Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > The World's Unfair

Bullies Suck

by drpeterick 0 reviews

aww bless them

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2011-08-06 - Updated: 2011-08-06 - 1070 words

The next day was terrible. As I walked through the halls to my first lesson, I felt more eyes than usual on me. It was unnerving, but I thought nothing of it until I got to my first lesson and every conversation going around the room stopped. Then one of the jocks called out, 'hey look it's the queer kid!' Turns out someone saw me and Jakey making out the other day after we got out of Craig's car.
'Jake's gonna love this...' I murmured after I'd sat down. The reason Jake and I hadn't arrived together was because he forced me to leave the house for school without him. Of course I insisted to stay, saying if one of us is late, then the other should be too. He made me leave using the trick
'If you love me then you'll go without me!' Ugh... how dare he!
When he finally did walk through the classroom door - nearly forty five minutes late, too - his greeting wasn't much better. Whispers and murmurs echoed around the room. He sat down next to me in our usual spot attracting some sniggers. I quickly explained what was going on before the teacher told me to shut up. He looked thoroughly deflated. I felt terrible. We sat in silence for the lesson. As the bell rang and the silence was broken by the class erupting in noise, I heard quite a few comments about the 'fags'. One student was quite scared that we'd 'visit him during the night to taste his grapes'. What the fucking fuck?

We didn't go to our next lesson. Instead we camped out in the toilets for the hour and twenty minutes. When we got there, Jake immediately started crying - hard. I don't blame him. I nearly started myself. Not because they were having a go at me, because I couldn't bare to see my baby upset. I held him tight to me, letting him soak my shirt. He was shaking a little but i'm honestly not surprised.
The rest of the day obviously sucked. But meeting up with Craig and Davy made things a little better. In fact, it turned out that most kids were on our side. Only about a quarter of the school were homophobic dicks. It was still more than none though...
'So if you get married, who'll wear the dress?' Davy cracked up.
'Well that'll be me, darling!' I said.
Just then a few cunts walked past throwing out insults. It was getting tiring and every time it happened, Jake just looked a little more beaten. Then he looked up at me grinning my stupid smile, and he smiled and blushed a little. At home time, I was opening my locker in the hall when I felt something on the back of my head. C couple of tall kids wearing soccer jerseys were standing around laughing. I yelled a couple of instults to which they replied with just swear words, then thought nothing of it and started to shuffle out. Jake approached me, keeping his eyes on the floor since the jersey-wearers weren't gone yet. I wanted so bad to just pick him up and hold him against me forever, protecting him and keeping him safe. One of the older kids then yelled,
'Fat cock polisher' I don't know, I just kind of lost it.
I got to the kid and put my arm against his neck and pushed. Hard.
'Don't you fucking dare come any where near me or him ever again.' I snarled very close to his face. He looked a mixture between shocked and scared. His freinds went to pull me off him but I was stronger than any of them. He however, wasn't.
I had to go for the biggest one, didn't I?
Yes did because no one's hurting Jake around me.

He shoved me off of him with all his force then threw a punch. It hit my eye. I punched his face and he went flying back against the wall.
'YOU FUCKING FAG' he spat.
'YOU'RE GOING TO WISH YOU'D NEVER SAID THAT' I growled before lunging at him again. Before I reached him, Coach got in between us.

Shit I thought.

Jake ran over and I managed to yell back that i'd meet him at his house in a bit.
The headmasters of was boring as fuck. Me and that cunt - Chad as his name was - were forced to sit opposite each other, glaring the whole time. We got a standard telling off, then were released to go home. He charged past me, nearly knocking me over. I grabbed his shoulder and immediately regretted it. He stood there and stared at me.
'What?' He said loudly, still pretty annoyed I throw a better punch than him.
I sighed. Might as well ask... 'Why do you hate us for being gay?'
He looked a little suprised, but I'm pretty sure he knew I was going to ask it.
'Becuase...' he looked away trying to think of what to say. 'Because i'm scared.'
Woah. I was not expecting that.
'It sucks living this lie.' His eyes were starting to go red and I could tell he was holding back tears. I actually felt a little bad for him. But my anger of what happened earlier was still there, too.
'What?' I said in a small voice, knowing exactly what he meant.
'Oh come on! All my friends would hate me! I'd be tortured!'
'But that's exactly what you do to Jake.'
'It's never my idea, It's always someone else. I actually always thought he was cute' He shut up immediately after that last part and stared at the floor.
'Hey hands off, huh?' I smiled
'heh... yeah.' He replied blushing and kind of awkwardly. 'Look um, i'll try and make the guys lay off a little. N-No hard feelings?' he looked up and put his hand out.
I shook it and said 'Yeah you got it man.'
He started to walk away but I recognised the back of his head.
'HEY! Don't I sit behind you in English?'
I was impressed that he'd said that. I'd be more impressed if he sticks to it.
'Yeah ok man, you got it.'
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