Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Boys Are Like Chocolate - The Sequel

Chapter 6

by MCR_Vampire_321 0 reviews

Mikey's POV.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Published: 2011-08-08 - Updated: 2011-08-08 - 613 words

Mikey’s POV…
“I hate myself Mikey, I hate myself!” Gerard yelled at me before running off. I stared after him, just standing there. Gerard was gay? Why hadn’t he told me? Surely he knew that at first I’d be confused but after a while I’d accept him no matter what he was like. He’s my brother and I’ll always love him no matter what!
What those girls had said had hurt. Obviously I’d heard the whole thing about Gerard being gay and dating me. But Gerard hadn’t asked to be gay. If people wanted to make rude comments then they’re more pathetic than I originally thought. I don’t want Gerard to hate himself. I don’t want anyone to hate Gerard. Is he upset because I’m being brought into this too? It’s not his fault and it’s not my fault.
After standing there for a few minutes, I ran off to talk to Frank. He must understand what Gerard is feeling. Maybe he could talk to him, make him start to accept himself. Then maybe he’d start actually liking himself.
I finally found Frank by the back gates by himself “Frank, can we talk please?”
“Mikey, I need to tell you something!” Frank burst “I need to tell someone before I just die of guilt!”
“Oh, okay… What is it?”
“It’s my fault that Jasmine broke up with Gerard!” Frank sobbed “I gave her this fake photograph that I’d photoshopped of Gerard kissing this other girl and of course he had the red hair so she believed it and dumped him and I did it because I want to be with Gerard but I can’t stop thinking about what I did without feeling terrible!”
He was talking so fast that it took me a minute to process “You did what?”
“I broke them up! Because I was jealous!”
“Frank…” I just stared at him, open-mouthed “How could you do something like that?”
“He told me he was gay.” Frank told me, wiping away one of his tears “He was acting like it had never happened when I knew for a fact it had. He was making me feel stupid. Like I was an idiot. I didn’t like feeling like that.”
“That doesn’t explain what you did!” I breathed “Frank, do you know how upset he was?”
“Then how come,” Frank asked “After his devastating break-up he ran straight to me? He admitted that everything he’d said was true and started going out with me? His relationship with Jasmine was a lie.”
“And you turned into an even bigger, more serious one!” I snapped “Frank, I don’t know what to say. I can’t believe you were capable of something like this.”
“Look, please don’t tell Gerard!” Frank begged.
I shook my head “Frank, I won’t tell him… But if he asks I will not lie to him. He’s my brother.”
“I know but he’ll break up with me if he finds out!”
“Then that’s your own fault right? It was your mistake, you have to deal with the consequences.”
“Mikey you don’t understand!”
“I came over here for a reason.” I interrupted “Gerard seems really down lately because he’s insecure about the whole being gay thing. I was wondering if you’d talk to him about it? He just yelled at me that he hates himself. I don’t like seeing him like that. Would you please try and cheer him up?”
“I… I could try…”
“Thanks.” I turned around and started walking away “Liar.”
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