Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Gold Digger

Touching in the rain

by XxlovefrankieroxX

The many wonders of the male anatomy...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Erotica,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Warnings: [X] - Published: 2011-08-11 - Updated: 2011-08-11 - 7829 words - Complete

The day was hot, but much more suffocating than the past days. The heat was not as extreme, but Frank felt as if he could barely breathe as he panned for gold with Gerard.

The storm clouds in the distance were steadily creeping closer as the day progressed, and all of the men kept glancing at them with looks of mixed disdain and hope. No one really wanted the rain to be too bad, the heat had dried the ground so much the approaching storm would create a mud bath and possibly flood the river; but at the same time they were all so hot and run down they were in dire need of a refreshing downpour.

As everyone worked the area was oddly quiet, nobody really speaking as they just got on with their panning. The river was bubbling away like usual, but the general atmosphere was one of lethargy and bad tempers. The heat was getting to them all it seemed... all except three men.

Frank was still feeling giddy from his delicious morning with Gerard. He couldn’t stop thinking about his body and how mesmerising it had been to get a real good look at him. Exploring Gerard, he decided, was his new favourite thing and he planned to do it many more times.

Gerard too, was still feeling relaxed and tingly from his wake up call. He couldn’t stop himself from glancing at Frank every now and then, the desire to just pounce on him so strong it was any wonder he hadn’t given into the temptation yet.

Then of course, there was Sam.

For some reason, Sam seemed to be in a very bright mood, smirking and humming to himself as he panned further upstream to Frank and Gerard. He hadn’t spoken since his comment about the storm, but Frank could sense him glancing over at him every now and then and it was making him feel uncomfortable.

Frank slowly looked out the corner of his eyes up at Sam, finding that he was looking at him again. His gaze made Frank’s skin crawl, his eyebrows raised and his lips curved up into a devilish smirk. Frank couldn’t tell whether he knew something or whether he was planning something... but neither seemed good.

“Gee.... Sam keeps looking at me...” Frank whispered after a moment, Gerard nodding and not looking at him as he continued shaking his pan in a few inches of river water.

“I know...” He whispered back, careful to make sure no one overheard them. “Just ignore him. It’s nothing.” He purred, knowing that Sam often did this sort of thing. There had been sweet, naive young men here before whilst Gerard had been here and Sam had often made them leave. No one really paid any attention to it, acting as if they didn’t notice, but there had been many a man who had left due to Sam’s glances and sometimes even more than that...

Sam was one of the most intimidating men in the town, no one messed with him. He always had a lot of gold, and no matter whether he was drunk or sober he was always up for a good bar fight. He had slept with the prostitutes more than any of the men... but Gerard knew he had slept with plenty of the young men who had been here too. He supposed some of the other men were suspicious about it, but if suspicions grew too high then Sam would be quick to accuse the poor sods he forced himself onto for hitting on him and they would soon be swinging from the old oak tree...

Gerard shuddered softly and bit his lip, his stomach churning sickeningly. It was a dog eat dog world in this town, and Sam was practically king. Unless someone actually saw him sleeping with a man then no one would have the guts to try and overthrow him, and Gerard knew that if he managed to sink his claws into Frank it would disastrous.

“Just keep working.” He whispered to Frank as he continued to look nervous and the shorter man sighed, looking at him a second before nodding and doing as he was told.

Frank may be naive but he wasn’t stupid, and Gerard knew that he was aware that Sam was up to something. But Gerard only hoped he would be able to somehow protect Frank. He didn’t want him to leave because of Sam, and he certainly didn’t want him getting hanged.

It didn’t even bear thinking about.

He slowly glanced up at Sam as Frank got busy panning in the river, and Gerard scowled when he saw Sam was still staring at the younger man, his watery blue eyes sparkling dangerously in the dying sunlight.


Frank sighed as he collapsed back onto his bed and kicked off his boots with a small groan. He and Gerard had been panning all day, much later than usual to make up for the time they had missed out on the day before and he felt exhausted.

Thunder was beginning to rumble in the distance, the sky overhead by now completely black. All of the men had stayed late on the river but the usual gentle walk back to the cabin had become a frenzied jog as everyone rushed to get under cover before the storm hit.

Despite the awkward day what with Sam’s glances and the humidity in the air both Frank and Gerard had managed to get a lot of gold and they smiled at each other as they poured the yellow grains of hope into glass bottles.

Every time Frank watched the bottles filling with his day’s earnings he would think about his mother and grandmother, how wonderful it was going to be when he finally had enough gold to go home and support them both. And he knew that Gerard too would gaze dreamily at his own earnings and think about his sick brother who desperately needed every last bit of wealth Gerard could offer him.

The older man had a lot more gold than Frank did from his year of already panning here, but he still needed more. Though Frank imagined it wouldn’t be much longer before he had enough to go home and as much as Frank was happy for him... he dreaded the day he would be left here alone.

“Right, a new food supply arrived this morning. I’m gonna go stock up on provisions for us – you staying here?” Gerard smiled once he had stripped of his working clothes and changed into some fresh ones. Frank glanced at him and smiled softly, yawning a little.

“Will you be okay on your own?” He asked softly and Gerard chuckled, pulling on his boots.

“Of course I will. I won’t be long. Get some water on the boil and I’ll make a stew when I get back.” He smiled; Frank nodding and watching him go with a dreamy smile.

When Gerard opened the door a gust of violent wind blew inside, the curtains fluttering and Frank shivered, looking out in concern at the churning black clouds filling the sky, but Gerard didn’t seem fazed at all as he stepped out of the cabin and shut the door behind him.

Gerard sighed and huddled into his shirt, wandering through the dust roads between the cabins as he made his way to the small wooden building where all the food brought to the town was stored. He had a small pouch of gold that he and Frank both contributed to with which to buy provisions with and he made a mental list of what they needed as he walked.

He glanced up at the sky and bit his lip, knowing it wouldnt be long before the rain began to fall. Bolts of lightning were already flashing on the horizon, and the wind that was howling was cold and biting.

Gerard quickened his pace as men around him rushed to the tavern to get under cover for the night. No amount of bad weather was going to stop them from getting drunk as usual and Gerard knew the whores would be in for a lot of gold tonight. It sickened him to think about it and he scoffed to himself, dodging through a stream of the older men to move down another path and jog to the supplies cabin.

Once inside he shivered a little and rubbed his arms, looking about as he stepped up to the counter. Ben was the man who gathered all the food and essentials from the passing wagons and he weighed out the gold and the provisions for all the other men. Gerard didn’t know if he kept the gold or not, he wasn’t sure how it all worked but it didn’t really matter.

“Evenin’ Gerard.” Ben greeted from behind the counter, putting down the little block of wood he was carving a figurine out of with his pocket knife. “Looks like we’re in for a rough night.” He commented as he got to his feet and Gerard nodded, pulling the pouch of gold from inside his shirt.

“Sure does, thought I’d get some stuff quick before it hits.” He agreed, Ben grabbing a small sack from under the counter and laying it down with a smile.

“So, what’ll it be?” He asked, Gerard listing out everything he wanted and Ben danced back and forth, grabbing the items from the shelves behind him, weighing them out and putting them all into their separate paper bags except for the coffee which Gerard bought a whole small crate of. So he was addicted, it wasn’t the worst poison he could choose to live by.

“That all?” Ben smiled as he finished packing everything into the sack and Gerard nodded, handing him the pouch of gold.

“Thanks Ben.” He grinned, Ben chuckling as he carefully weighed out the tiny gold nuggets on his scales. He was the best man for this job really, he was middle aged, strong and witty but also honest. He had never scammed any of the men or cheated them out of their gold like many would have done in his position; he was one of the few men Gerard respected in this town.

“Right... that should do it.” Ben smiled, handing the pouch back, still half full and Gerard thanked him again as he placed it back in his shirt and picked up the sack.

“Be sure to get back to your cabin soon then Benjamin, this old place probably won’t stand in the winds it looks like we’re expecting.” Gerard sighed, Ben chuckling as he nodded, rolling his eyes.

“Yeah, and I don’t I know it. I’ll be sure to move on soon.” He promised, Gerard tipping an imaginary hat to him with a laugh before he said his goodnights and turned to leave.

Just as he reached the door it suddenly swung open, Sam appearing in the doorway and striding straight into the room with a devilish smirk. He looked Gerard up and down as he barged past him, Gerard scowling and hitching the sack further up into his arms before he continued onward, but Sam turned and stopped him.

“See you’re still sticking to that same spot at the river then Gerard.” He drawled, Gerard rolling his eyes and scowling at him out the corner of his eyes.

“That a problem?”

“When are you gonna learn it’s no use boy? The top of the river is where all the gold is.” Sam laughed huskily and Gerard shrugged, holding his head high as he turned towards the door again.

“I’ll bear that in mind.” He scoffed, Sam striding forward and gripping Gerard’s arm. “Hey! Let go of me!” Gerard snarled, yanking out of his grip and Sam laughed loudly, Ben watching from the counter.

“You’re only making life harder for yourself. And that man of yours.” He smirked, Gerard bristling as he glared at the taller man.

“Man of mine?” He repeated icily, Sam grinning deviously.

“Ya’ know. Frankie. Follows ya’ round like a little lost puppy, ain’t ya’ noticed?” He purred, leaning in close so that Gerard could smell the tobacco on his breath, making his stomach churn. “Awfully close, ain’t cha? And just when we was all thinkin’ you were a recluse.” He chuckled, Gerard staring steadily back at him.

“Frank and I are friends. He’s about the only man in this place who isn’t completely deranged.” He spat, turning and striding out the cabin, Sam laughing behind him.

“You think so? Cos’ I thinks you both got the sickness!” He called after him, Ben gasping as Sam laughed so hard he nearly choked on his own tongue, Gerard ignoring him as he strode quickly away from the cabin.

He knew that he and Frank weren’t sick; no more than any of the other idiots in this place were. But his heart still hammered erratically at how right Sam was. Being gay here was considered a sickness of the mind, something wrong in the brain and he only hoped that Sam wouldn’t go around blurting that kind of stuff out. People would believe him only too easily if he wanted them to. But at least with him obviously pining after Frank he wasn’t likely to go spreading that about them just yet... Gerard only hoped he would keep wanting Frank just long enough for them to get the gold they needed and hightail it away from the town.


When Gerard returned to the cabin he seemed shaken and Frank looked up at him from the fire where he was watching the water boiling in the pan. He bit his lip and got to his feet as Gerard put the sack of food down, looking at Frank with wide eyes and trying to smile, but it came out all wrong and Frank was on him in an instant.

“Gerard? Gerard, is everything alright?” He whimpered, cupping his face and staring intently at him as the taller man tried to nod convincingly.

“I... Yeah. Of course. I got coffee.” He giggled nervously and Frank gripped at his shirt, leaning in close as he searched his eyes.

“Coffee? I... Something’s happened, hasn’t it? What is it? Gerard please, tell me!” He begged, his heart beginning to hammer. This town made him nervous enough as it was without Gerard acting strange too. “Is it Sam?” He asked, the guilt that hit Gerard’s face telling him everything he needed to know and his blood ran cold. “Oh God...” He gasped, stumbling backwards away from Gerard. “Does he know?” He choked, clutching at his chest as Gerard snapped out of his own horror and began to shake his head.

“No... No, no he doesn’t he... he well... I don’t know. I think he’s suspicious, I don’t think it’s serious.” He mumbled, Frank only looking more terrified and he quickly tugged him to sit down beside him on his bed, tenderly kissing his cheek. “I mean... well... I don’t know.” He groaned, gripping his hair a moment and trying to think straight.

“How can you not know? What’s happened Gee!?” Frank cried, gripping his hands and staring at him in fear until Gerard finally managed to compose and gently tugged him to sit in his lap.

“Shh... it’s okay. I’m worrying over nothing, we both are. It’s nothing...” He whispered, softly explaining what had happened in the supply cabin with Sam and hurriedly telling Frank that he did stuff like that all the time to plenty of men who became friends.

“It’s just his jealousy Frank. He’s only trying to scare me away from you so he can muscle his way in, I’m sure of it.” He said gently, Frank trembling lightly in his arms. “He wouldn’t tell anyone he thinks we’re... ya’ know... I don’t think he even thinks that. He’s just trying to make me spend less time with you to make it easier for him is all. If he really believed we were together then he’d have had us hanged by now.” He whispered, Frank clinging to him.

“Oh God...” He breathed, mewling as Gerard gently kissed his forehead.

“Shh... Please don’t be frightened...” He purred, feeling much calmer now he could think straight. “You’re just going to have to be really careful now Frankie... I don’t want him hurting you. I’ll be here to defend you but I can’t be around you every second of the day... so just be careful.” He sighed, Frank nodding and clinging to him as they held each other on the bed.

Frank took some comfort in that Sam probably didn’t know about them, and even if he did it was only from his own suspicions and he had no proof, and besides, he wasn’t going to tell anyone anyway. But that still didn’t stop him from feeling terrified. If the only reason Sam wasn’t going to accuse them of being together infront of everyone was because he wanted Frank then... where did that leave him? He had come here to get gold for his family, not get to raped by some creep.

“Please... protect me Gerard...” He whimpered softly and Gerard sighed, holding him tighter and squeezing his eyes shut as he thought of how innocent Frank really was. Times like these he just seemed as vulnerable as a child and Gerard knew that falling for him would be a dangerous thing to do. He couldn’t afford to grow attached to him when it was so controversial and risky. But... how could he not fall for him?

“I promise...” He sighed quietly, his heart skipping in his chest when Frank’s lips pressed softly to his cheek and for a long moment they just hold each other as the rain began to fall outside.


“You know... I’ve always loved storms...” Frank mused as he finished his coffee and placed the mug down on the wooden box the two men used as a makeshift table.

They had just finished their stew and the cooking and eating process seemed to have made them both feel much better. Frank felt calmer now, knowing that he didn’t need to get panicked or upset yet, and Gerard too felt brighter now he had eaten. He knew what Sam was like and he knew that what he had said had just been empty words. For now at least they were safe.

Outside the storm had grown steadily closer as they ate and by now the rain was hammering loudly against the windows, so heavy you couldn’t see through the glass as the water cascaded down it. They had closed and locked all the windows and doors tight but the cabin was still cold from the howling wind so they were sat close to the fire for warmth. Every now and then claps of thunder would reverberate through the sky and the lightning would flash, lighting up the cabin for a second before it would fall back into the warm orange glow of the fire.

Gerard hadn’t seen such a bad storm in years, but he couldn’t help but agree with Frank.

“Me too...” He sighed, looking at the windows with a small smile. “I find them strangely peaceful somehow... Mikey was always scared of them but I love them...” He breathed, meeting Frank’s gaze and quirking an eyebrow at his mischievous grin. “What?”

“Have you ever kissed someone in the rain?” He asked innocently, Gerard smirking at him and almost laughing aloud.

“Erm... No actually, I haven’t.” He chuckled, shaking his head fondly as Frank’s eyes sparkled. “Don’t tell me you want to drag me out there.” He smirked, his tone making it clear he would not be stepping out that door anytime soon.

“Oh come on.” Frank whined, grinning at him. “I’ve always wanted to kiss in the rain, can you imagine what it’d be like?” He beamed, Gerard nodding as he glanced at the windows again.

“I sure can imagine it. It’d be real wet and real bloody cold. I ain’t planning on getting pneumonia anytime soon thank you very much.” He laughed, Frank pouting and giving him a sad face for a long minute before an idea struck him and he shrugged.

“Fine. If that’s the way you wanna be.” He scoffed, slowly unbuttoning his shirt as Gerard watched him with half amusement and half intrigue. “I just thought you’d be all for it... I mean... The way our lips would get all wet... How my shirt would... go see through...” He purred, undoing just enough buttons to reveal the very top of his chest as he lounged back in his seat.

“Now you’re just embarrassing yourself.” Gerard chuckled, though his interest was well and truly sparked.

“You think so?” Frank purred, opening his legs a tiny bit wider and running his hand down his body. “I can’t help it if I love the elements... the wildness of the storm... the out of control rain... how hot it’d make me to just... ravish you out there...” He whispered, almost groaned and Gerard could only stare helplessly. He knew he was being played but he couldn’t help but get drawn in.

“Frankie... This is stupid.”

“I just wanna press up against your wet body...” Frank continued, undeterred as his slowly slid his hand down his thigh.”Ummph... Just wanna... pull at your wet hair and... Oh... feel you all over me...” He mewled, squeezing his groin through his breeches and Gerard just about fell off his seat.

“And here I was thinking you were a sweet boy.” Was all he could think of to say as he stared mesmerised at Frank squeezing himself through the fabric of his trousers.

“Oh I am...” Frank suddenly insisted, pulling his hand away so that Gerard would look into his eyes as he flashed a playful grin. “Just... this weather. I don’t know what it is, it makes me crazy.” He purred, Gerard quirking an eyebrow before he stared in surprise as Frank suddenly sprung to his feet and dashed to the door.

“Hey, where are you going?” Gerard squeaked, Frank grinning at him as he unlocked the door and flung it open.

“Outside of course.”

“I hope you don’t expect me to follow you cos’ it ain’t gonna happen.” Gerard insisted strongly, folding his arms across his chest and dropping back into his seat with what he hoped was a serious look. Frank though, only shrugged and stepped outside anyway.

“Doesn’t matter. I’ll have my own fun.” He announced, shutting the door behind him and leaving Gerard stunned and speechless in his seat.

What in the hell had gotten into that guy?

Outside it was a little colder than Frank had expected, but he wasn’t put off. He had been thinking about Gerard all day, just wanted to impress him so much and he wasn’t about to miss this golden opportunity. Everyone would be in the tavern sheltering from the rain so he knew they wouldn’t be seen, and he really just wanted to forget about his fear for Sam and remember why he was risking so much in the first place.

He stood in the rain motionless for a second, gathering his courage and feeling ridiculously stupid as he slowly spread his arms and tipped his face back, closing his eyes to feel the rain against his face. It was falling so hard the water droplets were like icy bullets all over him, but it did sort of give him a little thrill as he submitted himself to the elements. He had been making it up when he had said this sort of weather made him crazy, but now he was stood here, he began to think that maybe it did. It felt... good, to surrender himself like this.

“Mm... Yes!” He laughed, giggling as he spun in a small circle and focused on the water running over his body, forgetting about his whole plan to try and coax Gerard outside as he just kept his eyes closed and felt the rain all over him.

All around the dirt roads were growing muddy and slick, but luckily the cabin was built on a gravel patch so Frank’s feet didn’t get grubby as he pranced about, arms out and head back as he soaked in the feeling of the icy water all over him. His clothes were already sticking tight to his skin, his shirt no doubt completely see through by now and his nipples were rock solid nubs poking through the wet fabric from the frigid temperatures.

His hair stuck to his face and he flicked his head to get it out of his eyes, spraying water everywhere as he moved about, half running and half dancing as he giggled and grinned, unaware of Gerard watching him through the door which he had opened just a crack, staring with jaw dropped at the younger man who had, in his opinion, gone completely bonkers.

A flash of lightning lit up the earth and Gerard bit his lip hard at the sight of Frank dancing about barely six feet away, spinning around and swaying his hips as his body arched and twisted. His clothes were so tight Gerard could see everything through them, the fabric sticking to the contours of his body and making the older man’s mouth water. He didn’t even jump when the thunder rumbled loudly across the sky, the noise seeming to spur Frank on and he ran his fingers through his wet hair, laughing at the exhilarating feeling of just letting go like this, of dancing with the rain and singing with the thunder as if he and the storm had become one.

“Frankie.” Gerard called softly, biting his lip and feeling his stomach tingle at the strangely erotic sight. “Frankie, come in side. You’ll freeze.” He whined, but Frank only shook his head, not opening his eyes as he continued to bound about.

“God no! This is amazing!” He giggled, turning and stopping suddenly, opening his eyes to grin at Gerard and the older man was taken aback by the look of pleasure in his eyes. He looked free and genuinely happy, the pain that seemed to hide behind his irises most days suddenly gone. And just like that, Gerard couldn’t deny him anymore.

Frank grinned widely when Gerard hesitated for a moment before slowly walking out into the storm to join him, shivering violently from the sudden onslaught of rain against his body but he didn’t stop, closing the door to keep the water out the cabin before he moved to Frank.

“I can’t believe I’m doing this.” He groaned, his teeth chattering and Frank giggled, holding his hands out to him and lacing their fingers when he reached him.

“Just close your eyes and feel it.” He smiled, tipping his head back so the water ran down his throat and over his collarbones. “It feels beautiful...” He sighed, Gerard quirking an eyebrow, feeling stupid as he slowly copied Frank and closed his eyes.

For a moment he just felt cold, wet and miserable. But then he began to feel his heart race, his body tingling as he let the rain pelt him, let the thunder make his chest rumble with it and he slowly grinned.

“Wow...” He purred, water droplets running over his lips and he spread his hands out when he felt Frank let them go. The rain pattering against his face and eyelids felt like a million tiny needles, yet it was magical somehow. He chuckled breathlessly as he felt Frank’s cold fingers pressing to his cheeks, pulling his face down before wet, cold lips gently pressed to his own, parting softly against them and a hot, moist tongue snaked into his mouth.

“Oh...” He groaned, the contrast from the cold outside and the heat of Frank’s mouth caused his cock to twitch in his pants and he slowly moved his hands to rest on either side of Frank’s neck, their lips barely moving as their tongues danced and Frank’s hands tangled into his wet hair, tugging gently at the dark locks just like he had fantasized about.

Frank felt his heart rate increase as he pressed tight to Gerard, their wet clothes sticking as they began to kiss each other with more passion, their tongues moving back so their lips could slide and pout together, slick from the rain drumming against them.

More thunder rumbled overhead and Frank pressed ever closer to Gerard, tugging harder at his hair as they kissed passionately and desperately, lust seeming to rise in them like flood water. Out of control and wild as their body’s pressed tight and their hips pushed and shoved, desperate for friction as they grew as frenzied as the storm around them.

“Mmph... God... Frankie, you’re insane.” Gerard groaned, his hands moving to squeeze at Frank’s ass, gripping tight and pulling him against him as the younger man grinned against his lips.

“I know... ah... Gee, God I want you so much right now...” He whined, his cock already hard in his breeches which was quite a feat considering how cold it was and Gerard could only nod drunkenly as he began to drag Frank back into the cabin.

“Mmph... you can have me... just get out of this rain first...” He panted, knowing that despite how good it felt to be grinding up against Frank in the rain it was also not the best decision health wise and thankfully Frank didn’t complain as he was tugged into the cabin and hastily taken to lay down infront of the fire.

Gerard kicked the crate they had eaten from aside and shimmied quickly out of his soaked clothes, Frank watching him through half lidded eyes as he draped across the ratty old rug infront of the fire. He looked as if he had had sex already, with his glossy eyes and wet, tousled hair and Gerard could barely contain himself as he quickly stripped Frank too.

Once all their clothes had been peeled away and left in a wet pile on the floor Frank dragged Gerard back to him and pressed his lips hungrily to his, kissing him with feverish passion as their cold bodies pressed together, their skin damp and frigid though they were rapidly warming up in the heat of the fire.

Gerard moaned softly against Frank’s lips and spread his legs with his hands, Frank automatically wrapping them around his waist so that they could rock together and rub their erections over one another. Both men groaned into each other’s mouths as their cocks throbbed and leaked pre cum, the rain pounding against the window creating their fast paced rhythm as Frank gripped and tugged at Gerard’s wet hair.

“Mmm... Mmph... Frankie... Oh...” Gerard shuddered a little as he felt his abdomen tingling pleasantly, Frank’s erection leaking with pre cum so much their movements were soon too slick for any real friction and the feeling only turned Gerard on more. It was so heated, so lusty, he hadn’t experienced anything like it. The way Frank’s body just responded as if he had never had any sexual contact before was driving the older man wild.

“Gee... Mmm... Baby, I want you.” Frank groaned, his mind hazy as it span. He didn’t know what had made him so frantic, so hot... but he knew what he wanted and he wouldn’t stop asking for it until he got it. “Please... Please Gerard... want you inside...” He groaned, Gerard pulling back to look at him as he struggled to make sense of his words.

“W –What?” He breathed, forcing his hips to still and pressing his hands down onto Frank’s to keep him under control too as he mewled softly. “Frankie... Don’t get carried away.” He warned him huskily, trying to keep some semblance of sense in the forefront of his mind before they went too far. “You’re not ready.”

“What? Of course I am. I’m not a virgin Gerard.” Frank whined, grabbing at the older man’s ass and trying to drag him down against him. “Please Gee... Oh God, please... I am ready. I am.” He insisted, spreading his legs wide and tilting his hips up, inviting the older man in and Gerard’s heart missed a beat as he gazed down at Frank, open and wanting.

“Sweet Jesus, Frankie you don’t know what you’re saying.” He croaked, his hands aching to feel him all over and Frank gazed steadily at him, his eyes swirling with lust but also with trust and he slowly reached out to tilt Gerard’s face up to his.

“Yes I do.” He whispered softly, trying not to give away how badly he wanted this in case Gerard thought it was just the heat of the moment making him say these things. Frank couldn’t deny that he wasn’t thinking straight, but he had always dreamed of how it would feel for another man to touch him such a private place, he had always known he wanted it and he didn’t care if it was only lust making him so desperate. Gerard wouldn’t hurt him, he knew it.

“Please Gerard...” He purred, stroking the older man’s cheeks and softly kissing over his lips again and again. “Please...”

“God damn you Frankie.” Gerard groaned, kissing him passionately for a moment as he felt his will crumbling. How could he deny him when he sounded so sure? Besides, he wasn’t like some virginal woman who was going to rush in head first, scream that it hurt and then accuse him of ruining their virtue for months after. Frank wasn’t a virgin, he most certainly wasn’t a woman, and he had just as high a sex drive as Gerard did.

“If you regret this...”

“I won’t.” Frank said instantly, sensing that Gerard was weakening to him and he smiled as he kissed him hungrily, wrapping a hand around his erection and pumping slowly. “I promise I won’t...” He purred, stroking Gerard until could smear enough pre cum down his length to make him slick and he began tugging him towards his ass.

“Mm... please...”

“Hold up.” Gerard grunted, quickly tugging back and spitting against his fingers. “Don’t go getting hasty Iero.” He warned, holding his thighs apart and nudging a fingertip against his anus. “You’ll only hurt yourself.”

“Mm... You’re too good to me...” Frank purred, grinning almost drunkenly at Gerard as the older man focused on rubbing against his entrance with one finger until he felt the muscles relaxing and giving way to the digit. He may not have known much about having sex with men but he knew enough to know it was going to hurt like hell if he didn’t prepare Frank first.

“Shut up will ya’, I’m concentrating.” He snapped, a little put out that he had given in so easily and Frank giggled softly, leaning up to kiss Gerard softly as the first finger slid in.

“Romantic.” He sniggered before gasping as he felt the finger inside him and his muscles clenched tight before he slowly relaxed. He had never felt anything like it and he wasn’t entirely sure he liked it. “Mmph...” He whined, turning his face to the side and screwing his eyes shut as Gerard slowly stroked the finger inside him, watching him carefully.

“Do you want me to stop?”

“N – No... It doesn’t hurt.” Frank breathed, lying back and focusing on the heat from the fire licking against his skin as he wriggled his butt a little. The sensation wasn’t painful, just very strange... but he didn’t want to stop Gerard after begging so much for him to do this, and he was so desperate to give all of himself to the older man. He had always dreamed of doing this he just hoped it would get better soon.

“Frankie... If it starts to hurt...”

“It doesn’t. Carry on... please...” He breathed, resting his hands on Gerard’s arms as he lay back and kept his eyes closed, trying to ride through the initial alien sensation as Gerard slowly began to work in a second finger.

Gerard’s heart was hammering as he focussed on Frank’s face, trying to make it feel good for him as he slowly fingered his ass. He had never done this before and he didn’t know what Frank was feeling, but he kept it steady as he slowly began to scissor his fingers and stretch him. He wasn’t sure they should have sex tonight, he wasn’t convinced Frank was ready and he would wait forever if he had to, but he would do this at least just to take a few steps forward.

“How does it feel?” He whispered softly, Frank huffing gently and gripping his arms tight.

“Feels weird...” He grunted, spreading his legs more and shifting his hips so that Gerard’s fingers slid deeper. “Feels so weird...” He breathed, his nails digging into Gerard’s arms as he began to feel the initial horror drain away. The scissoring was stretching him and it stung a little but it wasn’t unbearable, in fact, it began to feel kind of good and he mewled softly as Gerard pushed his fingers deeper and deeper, feeling something inside the younger man and he pressed a fingertip against it softly.

“Ooh...” Frank gasped, holding Gerard’s arms tighter as his body quivered and his muscles tensed in surprise, his nails scratching lightly as he purred. “Oh God... do that again.”

Gerard watched curiously as he touched the little bundle inside Frank again, his middle finger and pointer fingers just able to reach it and stared, open mouthed, as Frank whined in obvious pleasure and began to gyrate his hips as his cock twitched and pulsated.

“D – Does that... feel good?” Gerard breathed, his own cock throbbing at the sight as Frank writhed slowly beneath him, nodding frantically as he released his grip on Gerard’s arms and tangled his hands into his own hair.

“Y – Yeah... Oooh... feels really good...” He whined, his voice husky and deep, laced with pure pleasure and Gerard’s stomach clenched as he wondered what it was he had found. He pressed his fingers as close as he could over the bundle, just able to get his fingertips flush against it and he began to rub them up and down, up and down, up and down... He watched Frank’s face intently, stunned by the mask of pleasure that had touched his features, his chest beginning to expand and retract rapidly as he started to pant.

“Oh... Oh my... That... That’s so... unnn...” Frank gripped tight to his hair and rolled his head from side to side, whatever was being touched inside him was sending tingles right up his spine, his anus clenching rhythmically around Gerard’s fingers as a weird throbbing began inside him. Like a little button against Gerard’s fingers, pulsing with need. “Gerard... Gerraard... D – Don’t stop...” He whimpered, his toes curling a little.

Gerard moaned softly purely from the sight before him, Franks stomach sucking back against his spine and then out again as it quivered and clenched from pleasure, even his thighs jolting every now and then as the swollen head of his penis oozed strings of cum onto his stomach. Gerard hadn’t seen anything like it and he couldn’t tell whether Frank was having an orgasm or just giving off a whole lot of pre cum. He didn’t think it would help the moment if he asked though so he simply kept going as Frank moaned and squirmed about beneath him.

“Uuuh... Uuuh... Uhhh....” Frank tugged at his hair and arched his back a little, moaning softly as his mouth hung open and his body tingled all over. He was leaking copious amounts of cum but he couldn’t control himself, it was just spilling from him as if he was suddenly overflowing with the stuff and his body trembled as Gerard did something to him that just made him dizzy with pleasure.

“Oh God... Oh God Gerard... Gerard I’m so close...” He gasped, forgetting completely about his original plan as he just basked in the incredible things Gerard was doing to him.

Gerard himself felt quite relieved that this was enough, he felt that sex needed to wait a little first and this... whatever this was... was just stunning. The way Frank’s body responded, squirming and clenching and tensing and... Leaking. Gerard felt like he could cum himself without being touched at all and he moaned huskily as he leant down to capture Frank’s lips in a tender kiss, rubbing his fingers inside him as he wrapped his free hand around his own pulsing erection.

Frank sighed into Gerard’s mouth and moved his hands into his hair, pulling him closer as he raised his hips and whimpered for more, Gerard starting to slowly thrust his fingers again but this time the sensation was wonderful, his fingertips nudging against that spot inside him with each push in and Frank could feel his orgasm building.

“Oh... Oh! Gerard... Gerard mmph... baby I... I’m gonna cum...” He gasped, gripping tight to his hair and pulling hard as Gerard began to jerk himself off quickly, keeping his fingers inside Frank steady and moving away from his lips so he could watch.

By now a small puddle of cum had formed on Frank’s stomach, a seemingly never ending string of cum still drooling into it as Frank began to writhe more erratically, his hips bucking and his moans growing louder and more desperate as his ass began to clench tight.

Gerard could feel his balls tightening as he watched, barely able to hold on and he gasped as Frank suddenly arched his back, crying out in pleasure as came hard, the string of cum turning into ropes that exploded all over his chest and stomach, his ass clenching so tight Gerard had no choice but to keep his fingers still.

“Oh God...” Gerard pumped his hand faster over his length and groaned loudly as he too came, exploding over his fingers and Frank’s hip bone as he shuddered through his orgasm.

For a long moment both men milked their orgasms, Frank slumping first feeling completely boneless as everything in him just quivered deliciously. As Gerard withdrew his fingers he hissed softly, both his anus and penis hypersensitive and he couldn’t stand to feel anymore contact for a moment.

Luckily, Gerard was too busy trying to wipe them both clean before he collapsed beside Frank and just curled up in the light of the fire, panting softly as Frank lay weakly on the rug beside him, his chest heaving as he struggled to catch his breath. He had no idea what the hell had just happened, but he definitely wanted Gerard to feel the same thing sometime soon. He felt as if something magic had just happened, something special and secret just for them and as soon as he felt strong enough he dragged Gerard to him and kissed him with all the emotion he possessed.

“Mmm... Gerard... You’re perfect.” He groaned, Gerard panting softly into his mouth and looking at him through half lidded eyes.


“Come to bed.” Frank whispered, trying to get to his feet but his knees buckled and Gerard was quick to catch him, carrying him to his bed where he curled up with him beneath the covers with a dazed expression.

“What just happened?” He asked softly once they were settled and curled up in one another’s arms, Frank shrugging with a breathless giggle.

“I have no idea but... you have to feel that sometime... it was... incredible.” He breathed, Gerard biting his lip and slowly nodding his head.

“You had something inside you... like a... a nub. As soon as I touched it you just... went crazy for it.” He breathed, Frank opening his eyes and looking at him sleepily.

“Really?” He purred, smiling and gently laying a hand over Gerard’s bare bottom. “I can’t wait to find yours...”

“What if I don’t have it?” Gerard asked worriedly, biting his lip as his heart hammered. He desperately hoped he did, wanting to feel whatever it was Frank had and the shorter man smiled dreamily.

“You will Gee... I just know it.” He purred, Gerard smiling softly and kissing Franks forehead, the night suddenly perfect as they snuggled beneath the covers, the fire dying down slowly.

“Mm... I hope so...” He whispered, sharing a soft, sleepy kiss with Frank before they both drifted to sleep to the sound of the rain outside.

Heeey people,
Sorry this took so long to get out, I just wanted to give myself a week off from writing until after my aunts funeral and I’m feeling much better and more motivated now :D I wasn’t sure about the smut in this chapter when I started it... I want to keep this story as believable as possible and I wasn’t sure whether it was the right moment for sex or not. Then I was just casually reading up on the prostate (as ya’ do. I’m actually a real anatomy nerd so I read about various body parts when I’m bored... sue me xD) and I discovered ‘the prostate orgasm’. I didn’t even know the prostate gave guys different orgasms. I thought guys only had the one kind xD But I was mistaken! Needless to say I was so incredibly thrilled I had to put it into this chapter so I hope you guys liked it as much as I did ;D
Also, I now insist any guys reading this (or any girls with open minded boyfriends...) to go try have a prostate orgasm now. Because I am not a man. And sadly... I can not have one. And that depresses me. A lot.
Have fun kiddies! :D
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