Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Save Yourself....

Chapter 2: Who is this girl?

by TheatreGeek 1 review

The Killjoys stop for the night. They still know almost nothing about their new passenger, who seems very determined to go to sleep.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2011-08-15 - Updated: 2011-08-15 - 439 words - Complete

The fire crackled softly, the embers flying upwards towards the dark sky. The flickering light sparkled in Sonic Nightmare's eyes and she sat in front of the flames, warming her hands. Frank was studying a map opposite her, and Ray was tinkering with a strange piece of metal with various coloured wires coming from it. Gerard and Mikey leaned against the car, occasionally glancing over.
" Well, who is she? She can't be from Better Living. She has too much....personality." Mikey looked at his brother, then at the girl who was so contentedly sitting by the fire. Gerard raised the beer bottle to his lips and took a deep swig. " No, she can't be. I think she should stick with us, she seems a strong person. Though I don't get why she was stood at the side of the road like that."
Mikey made a grab at the bottle but Gerard put it behind his back. " Hey, give me that! You shouldn't have it anyway, thats your second bottle." Gerard laughed and drained the bottle.
Frank folded up his map and sat back, looking at the girl opposite him. This was his first proper look at her, as he hadn't been able to see her in the car. Her hair was blowing in the cool breeze and she was gazing into the fire, her large eyes shining. "You okay over there?" He smiled at her, and she smiled back " Yeah, thanks." she stood up, dusting the dirt off her jeans, " I thinkk I'm gonna go to sleep, if that's okay. Night. " She gave a tiny wave to them all and spread a rag on the floor a few metres away and lay down on it. Frank watched her as she drifted off. Ray looked at him, " Dude, what are we going to do about her? "
"I don't know, we can't just leave her here though, if BL/ind find her, you know what will happen." They both glanced anxiously at her. Gerard came over, followed closely by Mikey. " I think she needs to stay with us. End of discussion."
" Yeah, I agree with Mikey Way..this guy right here.." Gerard pointed at his brother then collapsed into a fit of stifled laughter.
" He somehow managed to get hold of two bottles of beer, he'd drunk them before I could stop him."
Frank rolled his eyes, " Come on Gerard, sleep it off." he pushed him onto his side and Gerard almost immediately fell asleep. Ray shook his head and lay down himself.
As the five of them slept, the fire glowed softly, casting shadows on the red and dusty ground.
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