Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > 100 Ways To Torture Gerard Way

20. Foot Whipping

by theescapist99 7 reviews

"Gerard felt as though he could bare it at first, but with each hit, the pain stung more and more."

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Drama,Horror - Characters: Gerard Way - Published: 2011-08-04 - Updated: 2011-08-04 - 330 words - Complete

A/N: Hey y'all sorry it took me so long. And apologizes on this being a short chapter. Don't worry though, the one after the next one is brutal. Back to the torture! :)

20. Foot Whipping

They had him turn onto his stomach. A blackbird brought out a leather paddle. They raised it, and smacked it onto his feet sharply. Gerard hissed a little, his toes curling and uncurling from the impact. Then they repeated the motion. Raising it as high as they could, they smacked the soles of his feet with a loud snap.

They repeated the motion every 3 seconds, not allowing for any recovery time at all. Gerard felt as though he could bare it at first, but with each hit, the pain stung more and more. Eventually, his nerve endings felt as though they were on fire. The fat and muscle around them were only being tenderized more and more.

He tried to moved his legs to ease the pain, but they had become useless since they had been broken. In addition, a blackbird was holding him securely by the ankles. All Gerard could do was brace himself for each hit. After a while, he wondered if the paddle had begun to cut into the flesh. It certainly felt that way, and he was surprised that he did not feel the outpour of blood that had become all too familiar to him now.

The pain soon began to travel to the surrounding areas. Tears formed in the corners of his eyes. The sting was unbearable, and the blows kept coming. Curling his toes in was doing nothing to help endure the pain, and nothing was helping him brace himself.

By the end of it, Gerard was sobbing. His feet feeling as though they would be never able to walk another step again.


Next chapter: "Almost hope you're in heaven, so no one can hurt your soul. Living in agony, cause I just do not know where you are..."
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