Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > All is fair in love and war.

Chapter 7

by mcrobsessed99 1 review

"If you want your dumbass boyfriend to live, youll drop that guitar and come with me."

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2011-08-09 - Updated: 2011-08-09 - 333 words - Complete

That night, we all stayed at my house. We were blaring Fallen Angels by Black Veil Brides.
Frank had gotten his guitar and was playing it for us.
I had played my drum set and scream sang Dearest by Picture Me Broken for everyone.
Mikey played his bass, and Gerard sang again.
Frank suddenly stopped playing.
"Guys! I have an idea"
We all looked at him.
"We should start a band."
Mikey and me looked at each other.
"Mikey could play bass, Casey could play drums, Gerard could sing, and I could play guitar! Ray plays guitar too. We could have him in it too!"
"Thats actually a good idea..." Gerard said.
"Let's do it!" I yelled.
"What would we call it?" Frank asked.
"Oh I know! I was at the bookstore and I saw a book that had the words chemical romance on it. How about we call it Chemical Romance?" Mikey said.
"Thats awesome, but it seems to be missing something..."
"Lets call it My Chemical Romance!"
Everyone started applauding my idea.
I stood up and took a little bow, then kissed Mikey.
"So we're doing this?" Frank asked.
"Yep we are!" Gerard announced.

TIMELAPSE: The next day

We were in my garage waiting for Ray to come.
I sat at my drumset twirling my drumstick around in my hand.
Frank and Mikey were strumming at their guitars, and Gerard was humming something.
Ray ran in with his guitar.
"Hey guys, sorry I'm late."
"No problem..." I said.
"Okay guys...let's start. We're doing this song I wrote for my grandmother."
He named it Helena. We started playing and he started singing. He was so amazing.
Our practice was interrupted by Franks dad running down the door.
"Well hello my faggot of a son."
He was holding a gun.
Frank looked terrified.
Frank's dad grabbed Gerard.
"If you want your dumbass boyfriend to live, youll drop that guitar and come with me."

yes, I put Casey in the band. :)
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