Categories > Original > Drama

World’s Broken Bone

by lahla 0 reviews

Riley, a guy living in his mid-20's decides to leave his band, career, and his loved one to travel around the globe in search of his self. I wrote this a couple of months ago (erm.. late June o...

Category: Drama - Rating: G - Genres: Drama,Fantasy,Romance - Published: 2011-08-15 - Updated: 2011-08-16 - 1392 words - Complete

One Cold Summer’s Night

I can feel the warmth of the sun in my skin. The wind and its calm breathing. Everything was perfect.. It’s perfect, it’s what I wanted and I what I badly needed.

His teary eyes are staring at me.. No, scratch that.. He’s big, teary, brown eyes are staring into something not all of them can see; he’s staring into my soul. He’s staring at the real Riley that no one bothered to look at before. He’s staring at every inch of me. I was standing there, not moving.. I was also tearing up. Tears of joy, I say.. Joy and maybe a bit of sadness.

“Riley, you’re beautiful. I love you.. And will always..”

I don’t know what to say.. Well, actually, I’ve got tons of things to say but I don’t know how and.. I just can’t. My throat was too dry and so as my lips. I never felt that nervous before. Even in front of a huge crowd of screaming fans and girls.. I was never nervous. Not at all.. He’s one of the only two people who can actually make me feel this way.. Nervous.. My dad, my douche-drunkard father.. And him.

“It’s ok Ry. Everything’s going to be fine. It’s time.. We should show them.. Show them us. We love each other, Ry. You know that. I know.. I know you do. I know you love me too.. You don’t have to say it.. Ry.. Ry.. I love you.”

There was silence.. It was only his smile that I can see.. Everything was bright and I was happy. I know.. I can feel the butterflies.. Once again, he made me feel good and happy. He always does. He knows what to do and say and he knows me more than anybody else.. He knows me more than I know my own self.

I leaned my head towards his chest.. Feeling his heart beat. It was my second favorite thing in this world; the first one is his voice. Oh.. Scratch that again. I love everything about him. All his flaws and his laugh and his stupid facial expressions. I love him. I love him. But I… I don’t know how to say it.. But I know he knows me and I don’t have to say it out loud.. I think that’s the best thing about him.. He knows.. He knew things sometimes I didn’t and will never know. And yeah.. I love every inch of him.

I looked up. I saw him crying. His tears are rushing down like raindrops in the middle of September. I smiled. And he did too.. I held his hand and stood beside him and motioned him to look up to the purple-pink sky.


I squeezed his hand tightly.

“I know.. That you know what I feel for you and I know you understand things more than I do..”

A tear rolled down my cheek.

“Dan.. We can’t.. We shouldn’t.. I do.. I really.. I l..”

He pulled me close to him and pushed his soft lips against mine. Everything was just so beautiful..

Everything.. And I loved every second of it.

It was our very first kiss.. Ever.. And the last..

I stepped back and we smiled at each other.. Both eyes are filled with tears.. Tears of joy and sadness..

His face was so bright and I know every curve and line that was on it.. His picture is in my heart.. And here, it will stay forever..

“Ry.. You don’t have to say anything if you can’t. Am not forcing you to. Just.. Just do whatever makes you happy.. And when you’re ready, I’ll be here.. Always.. I’ll be always here waiting for you..”

I know it’s hard for him.. I know that he feels bad and he’s hurting himself when those words came out of his lips.. I know.. And I’m feeling the same way too..

“I love you Dan.. You know I do.. And you know I’ll always will.. I love you.. I.. I really do.. But.. But it’s not time and we can’t.. We just can’t.. People.. There will be eyes staring and looking and judging us.. We can’t.. But believe me, I really do love you.. But things are very complicated right now.. And I don’t want to risk us, I don’t want people to look at you differently.. I don’t want you to get hurt.. Please.. I hope you understand.. I hope you..”

He wiped my tears with his soft hand. I felt my heart melting and so as my whole body. I can feel his warmth. He’s like the rising sun. But his eyes.. I’ve never seen them like that before..

“I do. I understand Ry.. I know that our situation is hard and our society won’t accept us.. But some people will understand and will listen no matter what.. I know.. Simon.. He’s right there. He’s always there. And Jake. Jake will support us.. I know.. So please don’t loose hope.. I love you too Ry.. I’ll wait.. But if you don’t want me to.. I’ll… I’ll try to stop.. But I can’t promise you that ok.. I will try, if that’s what you want.. But Ry.. Please..”

“But we have to let go.. I know this will be really hard.. But it’s the right thing to do.. It’s the right thing.. Things will be hard for us.. But.. But.. We have to.. I have to..”

He sighed then smiled. He looked at me and I knew that he’s going to do what I asked him to. He’s always been like that. He’s just too kind and gentle, and I know that a girl.. A very lucky girl would be more deserving of his love and time.

And that’s the right thing to happen. And that’s how things should go..

A boy should be with a beautiful, young lady, and a girl should be with a young, handsome lad. That’s how things should go.

“I’ll be leaving you guys tomorrow morning. I have to go.. To get out there and learn more about who am I. I need to go and find myself.. Without you. Without your help.. Or anybody else’s.. I need this.. I hope you understand me, Dan..”

“Yes.. Yes, I do.. And I’ll always will.. Always..”

We we’re sitting at the edge of the world.. It was only me and Dan’s lovely brown eyes. And we had to let go of each other’s hands. We have to stand up alone now.. Riley. Dan. Two different individuals making his own name in this world. We were smiling. Both of us knew that someday, we’ll meet again and maybe by then, I’ll be ready and he still loves me and people will accept us for who we really are.

“You guys alright?”

It was Simon.

I know he saw all of these. He’s one of those few people who understands.


Dan answered and he stood up and smiled like nothing happen. I smiled too.

The sun was down and things are much peaceful now..

I looked around and tried to remember everything that happened during that one beautiful afternoon. And here am I again, standing in the same spot.. Reminiscing that time.. It was only I, him and Simon who knew all about what happened that afternoon. Nobody mentioned anything to anyone.

Our story, may be yours too, or at least, may be similar. Our story, your story, his, hers, the whole world’s..

It’s different now, I think.. It’s been almost 3 years. He has his own life, and I’m very happy for him… And here am I.. Still struggling hard and I know, someday, in time, I’ll let go of our memories and live in this world again.. I know.. Someday.. That day is coming, so don’t you worry now.. I think, maybe.. Let’s hope it’s really near.
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