Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > STEVE

4.)The hideout?

by FrankieroIscute 0 reviews

When steve drags Frankie to a place no one new about. Read to find out what it looks like and where it is.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Horror - Characters: Frank Iero - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2011-08-15 - Updated: 2011-08-16 - 342 words

"Well do you have any clue of where we can go I mean cause I've got kicked out of every place I know of."Frank told Steve as he sat on the park bench like a hobo."I know one place but you might not like it."Steve told Frankie as he grabbed his hand and pulled him up and tugged him away.

"Where the fuck are we going?"Frank asked as he tried to pull his hand back but failed. Steve then pulled harder making Frank squeal in pain."Ouch Steve your hurting me."Frank said still trying to pull his hand back.

Steve squeazed even harder making Frank have tears come out his eyes.

They took two right turns then a left turn and continued to go strait and Steve started to say something Frank couldnt understand. Then they went into a cave and around two or three of the corners inside Frank had lost count of how many.

They had entered the back of the cave and Steve said a few sentences he understood."Damn this place is a mess. Shit and why is my body still in here."Steve said as he turned and looked at Frank.

"What you see is nothing."He told him looking around at the messy room. There was a bunch of dead people one of them kinda looked like...STEVE!!

"Umm Steve is that you right there?"Frank asked as he kept looking back and forth at the dead body and Steve."Well I'll tell you only if you can make a deal with me."Steve told him as he placed his hand on Franks shoulder.

"Well umm I'm not sure what's the deal."Frank said looking him in the eyes."Can you do whatever I tell you to until you die."Steve said as Frank nodded his head up and then down.

"Well umm Frankie that is my dead body and I thought it wasn't here still so I brought you here."Steve told him as he looked at his dead body.
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