He groaned slightly and stretched before letting his eyes open for the second time.

Once open he saw Fleur's smiling face looking back at him.

"Good morning." he mumbled, doing his best to make it sound like he had just woken up.

"Morning, ow did you sleep?"

"Pretty well," he said, trying to hide the fact that he had had probably the best night of his life "You?"

"Not bad, I had a very nize pillow." she replied with a sly smile making Harry blush.

After several minutes of lounging they slowly got up, Harry ensuring that he did not touch her more than necessary as they separated, something that did not go unnoticed by Fleur, causing her to smile.

Departing for the bathroom Fleur returned several minutes later, fully dresses, though unusually wearing a tight fitting set of blue jogging bottoms along with a T-shirt, revealing her alabaster arms.

"Did you vink I vas juzt going to zit by and vatch," She explained at his confused expression "I vill be training vith you."

"Oh....are you sure?" he asked as he finished tying the lace on his trainers.

"Of courze."

At that moment a house elf appeared with their breakfast, due to the fact that they were going to be going back in time, they could not eat with Fleur's parents as they would of course also be eating with themselves at a different time, so they had decided to have breakfast with them one day, lunch another and the same for dinner, trying to match the meals up in such a way as to make the most sense to the schedule.

Once finished they headed for the room they were training in this time repeat.

This time around it was Physical Defence, the room they entered was large and open providing plenty of space to train, they had decided that it would be pointless to just learn magic as you can easily loose your wand in a battle and what Pure-Blood wizard would suspect them to come at them kicking and punching.

In the centre of the room standing perfectly still was a short woman, wearing the sort of robe people wear to do martial arts, what made it look less impressive was the fact that the robes were bright pink. She looked to be around twenty years of age with long brown hair which was tied back into a pony tail.

They walked towards her, expecting her to great them or to move in someway.

When they were less than five meters from her they stopped.

"Hello?" Harry said cautiously.

In a flash of movement her eyes flew open; leapt forward, did a cartwheel, jumped out of it and brought her leg around to kick Harry in the face.

The pair dived in opposite directions, barely avoiding the foot, Harry doing one of the few gymnastic moves he had learned due to coming of his broom at high speeds so many times.

Curling as he hit the floor, he rolled and spun out jumping to his feet and drawing his wand which was rapidly kicked out if his hand, he received a kick to the chest, sending him back several meters to collide with the floor.

Harry groaned as he clutched his stomach attempting to get to his feet, the sounds of impacts could still be heard, after a couple more seconds they stopped to be replaced by silence

"Good." A high pitched American voice said chirpily.

Looking up from his position on the floor he could see the woman sitting on the floor, her knees either side of rather annoyed looking Fleur who was pinned on her front beneath the woman with her arms behind her back.

She slowly got up and gave Fleur a hand up as Harry struggled to his feet.

"That was impressive, as neither of you has ever had any training I was expecting for you both to have been hit with my first attack."

She withdrew two vials from her robes, handing one to each of them.

"These are pain numbing potions; we will be using them during these initial sessions as they dull the pain of an impact after a couple of seconds."

Harry quickly downed his, within seconds the pain in his stomach was reduced to a low ache.

"My name is Polly; I will be teaching you Physical or Muggle Defence, including karate, judo and kick boxing. I am teaching you this summer as a favour to Comtesse Delacour." she explained "First I will teach you how to stretch."

The rest of the day was spent learning the basics of punching and kicking, luckily both Harry and Fleur were very flexible and easily managed to pick up the moves.

Harry had to resist the temptation to just spend the day staring at Fleur as she went about the exercises, her figure stretching and bending into posses that would make most men groan in pleasure.

At the end of the day they had learned the basics of punching, kicking, blocking and the correct way to fall, they were understandably tired and just wanted to go to bed, the training was a lot more strenuous than they thought, how on earth Polly managed to remain pleasant and awake for the entire day they would never know.

After saying goodbyes to Polly they staggering into tomorrows room, they had to force themselves to actually stay conscious while they ate dinner instead of simply collapsing onto the bed, after managing to finish the light supper they had been given they barely managed to operate the Time Turner before collapsing onto the bed, falling asleep before they could even pull up the covers.
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