Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Stepping Onto The Danger Line

We All Need To Talk

by Vengefulscout 0 reviews

Caught ease dropping and a decision is made.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2011-08-12 - Updated: 2011-08-12 - 1189 words

Hey people! Sorry i haven't updated in some time. Its cause i'v been busy. Enjoy!!!

(Frank’s P.O.V)
He could push people around. Mikey could have easily got up and could have seen who was outside the door. I walked briskly up the stairs and I flung the door open. The sight took me by surprise. A girl, no older than 12 was lying on the floor, looking at the door, panic-stricken. Could this young girl have been sent to spy on us? Could she be one of them? “What are you doing here?” I asked, trying to sound stern. She replied in a shaky voice “I’m sorry s...sir. I w...was walking p...past you house and I h...heard your song and I th...thought is was really g...good” she paused for a while “A f...friend of mine used to” I sighed and made my mind up. No, this child wasn’t a threat. “Well” I said “where do you live?” She indicated the house next to ours “ sir”. Then I remembered what Ray had told me about where they had investigated. I heard quick footsteps behind me and I looked down the steps to see Mikey coming up the stairs. He looked shocked to see a 12 year old kid on the floor outside his house “what she doing?” Mikey asked me “she heard us play The Black Parade “I replied, then I turned to the girl. “What’s your name?” he asked “A...Aria” she replied, she looked scared of Mikey and Mikey could tell because he shrunk back onto the stairs “Aria M...Miller” “Miller?” said Mikey, glancing up with an odd looking in his eyes. Arai shrank back, scared she had same something wrong “yes s...sir”. I looked at Mikey, then looked back into the innocent emerald eyes “you should get back to you house, Aria or you’ll catch a cold” She nodded and stood up “I’m so sorry I interrupted you” she said shyly “not a problem” I replied. She dashed round to the house next to ours and went inside. I too went back into the warmth of the house only to find Mikey looking at me with an odd expression. “We all need to talk”

(Aria’s P.O.V)
Man! I was such an idiot! Why the hell didn’t listen to myself? I sank into a sofa, snuggled into the blanket, the house eerily quiet. The house was always quiet since mum and dad had gone but it felt more noticeable now. The 2 guys I had met tonight had given me a clearer picture about them, even though I didn’t know their names. I had noticed that they all spoke politely, like posh blokes in suits and ties and not a word of slang. The boys looked about to be 20-25, but with the language, I could have mistaken them for a 30-35 year old! At least they didn’t shout at me, I always hated that even now when I get told off by Naylor every ten minuets. But the other guy with the glasses, what had he said? “Miller?” His voice then appeared to be harsher and more a forced question and the look in his eyes which showed unmistakeably across his face, anger. I got up, made some coffee to keep myself warmer and sat back down. “Maybe they aren’t as bad as I thought “I said to myself, sipping the drink through my cold lips “they almost seem, nice”

(Mikey’s P.O.V)
I sat at the end of the table with a look of concern. Frank sat next to me, matching the emotion and aiming his hazel eyes at me. “Mikey, Frank” said a voice. Bob and Ray sat down at the other side of the table, looking like a school teacher when they know something is wrong. Bob was the speaker “ please elaborate what you wanted to talk to us about” Frank looked at me , nodded and he told Ray and Bob about going up the stairs because someone was there and the girl at the door “did you think she was spying on us?” asked Ray “I don’t think that” said Frank “she was really frightened and she said she heard our music” I then took over “then I went up and saw the child too and , I have to say, she seemed innocent to me except for one thing” “which is?” enquired Bob “her name” said Frank “Is Aria Miller”. Ray’s face went into a look of bewilderment and Bob looked shocked “Miller? You mean...” but his sentence was cut short by a door opening. The 5th member of the group had walked in. “what do I hear about Miller?”He asked, taking a seat at the head of the table so he could see the pairs on each side of him. “Yes Gerard” said Frank “you know the young girl next door?” Gerard leaned forward, looking Frank straight in the eye “yes? The one that I checked on last night?” Frank looked at me and i continued “Frank found her outside the door that leads to the staircase, she says that she heard our music and she liked it and then she told us her name” I paused then said “it Aria Miller” Gerard tensed, his fist white. Then he stood “this is a problem. If this is a relative of the enemy, i think we need to reloca...” I cut in “I think we should check” Gerard looked at me “what do you mean brother?” I stood up “ this is a child, a 12 year old child who looks completely innocent to me and i recon she doesn’t know anything about this” Frank nodded “I have to admit, i agree with Mikey” I walked to the opposite of the table to face Gerard “and you saw yourself, she lives alone with no one and we haven’t seen anyone go in that house apart from her” Gerard nodded slowly for a long time before saying “ so, do you think we should assume that she is not a part of any of this” I nodded “ none whatsoever” Gerard stood and gestured the others to do the same “ come on, we all need sleep. We have an assignment tomorrow” We all murmured a goodnight to each other and headed to our rooms. “Mikey” the voice startled me and I turned to see Frank next to me “what if Gerard thinks she is involved? He wont...” he trailed off “trust me Frank, I think Gerard is intelligent enough not to” Frank didn’t seem convinced “ Get some rest Frank” I said and went in my room “ we need to be ready for tomorrow” He gave a small smile, walked to his room which was next to mine and closed the door. The house fell into complete utter silence except for the wind blowing outside and the sound of a gun being loaded.

I will update asap! R&R if you wish!
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