Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Strange Wine

What might have been

by C_P_Apprentice

A slightly different version of the Yule Ball, very smutty.

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Angst,Erotica - Characters: Harry,Padma,Pansy,Parvati - Published: 2011-08-16 - Updated: 2011-08-16 - 20821 words

“Ugh…” Harry groaned as he tried to life his right hand towards his throbbing head. The arm was being held down by something so he moved his left and slowly moved his fingers through his still damp hair. “What the bloody hell happened last night?” He groaned again as his hand reached out and groped around for his glasses; they weren’t on the nightstand where he normally leaves them at night. Shifting his body a little produced a few distinct noises as well as he continued to search through for his glasses.
Harry knew, even through his sleep and alcohol fogged mind that he was naked and in bed. The sheets were twisted around him a little and he could feel a little warmth on his right side, which he ignored for the time being. He tried to shift his body a little more to the right as he was nearing the edge of the bed, but there was something there blocking his path. Several round shaped objects pressed into his side making him hiss from the touch of cool glass. Leaning over the bed he let two or three of the glass objects slid down to the floor with a muffled thud from the blankets being pooled there on the floor. He finally found his glasses under the nightstand and slid them on, the room around him coming into sharp relief.
The first detail that seemed to soak into his brain was that he was not in the Gryffindor dormitories. The hangings around the bed that he was now lying in were green and silver and hanging rather lopsidedly from the bra that was hanging from the top of one of the posters. His eyes swept slowly across the ceiling of stone before resting on the nearby wall and a poster of himself. The picture was from the previous year when Collin had snapped a few of him on his broom against the Dementors during that fateful game. The picture Harry zoomed around looking around frantically with its hair blowing in the breeze as dark shapes moved around in the background quickly closing in on the figure before the entire picture reset to show Harry darting in and out of the frame.
He groaned again and put his left hand to his head as the headache that had woken him threatened to push right out of his skull. He closed his eyes against the pain for a moment before looking back around the room again, taking in more details that he hadn’t noticed the first time. The room was still spinning and a little blurry from the amount of alcohol that he had ingested the night before, but he could see four other beds in the somewhat darkened room two of which appeared to be occupied as well. He could hear snoring coming from one of them, but it seemed like an odd stereo effect like two people snoring in time with each other. He shook his head to clear away some of the cobwebs before looking again at the last bed that he was sure was still occupied as well.
The last bed had the hangings pulled back to show a large lump pulsing and moving a little. From his vantage point he couldn’t see much so he preferred to look for an exit. The door that leads, presumably, out of there was nearest to his bed and only a few feet away, but the floor between the door and the bed was covered in several empty bottles of butterbeer and fire whiskey. A few still had some drops left in them and one was even doing a steady drip drip of the amber fluid out onto the floor. Carefully, Harry started to ease the blankets off of his body as he looked around for his robes, but couldn’t see anything. He was about to move when the weight on his right arm shifted a little and pulled him in closer. He went to pull his arm free and froze at what he now saw, his brain almost completely vaporizing through the alcohol in that instant as it flooded his body with adrenaline and teenage hormones.
A small mass of black hair was curled up into his side possessively clutching at his right arm and holding it tightly between a pair of luscious breasts. The breasts heaved a little up and down as the girl breathed deeply, obviously still asleep. While he couldn’t see her face, the breasts were rather nice to his teenage mind and showed pale milky white that lead down towards her stomach and met with a similar patch of black hair just above her naked sex. His inspection of the girl couldn’t go much further as her legs were covered by a wayward blanket and were interrupted by another pair of feet that were resting on her stomach. A second body was pressed between Harry and the first starting at about the waist and then draped over his legs down towards the foot of the bed.
The pair of feet draped a little over the first girl’s stomach had painted toenails of acid green. The legs were as pale and milky white as the other girl, but had a few freckles that seemed to dot her ankles and calves leading up towards her sex. The tuff of hair above it was well groomed and red. A small heart-stopping notion of Harry’s was quickly dissuade as he realized that it was darker than the Weasley red and more black with red mixed in. The stomach was well toned with some abs showing through a little layer of fat and the freckles showed up again across the navel just below the breasts. Again, the girl’s breasts were very nicely formed and slightly larger than those of her companion at the head of the bed. He couldn’t see her face as an arm was draped across her eyes and could only see a fan of reddish black hair fanned around the foot of the bed.
Harry stared for a moment at the two covered faces of the girls and then at his surroundings. For the life of him he couldn’t think of whom they were or how he had ended up where he now was. His right arm was being weighed down now and he tried to move it a little, but the girl there simply moaned and cuddled closer to the warmth of his body. He could feel the redhead moving a little since the movement had shifted her feet off of the other girl’s stomach and down towards the middle crease where Harry’s manhood was almost exposed. He gulped a little at the precarious positioning of the girl’s feet so near his crotch and tried to reach down with his left arm and ease her feet away from the possible kicking that he could receive upon her waking up.
Slipping his hand under the nightstand he started to root around for his wand. His fingers closed on the cool round wooden implement as he slowly brought it up and started to levitate both of the girls off of the bed by a few inches. It wasn’t hard for him to hold both of the spells at the same time as he slowly extricated his right arm from under the black haired girl. Both girls grunted and moved a little at the loss of heat, but neither seemed to be about to wake up. Moving ever slowly he slipped from the bed towards the floor, pushing some empty bottles out of the way in the process of moving about. He had just started to lower the two girls back towards the bed when he thought he could hear voices coming from the hallway beyond the door nearest to the bed.
He hurried to lower the girls back into the hollow space that his body used to be. The black haired girl turned on her back and seemed to press herself closer to the now empty space with a soft groan while the redhead turned her head towards him. It was now that he could see the ice blue eyes that stared up at him from under the soft curtain of red hair that framed her face. She had a smattering of brown freckles across her nose and downs along her pert lips a little. He seemed momentarily distracted by the heaving of her breasts that rose and fall with her even breathing to even notice that she was awake and openly staring at him. The voices beyond the door were getting louder and Harry moved towards the door reaching out to take the handle when it flew open with a slam against the opposite side of the wall.
Harry stood there paralyzed in the middle of the room completely naked and forgetting to cover himself up completely. For a few heart-stopping seconds the two people stared at one another before the other came into the room and slammed the door just as hard and drew their wand. Harry backed away quickly with his hands up showing that he held his own wand. Eventually the back of his legs bumped against the side of the bed that he used to be resting in as the petite blonde came towards him.
The girl that was now facing down the boy-who-lived wore the traditional Slytherin robes and the green and silver tie that poked out of the small opening in the top of the robes. She had long blonde hair that dusted her shoulders a little and fierce hard brown eyes that seemed to bore into him at the moment. Her body was shorter than even Harry, but her quivering wand hand under his nose and the tip was already starting to glow a sickening yellow of a curse. Her lips, normally pert and looking rather delicious under other circumstances, was twisted into a sneer showing a little of her white teeth.

“Tell me, Potter…” she growled, just loud enough for him to barely hear her. “Tell me, Potter, why I shouldn’t blow your willy off right now for touching my best friend.”

Harry groaned and moved a hand down to protect himself, even if it was still rather hard from his waking up. “Oh Bugger.” Was all he could mutter as he stared into the furious eyes of Tracy Davis.


Harry stared at the wand hanging loosely between his eyes with one hand held up in defense and the other covering his manhood. The head of which was still poking out through the tips of his fingers as he couldn’t conceal the entire thing for long. The pair of them had been standing there for what felt like several minutes as Harry tried to come up with something to say to the petite blonde girl before him. His only thoughts was that her chest looked rather nice under the tight blouse that stretched across her chest and was heaving with her increased breathing.

Shaking his head to clear out some of the more sexual related thoughts he stared into the brown eyes of the girl before him. “I truthfully don’t remember what happened last night and if I offended someone, I do apologize, but perhaps you can lower your wand and we can work this out?”

“No!” The girl snapped, hissing a little as her wand wavered under his nose. “I want to know what you did last night, Potter. I want to know how you and your friends hurt my best friend and I want to be sure that you’re not going to go bragging about it all to the lads the first chance you get.”

Despite the predicament that he found himself in at the moment, Harry was actually starting to get angry at the witch before him. “You’ve been eating up that dragon shit of the Daily Prophet, haven’t you?” Tracy’s face flushed only be a millimeter, but it was enough for him as he gave a low hollow laugh. “Oh, this is rich. A Slytherin actually trusting a single source, without checking out the facts for themselves.”

“Shut up, you don’t know what you’re talking about.” Tracy hissed, but her face was a little redder now and her wand seemed to be moving a little from the constant action of having to hold it under Harry’s nose.

Harry took a single step towards the girl, forcing her wand a little lower so that it pressed against his throat painfully. “You don’t know what you’re talking about. Whatever happened last night, I did not and would never force myself on a girl…” He paused as if thinking and then blanched a little. “Malfoy…that little bastard…”

Tracy paused a little and her eyes flitted towards his as his tone had changed to almost primal anger. Despite the situation her body gave a little shudder from the low tone of his voice. “What about him?”

Harry’s eyes focused back on the girl before him a moment before he spoke. “I remember Malfoy threatening someone.” He shuddered and gave a small dry heave. “As well as a few wrinkly small appendages that were never meant to see the light of day.”

Tracy dropped her wand from the position as she started to hack and cough a little. She leaned against the bed for some support and found an arm there holding her up a little as she gave a few pitiful dry heaves. “Merlin, Potter, you sure know just the wrong images to put into a girl’s head, don’t you?”

Both of them jumped and whirled their wands around when they heard the sound of soft giggling coming from the bed. Both met the shining ice blue eyes of the redhead on the bed. “You two are too funny sometimes.” She whispered and then pointed at the head of the bed where the black haired girl was still sleeping grumbling lightly.
The redhead pointed towards a door at the opposite end of the room that Harry hadn’t seen before in his drunken state. Slipping out of the bed she ignored the blonde’s request to put on at least a dressing robe and showed them both into another room, leaving the door cracked a little so that they could hear what was going on outside in the bedroom. The room that they had come into was a large open bathroom with several shower heads set into the wall without any dividers as well as a large in ground looking pool big enough for ten people at the minimum. The tile was done in black marble and there was a snake pattern creeping up the walls that Harry moved to look at once they were in the room, giving the two girls some privacy.

“Daphne, I was so worried about you.” Tracy hissed as she kept her wand trained on the naked back of the man inspecting the walls now and running his fingers over the jeweled eyes of the snake.

Daphne waved her friend’s concerns off. “I was fine, Trace.” She paused for a moment and sighed, putting a hand on her friend’s shoulder she led her to where a line of wash basins sat with small stools before a vanity. “It was a near close call last night, but….”

Tracy’s wand was back up and pointed at the back of the boy as she snarled. “What did he do? I’ll slice him into tiny bits and feed him to an ashwinder.”

Daphne gripped her friend’s arm tightly and spun her back around to face her. She took a slow breath and let it out as she put her hands on both of her friend’s shoulders. “Trace, please, listens to me before you go off and try to kill the one boy that might be worth a damn in this school.” The other girl gave a low growling noise in the back of her throat like she was going to protest, but stayed silent. “Now then, I’ll have you know that Mister Potter did nothing last night that I and the others fully wanted to happen.”

Tracy opened her mouth to say something when there was a small grinding noise from behind them. Both girls shared a puzzled look before rushing back to the large pool that Harry had been standing next to. The boy was still standing there running his hands over the wall and the snakes that were inlaid in the marble, but now there was a large gaping hole in the side of the wall a bit like a large doorway. The doorway took a sharp right into the unknown and then disappeared into darkness, but Harry was still standing there looking closely at the snakes on the wall, with his nose nearly against the stone.

Daphne was the first to recover as she giggled a little. “Only you, Harry.” She shook her head and then turned to her female friend. “We should go wake up the others as I’m sure that they’ll have their portions of the story to tell as well.”

“Others?” Harry croaked as he looked down at his naked body. He looked up at the naked form of Daphne and his face flushed and his body reacted as any teenage boy would faced with a beautiful teenage girl.

Daphne smiled a little as she strutted past Harry and towards the bedroom, her hips swaying a little. “Come on, stud. I’ve got some sobriety potions that should increase your memory of last night.”
Harry shrugged and offered Tracy to go first, but her wand was back in her hand as she indicated the door to him. He groaned and hissed at the wall, making the doorway that had opened close slowly with a muffled thud. With that he slowly walked back out into the bedroom with the form of Tracy Davis behind him pointing a wand at his back. He was barely through the door and the petite blonde was following him when he noticed that it was a slightly different scene that he had walked into.
Daphne had apparently gone around to the other occupied beds and woken up their residents as well in the short span of time that the other pair had been alone in the bathroom. When Harry and Tracy had come back out of the bedroom it was to be met by six different wands pointed at the blonde and several irate looking people staring back through the open bathroom door towards the blonde. It was only the fact that Harry was standing in front of her in the doorway that seemed to prevent them all from shooting something rather nasty looking.

“Harry, love, step away from the girl.” Harry looked and saw both Patil twins, completely naked sitting on one of the beds with their wands poised at the open doorway. He could still see a hint of blue and red in their braided hair from the ball the night before. His eyes, however were drawn down to the naked olive skin toned and the rather dark brown areolas and nipples prominent on their chests.

Harry moved away from Tracy as Daphne spoke from the other bed, sitting next to the black haired girl that Harry now recognized as a rather different looking Pansy Parkinson. “Tracy, please lower your wand.”

“He’s all got you under some kind of compulsion, that’s what this is.” Tracy sneered as she brought her wand up a little higher to point at Harry’s chest.

“Please, drop your wand, Tracy; I don’t want to have to hurt you.” The low baritone voice caused Harry to turn and see the hulking form of Millicent Bulstrode sitting on the last occupied bed. Unlike the others she wasn’t completely uncovered and had a sheet wrapped around her torso. Next to her was a burly looking young man with a large amount of hair on his chest and the sheet draped over his lap.

“Trace…” Daphne spoke slowly as she stood and walked towards the girl. “I told you that I would explain everything and I will, just trust us right now.”

Harry was going to open his mouth to say something when he felt and arm snake around his right one and looked down into the shining black eyes of Pansy Parkinson. She looked different than she normally did, and that was not just because she was currently completely nude. Her body was lithe and athletic looking, much like Daphne it seemed that she worked out a little more than he would have thought. It was her face and hair that was the most different than from what he was used to seeing. The Pansy Parkinson standing next to him clutching at his arm was not the same girl that had made snide remarks about him for the last four years.
Harry and his friends had always described Pansy as looking like a pug with her face smashed in. Her nose was always turned up and she had an ugly sneer on her face whenever she met a Gryffindor in the hallway. She usually had greasy black hair like that of Professor Snape and was cut in a paige-boy type cut around her ears that left doubt as to whether or not she was in fact a girl. This Pansy however was completely the opposite of that nasty girl. The eyes were shining with intelligence and a little fear as she surveyed the room expertly. Her hair was falling around her face framing it nicely and looked freshly washed with a few silver and green sparkles left over from the night before.
It was her face that drew Harry’s eyes however to the most amount of change. Her nose looked short and turned up slightly, but in a cute fashion as it pressed in on her face. Her jaw was set and angular like many of the purebloods and came down to a softened point at her chin. Her skin was flushed at the moment from the excitement of what was going on, but it looked to be a little tanned and very soft to the touch. Now that Harry could see her properly, she looked very cute and her heaving chest with small droplets of sweat looked sexy as anything.

Attention was brought back to Tracy as she stamped her foot in anger. “Fine, but I want to know what the hell happened here last night and why he…” She stabbed a finger in his direction. “…is here with so many of my friends naked.”

Daphne giggled a little and waved everyone over. “Come on, Tracy, everyone else is doing it, you should get naked too.” She laughed harder when both Harry and Tracy flushed a deep red.
It took little time for the entirety of the bedroom to arrange itself in a rough circle on the floor. Someone had put locking and silencing wards around the doors and the windows for the time being and another had suggested, at least for the moment, that they go with some dressing so as not to alarm their guests not into that kind of thing. This was how a few minutes later Harry found himself seated between Daphne and Pansy, with the black haired girl still clutching at his arm, and dressed in only his slacks from the night before. The girls had all put on dressing gowns while Millicent and her boy had kept to their sheet, leaning against one another.

After everyone had taken a small sip of a sobriety potion to clear their heads of the events of the previous night, Tracy glared across the circle at her best friend. “All right, talk.”

Harry smiled faintly. “Why don’t I talk about things from my perspective? I know that I didn’t see everything, but we should be able to cover the most amount of ground that way.”

A series of nods before Millie spoke up. “We’re not really a part of the whole story until the end.” She grinned up at the boy sitting next to her. “Needless to say, the dance was wonderful, it was what happened afterwards that got things moving.” Harry nodded slowly and then began the tale.


The beginning of the ball had started only a little while ago with the champions coming in with their dates and doing the first dance. Harry was nervous as he felt that he wasn’t good enough for his date as well as the fact that he couldn’t really dance all that well. He kept his distance from Parvarti and moved gingerly from one side to the other in what he hoped was an all right imitation of the dance that the others were pulling off flawlessly; judging by the look on the Indian girl’s face, he wasn’t doing all that great. It was a relief to him when the first dance was over and they were allowed to convene on their tables for the food.
The conversation around him was nice and he tried to include the girl on his arm in anything that they talked about. The two talked for a bit about their families as well as everything that was going on in the castle. Even though Parvarti and Harry had been in the same house and indeed in the same classes for almost four years now, they knew very little about one another. They took the time to get to know one another before they were separated off to the smaller tables where their friends were located. It was this that first dropped the attitude of the rest of the dance.

“Traitor, consorting with the enemy…” Ron was grumbling at his table as Harry and Parvarti came by them to see how they were enjoying the night. Parvarti was pulled away by Padma while Harry sat down next to Ron.

“Ron, she’s not consorting with the enemy, it’s just a dance.” Harry tried to tell him, but it was no good, the redhead just scowled at the dancing pair of Hermione and Krum.

“Look at her, enjoying herself, laughing at his jokes. I bet she’s telling him everything that you’ve been doing in the tournament.” Ron shook his head as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

Padma and Parvarti returned in a moment and looked down at the boys. Harry gave a weak smile, but Ron ignored them completely. “I want to dance.” Padma said authoritatively. Ron continued to ignore her so she stormed off in search of someone else.

“Harry…” Parvarti started to say something, but saw the dark look on Ron’s face before she changed her mind. “Are we going to dance anytime soon?” When Harry couldn’t answer her, she stalked off and started to dance close to a boy from Beauxbatons.

Harry sighed a little as he watched his date stalk off with another boy. “Ron, maybe you should talk to Hermione…”

Ron scoffed at the idea and then sneered as Hermione was coming over. “Wow, I’m having such a good time.” The girl panted as she slipped into a chair on Harry’s right, putting a buffer between her and Ron.

“Yeah….have a good time with Vicky?” Ron sneered as he simply glared across the dance floor where Victor Krum was busy filling up two glasses of punch.

Hermione scowled. “Don’t call him that. He’s a very nice gentlemen and I’m sure that if you got to know him-“

“I don’t want to get to know him, he’s the enemy here.” Ron nearly shouted as he turned quickly in the seat. Harry was now between them as they were nearly shouting at one another.

“Ronald, I can’t believe you.” Hermione hissed, now lowering her voice to near threatening levels so that Ron had to nearly lean across Harry to hear what she was saying.
During this entire time, neither teenager seemed to take into consideration the third part of their trio. Harry was staring off into space rolling his eyes at the antics of his two friends next to him when he looked out along the dance floor and saw Parvarti. The light seemed to capture her hair just right as she was twirled around with the boy from the French school and she was laughing. He felt a small pang of guilt that he had effectively abandoned her, but it was muted in a moment when she and the boy wrapped their arms around each other’s waist and headed off towards the courtyard and the warmed rose garden beyond.

“The entire point of this tournament is to foster relationships with our European peers.” Hermione was saying as she put her hand down on the table with a little more force than necessary. A glass teetering on the edge tipped a little and spilled punch in a growing puddle towards the trio of them from the other side of the table.

“Yeah, friendships, not snogging.” Ron glared as he wagged a finger at Hermione importantly. “You going to go off and hike that skirt up for him.”
Harry sighed as he shrugged and stood, turning to see if his friends would notice anything. If anything they moved closer together so that they could glare and stare each other down even more menacingly. Their voices were little more than harsh whispers at this point with flailing arms. Neither seemed to notice that Harry had slipped away and he rolled his eyes again as he moved further away from the pair, inching his way around the dancing couples and the tables towards the main doors that would take him out into some fresh air.

He was nearly level with the drinks table when a small form came up fast on his left side. He reacted instinctively twisting to the side to avoid a collision as it spoke to him in fast tones. “Oh, Hello Harry, enjoying your night?”

The form turned out to be a red faced and rather sweaty Ginny Weasely. She held onto two glasses of punch as her eyes flitted over him quickly before looking away towards the dance floor. Harry followed her gaze back towards the table where Ron and Hermione were still bickering. “Having a good time, Ginny?”

Ginny flushed a little and held out the punch towards Harry. “Neville’s a real gentleman. Are you thirsty, Harry?” Harry shook his head, but she kept pushing it towards him. “Come on, you look like you could use a little drink.”

Harry chuckled a little and indicated Hermione and Ron. They were now on their feet and hands on their hips silently yelling at one another. “Those two will never learn, will they?”

Ginny gave a little giggle and smiled gently. “Would you like to dance, Harry? I’m sure that Neville and Parvarti won’t mind a bit.”

Harry was going to answer when Neville came up along the other side straightening his robes. “There you are, Ginny, I’ve been looking all over for you.” He came up and put his arm around her waist for a moment before seizing the cup that she had been offering to Harry and downed it in one gulp.

Ginny looked ashen for a moment before she looked between Harry and Neville. She did an impressive impersonation of a goldfish before Harry smiled and pushed her towards her date lightly. “Go on, you two lovebirds. Just make sure that Fred and George don’t catch you two later on.” Neville chuckled, but Ginny was still staring at the empty glass in her date’s hand, even as she was pulled away from the black haired teen.

Harry sighed as he turned back towards the doors and headed out into the entrance hall where the great doors led outside to the grounds. There were plenty of people moving about from the entrance hall and into the stairwells, chatting and holding hands. A few couples seemed to be enjoying the darkness towards the dungeons as they were locked together at the hips and the lips. He passed a few couples coming in from the rose garden outside holding hands and brushing snow off of each other and talking in low voices.
Stepping outside he took a deep breath of fresh air and the slight cold hit him from the warmth inside. There were warming charms around the area of the gardens, but it was still winter and there was little that could keep the true brunt of the storm out of the castle. He had walked a few paces when he heard a rustling nearby and slowly moved up along the path to see what it was. As he turned a corner in the path he saw Parvarti sitting with the French boy talking quietly. By the look of things he was getting frustrated by what she was saying.

As Harry came almost level with them, with the intention of disappearing down a side path, the boy stood up and stormed away, leaving Parvarti sitting there rather gloomily looking at his back. Harry sighed as he came up to sit down next to her. “Problems in paradise?”

She jumped at his voice, but smiled a little and turned to address him. “Not exactly paradise, if you can even call it that.” She smiled a little as she tucked a strand of hair that had gotten loose from her braid behind her ear. “You come out here for a reason?”

Harry shrugged as he stared into her eyes before she looked away, flushing a little. “I needed to get some air, and I was hoping that I would run into you, actually.”

“Really, Mister Potter? And pray tell why would you want to see me, again?” Her voice held a small tone of mirth, but also a hardness that he knew came from what she thought of as his abandoning her back in the Great Hall.

Harry leaned back on his hands a little. “I’m sorry about that. I shouldn’t have neglected you, but I felt that I should’ve stayed with Ron for the time being.” He sighed and ran a hand through his hair a little, messing it up. “Those two never quit.”

Parvarti shook her head a little. “She’ll be crying herself to sleep again tonight.” Seeing the confused look from Harry she put her hand on his and leaned back a little, but also towards him. “Hermione takes what Ron says rather seriously, don’t ask me why. Lav and I have both told her that he’s a jerk, but she keeps thinking that there’s something redeemable about him.”

Harry was going to say something to defend his friend, but some of the memories from earlier in the year came to his mind and he shut his mouth. “I guess you’re right, he can be quite a prat.”

Parvarti smiled and smoothed down her sari some. “So, you’ve come out and apologized and saw me make a right idiot out of myself.”

Harry chuckled a little. “What was that about anyway?”

The girl flushed prettily as she waved her hand in a noncommittal gesture. “A cultural misunderstanding, I assure you.” She sighed as Harry continued to look at her. “He was under the impression that we should be doing something a little more discrete with our actions.”

Harry shook his head. “Did he force himself on you?” There was a hint of protectiveness and almost possessiveness in his voice that had the Indian girl shivering slightly. Harry, unfortunately, misinterpreted her shiver and slid closer to her, putting his arm around her waist. “Are you cold? What are you wearing under that sari?”

Parvarti’s face flushed even more and her breathing started to pick up. Almost without her conscious thought her body had slid a little closer to his. Her voice dropped to almost a whisper. “Nothing, Harry. I was hoping that this night might get a little….” Her voice trailed off as their lips touched.
The kiss was soft and gentle at first with the pair of teenagers turned partially away from each other. In a moment, however, Harry had turned a little more fully to Parvarti and wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her closer towards him. She moaned against his mouth as their bodies came to rest against one another and her lips gently started to open. Her tongue begged entrance to his mouth and was well received as he gently applied suction to her tongue; this caused another heated moan from the girl as she pressed her body tighter against his.
They had been kissing like this for only a few more moments before Harry upped the passion a little more by pulling Parvarti even closer to him. She slid into his lap and moaned against him at the hard erection that she found there. Immediately she pressed her hips harder down into his lap as his arms went around her body. Their lips began to hungrily devour each other as Harry moved his hands up and down her back, searching for a break in the garment that she wore so as to touch her soft naked flesh. Parvari moved her hands from his back up towards his hair and tightened a fist full of it as she kept her head bent hard against his.

After a moment they parted, leaning their foreheads against one another and their eyes closed. “Perhaps we should go back inside.” Harry panted. His left hand had rested on her hip while his right was closer to her taught butt.

Parvarti panted as she ground a little down into his lap, making him groan in pain and pleasure. “Maybe you’re right; it’s a little too cold out here for what I have planned.”
Harry groaned a little as Parvarti slid off his lap and pulled him to his feet. He didn’t seem to pay much attention to anything around him as she pulled him along back towards the castle. His mind vaguely recognized a tuff of red hair covered in sweat and being pinned up against the wall by the black back of another; he didn’t do anything as it seemed she was rather enjoying herself from the pleasured grunts and sighs coming from her lips. His eyes lingered on the pair, watching the boy’s hips pushing harder against the girl’s and the girl’s legs starting to snake around his waist before being pulled away towards a staircase leading up to the disused third floor corridor.
Parvarti’s heart was beating rapidly; Harry could feel it within her palm as she dragged him up to the corridor and pressed him up against the wall. The low dimmed lighting within cast shadows against the walls creating small alcoves of light where people would be able to be seen from further up and down the stairwell, but in those periods of darkness there was nothing. It was into this that Parvarti pressed Harry into, pushing his body up against the wall and then joining him in the darkness as her body pressed to his. Their lips came together again in a heated kiss.
It didn’t take them long to start grinding against one another once more. Harry was rock hard and demanding attention as Parvarti moaned against his lips grinding her hips against his. Harry pulled her tighter against his body, his hands gripping her butt hard and giving it a rough squeeze that caused the dark skinned girl to moan loudly into his mouth. His right hand moved up towards the clasp of the sari at her shoulder, but paused for a moment.

Parvarti moaned as she pulled her head away from Harry’s, causing the boy to reach down and stat to kiss and nibble along her neck. “Do it, Harry, I want you to rip my clothes off and pound me against the wall.”
Harry growled low in his throat that made the girl shiver with anticipation as they changed positions. He pushed her roughly against the wall, pinning her body against the cold stones with his own as he reached up to undo the clasp that held the sari together. As he did so he ground his hips against her’s and moved his mouth down to lock onto a point of her throat, lightly sucking and raking his teeth across it. Emboldened by the sigh and moan coming from her lips he moved his teeth along her collar bone towards her shoulder. He used his teeth to peel away the first layer of fabric that comprised the sari, letting it drop down to her opposite hip.
Her dark skin started to show through the transparent material now that it was removed layer by layer. She jumped up and wrapped her legs around his waist, kicking off her shoes in the process. Her body was now pinned completely against the wall and it was the only thing holding her up as he continued to rain kisses down her throat towards her chest. With one hand under her butt to support her weight he moved his left to grasp the fabric and peel another layer away from her back and down across her body. He could now see her hard and dark nipples showing through the fabric. He leaned down and captured one of them between his teeth through the fabric eliciting a growl and moan from the girl.
Parvarti reached down between their joined bodies and had just started to undo his trousers to release the hard erection that she could feel pressing against her. She had his robes open and his belt undone before she slid her slim hand into the pants and grasped him fully with her hand. She had to moan again from the stimulation that Harry was giving her on her left nipple as well as the size of the boy that she now held in her hand. She gave a few tentative strokes and was rewarded by a growling moan from Harry. She squeezed him tighter and pumped her fist a few more times as Harry peeled away another layer of fabric to expose her breasts.
The teenagers moaned in sync as Harry dipped his head down to capture the now fully exposed nipple between his teeth. He teased it, biting lightly before running his tongue around the entire circumference. His left hand removed itself from the piece of fabric that fell limply at Parvarti’s side as he moved it up to kneed and gently move the other breast. Her hands were tangled in his hair and moaning as she threw her head back against the stone wall. She was about to reach down and push away the rest of the garment in the way when the sound of strangled cries and sobbing came down the corridor towards them.
Both teens immediately froze in their ministrations of the other, Parvarti with her hand still down the front of Harry’s pants while Harry had his mouth wrapped around her nipple. They turned very slowly towards the sound that was coming further down the hallway than they had ventured yet. For a moment there was nothing, but then the sobbing and muffled cries came again, this time more urgent. They caught each other’s eyes and slowly nodded, the desire that had been there only moments before was now replaced by fear and a little
Because of the state of undress of the two they decided to move quickly. Parvarti pinned up the sari as best she could, leaving some of her breasts exposed at the moment while leaving her shoes still lying on the floor. Harry disregarded his robe onto the floor next to Parvarti’s heels and zipped up his trousers at the least before drawing his wand. He moved down the hallway with the girl at her side, her wand out as well, feeling around trying to figure out where the sound was coming from. They had moved about fifty feet into the hallway before they could hear voices and sounds coming from a doorway nearby.

“….get what’s coming to you.” The sneering voice sounded like Malfoy, but it was slurred. A moment after he had spoken there was a hard flesh on flesh sound like a slap that was followed by a sob. “Hold her tighter, don’t want to mess this up.”

“Leave her alone, Malfoy.” It was another female voice and it sounded like she was struggling for a moment before the sounds stopped abruptly.

“There, you two little whores need to learn your places. Hold her still, Crabbe, this isn’t going to be clean or gentle like you might have hoped, my dear.” Malfoy was sneering through and through.
It wasn’t much for the two teens on the other side of the door to react to what they were hearing. At Harry’s nod they pushed the door open violently and came through the door flinging curses left and right. In an interesting twist they had both aimed in opposite directions as if they had prepared what to do beforehand. Harry’s banisher was able to slam hard into the body of Goyle sending him careening into the wall on the back while Parvarti’s cutting curse sliced a small chunk out of Crabbe’s ear, but he was still standing.

“Potter.” Malfoy sneered from where he knelt in the middle of the room above Pansy Parkinson.
It was only after the smoke had cleared that the two teens were able to take in the scene that they now found themselves in. Crabbe was standing off to the left of the doorway completely naked and holding the limp form of a girl with dark auburn hair and ice blue eyes. Her eyes were still moving around looking quickly from one person to the next. Malfoy was leaning over the prostrate form of Pansy Parkinson. He was naked as well, his wrinkly completely pale and rather minute manhood poking out towards the girl on the floor. Parkinson, unlike the other girl, had her dress ripped away from her waist showing her pale legs and the tops of her thighs.

“Malfoy.” Harry growled as he trained his wand down at the blonde boy before him, even if he wanted to vomit from seeing the boy naked.

“Come to have a go with the whores, Potter.” Malfoy shakily got to his feet, keeping his left foot pressed down on Pansy’s right ankle. Harry saw the girl wince in pain as he did so. “I see that you’ve got an exotic one of your own.” Crabbe tightened his grip on the other girl, his own naked body pressing a little closer to her’s.

“Let them go, Malfoy and no one is going to get hurt.” Harry’s voice was calm, but his eyes burned with fury and his wand never wavered from pointing at Malfoy’s crotch.

The blonde Slytherin didn’t seem to notice how much trouble he was really in as he swaggered forward a little, leaving Pansy on the ground behind him. “They’re whores, Potter, they’re not human beings. Women are possessions, nothing more, baby factories.” He chuckled as if he had made a humorous joke before glaring at the boy before him.

“This is your last warning, Malfoy, leave now while you still have your bits.” Harry growled and beside him he could feel Parvarti doing to same. Her eyes were locked on Crabbe’s as she kept her wand steady at his bleeding shoulder.

“When my father hears-“ Malfoy ddn’t get any further as Harry and Parvarti moved as one again. Harry let loose a banisher that slammed Malfoy back against the wall to slump down against the nude form of Goyle while Parvarti lashed out with her own banisher that caught Crabbe on the side of the head sending him spinning into the left hand wall and sliding down it into unconsciousness.

It seemed that one of the boys had been holding the spell on the girl as she immediately came to life and rushed over to Parkinson’s side. The black haired girl was sobbing and collapsed close to the other as the auburn hair one glared up at Harry for a moment. “Come to get your jollies off, Potter.”

Harry ignored the pair as he turned towards Parvarti. He smiled a little at the intense look of concentration on the Indian girl’s face. “Parvarti.” She turned towards him and flushed a little. “Go and apologize to your sister, but these two are going to need someone to take them to the hospital wing.”

“No.” Pansy spoke up for the first time, her voice filled with fear. The auburn haired girl gently stroked her hair and make small cooing noises.

“You two need to be checked over by Madam Pomfrey. I’m sure that you’ll want to report that these three almost raped you.” Harry asked with a small pleading voice.

“No.” The auburn haired girl said a little more forcibly. “They didn’t hurt us beyond the sprain of Pansy’s ankle that we can take care of. Besides, Pomfrey will just hand us over to Snape and he’ll just give us back to Malfoy.” She jerked her head back towards the unconscious blonde slumped against the nearby wall.

Harry sighed and turned back towards the girl still at his side. “Go and fetch her, love. At most you two should take them back to their dorms and stay with them for a while.”

Parvarti flushed a little from the endearment, but quickly kissed Harry’s cheek and disappeared back through the door. Pansy was still shaking in the other girl’s arms; who was glaring through slit eyes at him. “What are you playing at, Potter?” Her ice blue eyes glared harder at him for every second that he stood there.

Harry stood off to the side a little, keeping his wand visible and in a relaxed state. “I only want to help; no one should be forced to be with the ferret.” He looked down at her and stared into her eyes for a moment. “I’ve seen you around before, Greengrass, right?”

Daphne Greengrass flushed despite herself and then looked down at Pansy’s head in her lap. The black haired girl was silently whimpering with her eyes closed as Daphne ran her fingers through it. “Yeah, Daphne if you must know.”

Harry nodded slowly. “I’m sorry, that I didn’t get here sooner. Did they…?”

Daphne shook her head quickly. “They were too drunk to get up much of an erection, not like they had much to work with.” They looked over to where the naked boys were still out cold. “Pansy is just a little shaken by what he was saying about her as well as the potion that he must have dosed her with.”

“Potion?” Harry asked slowly.

Daphne nodded as she continued to run her fingers through her roommate’s hair. “He said that it was supposed to lower her inhibitions, to make her body want to be with him, but I’m not really sure he knew what he was doing. He did nearly break her ankle though.” She indicated the ankle that the boy had been standing on earlier.

“May I?” Harry raised his wand in question and when she nodded slowly he ran it along the ankle. A soft blue light came from it before sinking down under the skin eliciting a soft sigh from the girl. “It’s just sprained, but I took care of some of the pain for her. You should be able to get her back to your dorms easier now.”

Daphne nodded again slowly as she kept her eyes trained on Harry. “You and Patil then?”

Harry flushed and put his hand behind his neck. “I really like her and I was a horrible date to her during the ball.”

Daphne gave a small snort of amusement. “We all saw it, Potter, you don’t have to hide it.” She indicated down with her eyes where his erection was still showing through quite nicely. Even Pansy let out a muted giggle at his flushed face.
Neither girl was able to really enjoy the torture of the Boy-Who-Lived, however, as the door opened and in walked the two visions of beauty in saris. Parvarti had retrieved her shoes and Harry’s robe as she had it draped over her arm. She offered it to him and he slung it around his shoulders. Padma had gone to Daphne and Pansy and was having a quickly whispered conversation with the two Slytherins. After a quick discussion the two girls helped Pansy to her feet, whom wobbled a little even from the help that both of the girls were able to give on either side of them.

“Harry, we might need your help here.” Padma said with a small smile, causing Pansy to flush from her hair to the top of her ruined dress.

Harry tried to catch the girl’s eye, but she kept looking away. He moved forward and stood before her, not touching the girl. “Pansy, I won’t touch you unless you say that it’s ok. I know that with Malfoy….you trusted him and he did this to you. You have no reason to trust me.”
After a few tense seconds, the girl nodded slowly. Padma and Daphne supported her for a moment as Harry moved and gently lifted her into a bridal carry. Her bare feet dangled off his left arm as he put it under her knees while his right cradled her head. Instinctively she turned and snuggled her head into his chest before the entire party turned towards the door. Harry was careful slipping out of the door carrying the girl sideways through the opening and out into the darkness of the hallway. Before Daphne had left she made sure that her and Pansy’s wands were stored in her handbag and that the three boys were unconscious still with their hands on each other’s dicks. In fact she had put Crabbe’s face close to Malfoy’s crotch and the hope was that their drunkenness in the morning will fill in the gaps.
The twins took point keeping a lookout for anyone that might get in the way. Daphne came up from behind the pair of them, watching for anyone coming up behind them. The way was slow going down towards the Slytherin common room, but they encountered no one on the way; they heard moaning and stifled laughter from a few of the closed off classrooms, but there was no one that got anywhere near them the entire trip. Before long Daphne was giving the password to the blank stretch of wall that concealed the entrance to the common room. Just like the hallways the room was equally empty and they headed for the steps that would take them down to the girl’s dormitories.
Harry hesitated at the doorway that opened up to the dormitories main doors for a moment, but was pushed in the back by Daphne. Stepping over the threshold there was no alarms or blaring announcement that there was a boy on the hall so they continued down towards the door that would lead them into the fourth year girl’s dormitory. Opening the door the room was dark and so Daphne clapped her hands twice and the lights flared into existence. With the lights, however, came the realization that there was a good reason for the lights to have been dimmed as much as they had been.

“Millie?” Daphne asked tentatively at the bundle of blankets behind a curtained off four poster bed. The bed rumbled and a large female form popped out of it.

Millicent Bulstrode had been called large and rather troll looking compared to some of the other students. At the moment her hair was black and greasy looking plastered down to her round head by sweat. Her black eyes were slightly glazed as she looked at the small party at the door. “Daphne, what are you doing back early?” She moaned a moment and then raised a large fist to hit the bundle of blankets near her chest. “Olaf, stop it, we have guests.”

The blankets moaned and groaned for a moment before a man’s face appeared next to Millie’s. He was stocky, much like her with a square looking face and a large jutting jaw. His lower jaw was already covered in a fine coarse facial hair which made up for the lack of any real hair that was on his head. “Vim sure they do not mind, Millie.” His voice was heavily accented.

Daphne stifled a giggle as she turned around and pointed out the bed on the right side of the door to Harry. “That’s her’s over there. Just set her down and we’ll take care of the rest.”

Harry moved over to lay Pansy down and then slowly pull his arms out from under her, but she was clinging to his upper arm now. The twins were the one’s to notice as they came around the other side to sit down next to her while Daphne turned an amused eye towards their roommate. “What’s wrong with Pansy, Daph?” Millie asked a little worried considering the state of the other girl.

“Malfoy thought he should exercise a little more control over his women.” Daphne huffed as she pulled some stray hair back to be pinned down behind her ear. “Potter and the girls here saved our necks and our virtues.”

Millie chuckled a little as she shifted to sit down next to the large boy, whom was sitting on the side of the bed with a blanket pulled up around his waist. “Your virtues haven’t been intact for a year now.”

Daphne put her hands on her hips and tried to glare at the other girl, but a voice stopped her and turned her back towards the bed. “Uh…Daphne, she doesn’t want to let go.” Harry’s voice was a little afraid.

Parvarti had to smile at the chivalrous Gryffindor being slightly afraid of the smaller Slytherin. “I’m sure that she’s just in shock at the moment, Harry.” She was gently running her fingers through Pansy’s hair. “It has been a long night and-“


“Hold on, just a minute.” Tracy was holding her hands up to stop the recitation by Harry, helped along by Parvarti and Padma. She eyed all of the others around the circle for a moment before glaring back across at Harry. “So you helped her into bed and then she wouldn’t let go?”

Daphne smirked and indicated the situation taking place at that very moment. Indeed, Pansy had latched onto Harry’s bicep and wouldn’t let go. At the moment the black haired girl was leaning against the boy with her eyes closed in light contentment, a fine sheen of sweat still across her forehead and dipping down along her dressing gown. “I think that Pansy wanted to be close to her savior.” Daphne commented to get a small slap across the said savior from the girl in question, still with her eyes closed.

This action caused some of the girls to giggle while Millie looked at Tracy more fully. “You have to understand that until last night, Pansy’s entire world was Malfoy. Remember last year when he was….injured?”

Tracy nodded thoughtfully. “She wouldn’t leave him alone, dogging him all the time to make sure that everything was all right.”

Pansy nodded slowly and spoke up for the first time since they had all awoke not too long ago. “As I explained it to Harry and the others last night, I was obligated to help Draco along. We’ve had a betrothal contract drawn up since we were little.”

Daphne sighed and leaned back on her hands, her dressing gown falling open a little to show her supple breasts that moved up and down as she breathed. “All of us in Slytherin have our obligations, whether they’re to family or to others through contracts.” She indicated the girls sitting around the group as well as the two boys. “We all do things that we’re not necessarily proud of so that we can keep those close contacts.”

Harry dropped his arm from Pansy’s grasp. She whimpered in loss for a moment before he slid it around her waist and pulled her closer into his side. “I wasn’t exactly the most accepting of people when it came to prejudice and everything, but I do understand your need to protect yourselves.”

Padma nodded slowly as she tucked hair that had come out of her braid behind her ear. “We even have obligations to our family. I’m sure that our father would be horrified to know what happened last night.”

Parvarti giggled a little and shook her head. “Sister, it matters how we approach the matter. The fact that we rather enjoyed the company of some beautiful women…” She indicated the now flushed girls in the circle. “…as well as each other..” She nudged her sister, whom had flushed deeply as well. “…could be offset by the fact that we’ve caught the eye of an influential and rather prominent wizard.” She pointed at Harry.

Harry was going to argue the points that she made when he actually stopped to think about what she was saying. It was true that even with his reputation being ruined by Skeeter and the Prophet that he was influential in Britain. “Wouldn’t he care though that you’re not my….well, I guess I could say girlfriends or intendeds?”

Padma shrugged as she started to think it over. She glanced at Parvarti who nodded before she started to talk. “In magical India we still practice some rather….unusual things of our culture. It’s still possible to have a harem of girls even if you are not bonded with them. It would be possible to say that we’re your harem, Harry.” She held up her hand to forestall his argument and motioned to her sister.

Parvarti smiled and stroked Harry’s arm from where she sat. “To us, you would have first pick of us, and we would have to consult you if we wished to go outside the harem.” She shrugged her shoulders a little as she leaned against him. “I’m perfectly content with my wizard, but you would be more akin to a liege lord with our fates in your hand than a cruel master, Master.” She winked deviously at her twin as well as Harry.

Tracy groaned and dropped her head into her hands, rubbing at her closed eyes. Daphne winked at the rest of the ground and gently rubbed her best friend’s back. “All right, setting aside some of the legalities of what is going on here.” The group giggled or laughed at that before she brought her head up and fixed Millie’s boy with a glance. “How do you two factor into all this?”

The boy shrugged and then looked at Millie. They seemed to have a silent conversation between them before he spoke in heavily accented English. “I know that I will not be here for much longer than this year because of the Tournament. Milicent has given me something that I can never repay her for.” He smiled at her before turning back to the group. “When we graduate, boys from Durmstrang have to go into military service and it is unlikely that I will even see a woman for quite some time.”

Millie smiled and held the arm of her man between her breasts. None of the group seemed to be concerned about the overly sexual display. “We’ll be keeping up with each other throughout the year, but we both know that we only have this time to get to know one another.” She winked at the girls. “Plus he’s a monster in the bed.”

The boy flushed greatly while Tracy seemed to be trying to rub the image out of her eyes. “That’s not exactly what I was talking about, but thanks for that visual.”

Millie winked back at her and then laughed. “All right, I know that you want to know about how we reacted to Pot-Harry here coming in with Pansy.” She looked over at Harry and the contented looks that Parvarti and Pansy were sporting on either side of him. “I was noticeably pissed given the reputation that he has among us, but once Daphne explained what had happened…” She sighed a little. “I couldn’t but respect the fact that he helped out when he could have easily turned away.”

Harry shook his head a little. “Even with all the prejudice between out two houses, I couldn’t have just turned away from two girls that were in trouble.” Pansy and Daphne rolled their eyes a little. “I’m not saying that you two can’t take care of yourselves.” He chuckled as he rubbed his chin remembering something. “I know for a fact that you can definitely take care of yourselves.”

Daphne giggled a little and then broke out into full laughter when Tracy looked at her confused. “He’s referring to when he tried to talk to us last year.” The girl still looked confused so she rolled her eyes. “He tried to pull the gallant knight thing with something trivial, I believe that it was a fallen book, wasn’t it Harry?” Her eyes glittered mischievously.

Harry laughed lightly while Pansy and Parvarti giggled. “Yes, you had dropped a book and I thought I was being nice by picking it up. Then of course there was Nott trying to say something and I stepped in front of you.”

“Clocked him good, didn’t you?” Pansy said from under Harry’s arm as she giggled. Harry chuckled when Pansy poked him in the ribs. “Never forget that we can take care of ourselves, mister.” Her eyes went a little misty as she looked downward. “We still need help occasionally though.”

Harry tightened his grip on the girl’s waist. “I forgave you for the last three years, and I’ll be there to help you in the future so long as you let me.”

Tracy observed the two for a moment before sighing. “All right, so after Pansy wouldn’t let go of Potter here, what happened?”

Daphne’s eyes twinkled a little. “You just want to hear about the amazing sex we all had, feeling left out?” Tracy’s flushed face caused the rest of the room to break out into laughter as well. “I suppose we could skip a little in our tale to get to the good part.”

Harry chuckled and shook his head. “How I got so lucky in one night, I’ll never know. But we didn’t jump right into the sack if that’s what you’re worried about, Tracy.”

Parvarti nodded slowly. “We had a long boring discussion with all of us about what has happened in the last three years and then the girls all congregated in the bathroom to decide on what to do next.” She looked around a little. “Anyone mind if I tell this bit?” Receiving no negative responses she continued with the story.


The girls had all kept their clothes on at this point and had ensconced themselves in the bathroom with the door to the bedroom only open a crack. They had finally been able to pull Pansy off of Harry for a moment by whispering in her ear that they needed to talk about something Harry related. This had gotten the black haired girl off of the boy, but she still looked despondently back at him every few moments before the door had been closed partially. Now all the girls were standing around the sinks and talking in low voices.

Daphne put her arm around Pansy’s shoulders as she pulled the other girl tight against her side. “I don’t know about the rest of you, but I plan to have some fun tonight after what we’ve already gone through.”

Parvarti grinned as she nodded slowly. “I still have to finish my date with Mister Potter as you two had interrupted our fun.” She licked her lips slowly and sensually making some of the girls shudder in delight.

Millie grinned looking around the room. “I’ve already got my man, and I’m not about to share him with the rest of you.”

The other girls gave a small shrug as Daphne looked down at Pansy. “Pans, dear, are you going to be all right? You know that Harry isn’t going to hurt you, right?” The black haired teen gave a slow nod, but kept her eyes downcast and staring at her bare feet.

Padma looked thoughtful for a moment before she smiled. “I’ll be right back.” She pushed past the others and slipped out of the door heading back to where Harry and the other boy were in deep discussion. It looked odd with one of them wrapped in a blanket trying to hide himself.

Parvarti shrugged at the looked from the others at her twin’s behavior. “We may look alike, but sometimes I really have to question how her mind works.”

Daphne smiled a little. “Since you two are twins, have you ever…?”

Parvarti rolled her eyes, but a small tinge of pink appeared on her cheeks. “You have no idea how many times we’re asked that this year, but since we’re all close here I will say yes.”

Padma had slipped back into the room and sidled up to her sister. “Good, that’ll make things a little easier then.”

“What’s easier?” Daphne looked up into the sparkling mischievous eyes of the Indian girl across from her.

“Pansy?” The addressed girl looked up into the eyes of Padma standing now in front of her. “I think that you need to take back some control in your life. Up until now you’ve always been the puppet, the one that’s been controlled. First your parents and then Draco. Tonight was just the latest in a long line of violations against you.” Her voice was like steel and cut through the silence towards the other girl. The girl’s eyes blazed with something akin to anger and malevolence.

Parvarti seemed to catch on a little of what her twin was doing and knelt down next to her to look at Pansy from a different angle. “You need to show Harry who’s in charge. We all know that you want to shag him.” Pansy flushed, but nodded slowly. “He needs to learn his place, and you need to take some control back in your life.”

Daphne knelt down as well next to Pansy’s thigh and gently touched her arm. “You need to do this, you know that you do.” She slipped her hand into her robe pocket and pulled out the black haired teen’s wand, slipping it into the girl’s limp fingers.
The girl stared at the wand for a moment and then looked back at the young men in the bedroom that were chatting amicably. Her eyes seemed to stare hard into the side of Harry Potter’s head for a moment before she looked around at the other girls and gave a slow hard nod. Her eyes shifted a little imperceptibly as if she were having a mental debate before she gripped her wand harder and turned on her heel heading back out towards the bedroom. Behind her the girls all smiled and started to disrobe, pulling off some of their finer garments and down to their under things.

“…takes so much time for elements…” The Durmstrang boy was explaining something to Harry and broke off when he saw the enraged black haired girl coming out of the bathroom. Harry, however, was too slow to see anything and was nearly to his wand when the first spell blasted him off his feet.

“Petrificus Totalis” Pansy roared as her wand slashed in the air and sent Harry’s body careening down against the hard stones of the floor. There was a muffled grunting that was heard from him as he couldn’t move his mouth.
The seemingly enraged young woman advanced on the man with her wand trained on his chest while the other girls had come out of the bathroom now. Millie moved to her man and put a hand on his chest to stop him from interfering, but they all looked on to make sure that neither of the two were about to get hurt. Pansy’s nostrils were flaring as she stared at the boy before her. She waved her wand and his head was able to move once more.

“Pansy, I don’t know what I did, but-“ She snarled and cut him off abruptly.

“S-Shut up!” She screeched and seemed to gain more and more confidence as she continued to talk. “You men are scum, pigs, the lot of you. I’ve seen you leering at the girls in your house, Potter.”

“Pansy, I swear-“ Harry started, but again she was yelling and stamping her foot.

“Don’t lie to me, Potter.” Her whole body was now trembling as her fingers gripped her wand and trained it on him. A cutting curse caused his dress robes to fall open and expose his chest. She seemed to hesitate at the sight, but then shook her head. “I’m going to make sure that you know how it feels to be against the wall, to not know if you’re going to…going to…” she seemed to break off a little.

“Parkinson, let me go.” Harry’s voice had growled a little, dropping an octave or two. “You’re nothing but a pureblood slut.”
That seemed to be enough as the girl before him sent off a vicious cutting curse that not only shredded the rest of his clothes, but cut into his chest a little leaving a nasty red line across his pecks. With the petrifying spell still on his body causing it to be rigid his cock was rock hard and pointing straight at the ceiling. Pansy ignored the gasps from the other girls as she pushed her dress down so that she was standing in her corset and garter belt. She could sense the desire and anticipation coming off of the boy before her and it gave her a thrill as well as causing her to shudder with her own lust.
Daphne stood back away from the pair, but she was now completely naked as were the rest of the girls. She sat on the edge of her bed with her legs spread and her feet resting on the edge of the bed. Her fingers were starting to peel apart her vaginal lips, a light stroking along it. The Patil twins had taken up her friend Tracy’s bed and were already starting to explore one another with their fingers and tongue in a classic sixty-nine position. Millie and her boy-toy had disappeared back behind her curtains and had evidently put up a silencing charm as she couldn’t hear anything from beyond them.

“Y-You are going to g-get what’s coming to you.” Pansy stuttered as her eyes remained locked on Harry’s hard and rather impressive cock. Her body shuddered again as she leaned down and grasped it between her fingers. “So large.”

Harry hadn’t said anything the entire time and merely moaned when she gripped it. “Have experience with them, do you, Parkinson?”

His voice snapped her out of her reverie as she gave his cock a squeeze that caused him to groan a little in pain. “I’ll show you what I can do, Potter.” She pushed on him hard, scratching a little across his face as she swung her legs to straddle him and press his cock against her white panties. “I’m going to take that virginity of yours. I’m going to be able to claim that I took the Boy-Who-Lived into my bed.”
Pansy rotated her hips a little, moving it around the hard cock still locked in the curse. A part of her tried to resist the urge to just slam down against it, she wanted to drag it out for him, make it torture to the boy before she let him have some kind of release. Her resolve was fading though as her fingers moving up and down the shaft, engulfing the head and pressing it against her panties a little harder, feeling the pressure against her clit as she did so. She let out a satisfied moan and threw her head back, her left hand holding his cock while her right raked her nails down his chest, causing more pink lines of blood to appear.
Daphne heard the moans of her friend as well as the Patil twins and opened her eyes from her own pleasure. The twin beauties had moved on the bed opposite her so that they could both watch what was going on with Pansy and Harry. They were still working one another with their fingers between their legs, but their eyes were glued to the pair on the floor. Daphne moaned a little louder when she realized that the girls across from her were shaved between their legs and she could see the white beads of arousal sticking to their lips and their fingers. Padma seemed to have heard her as she grinned wickedly and ran her finger along her twin’s slit, making the girl moan, gathering up some of her arousal on the tip of her finger; she swirled it around her lips for a moment before swallowing with her eyes closed and a satisfied look on her face.
Pansy didn’t hear any of this over her own moans of satisfaction as she pressed Harry’s turgid member harder against her clothed sex. With a shaking hand she reached down and slid her panties to one side, letting the skin of Harry’s member touch her’s for the first time. The head touched just above her clit and caused her to moisten almost immediately in preparation for what was to come. She still wanted to drag it out for the boy as much as possible so slid his head slowly down against her clit and her slit before moving it back up, rotating her hips so that she could get some pressure on her clit in just the right fashion. She tossed her head back and moaned as did Harry, closing his eyes to the sensations of the girl above him.
Padma had the presence of mind to cast four anti-conception spells at the girls in the room that were visible; she had hoped that Millie had taken precautions already, but wasn’t able to get the spell to the other girl in time. She then dropped her wand on the bedside table and took her sister’s hand, moving them towards the bed that Daphne was now using. In a moment Padma had dropped to her knees between the girl’s legs while her twin had moved up onto the bed proper and was lavishing the auburn haired beauty with kisses to her breast and collar bone. Daphne was in heaven as she sank back onto the bed with the twins following her lead.
Pansy ignored the moans of the others as she threw her head back and kept her eyes closed. She tightened her grip on Harry’s cock as she moved it along her slit and down towards her puckered rose. She shivered in anticipation as she smeared some of her juices over her forbidden hole before moving it back up towards her slick sex. She leaned a little forward, pressing the head against her lips and parting them only slightly. She could feel the arousal on the tip of his member sliding against her skin, begging entrance before she would pull it away; this action only served to make both of them groan at the loss.
Parvarti grinned as she messed up her twin sister’s hair while she was still between Daphne’s thighs. The auburn haired girl had writhed under the more experienced tongue of the Indian girl and was nearly calling out her orgasm. Parvarti lavished the girl’s nipples with her tongue and teeth, taking small nibble here and there. Looking up she saw that Pansy was only infuriating herself and her lover so she slid from the bed, leaving her sister to take care of the other girl. She stood behind Pansy and gently moved her hands down along the girl’s sides, slowly unbraiding the corset before slipping her hands into it to fondle her nipples.
Pansy’s moans hitched another notch as she felt hands touching her body. Her eyes flew open a moment to only make sure that Harry was still trapped beneath her before moving a little to the side. She moved only to get her chest out of the corset and let the leather material fall from her back showing off her breasts now. Freed of the material the hands from behind her moved down and lightly pinched and rolled the nipples between tanned and well practiced fingers. Pansy leaned back into the body behind her and felt the slick of a sex against her shoulder blades.

“Open your eyes, Harry, I don’t want you to miss this.” Parvarti’s voice was husky, but the boy did as he was told and stared up at the black haired teen nearly riding him with his cock in her hand. The Indian girl was standing behind her with her fingers laced in the girl’s hair.
Pansy bit her lip in hesitation for only a moment before she turned her head and lightly ran her tongue along the edge of the other girl’s sex. Parvarti had moved her fingers into the girl’s hair and threw her head back, moaning from the small initial contact. Emboldened by the moan that she had gotten from the girl, Pansy removed one of her hands holding her panties aside and moved it up along the inner portion of the Indian girl’s thigh. Her touch was light as her tongue moved from her sex to her clit, pushing and lavishing it with attention while the girl writhed above her. She felt powerful, making the girl squirm from just her light touch and a little pressure from her tongue.
Parvarti held onto the girl’s head as she lavished her with her tongue, closing her eyes as she did so. She could already feel her body building to a climax and didn’t want to have it standing up as she was. Gently she pulled away from the other teenager and groaned from the loss; Pansy joining her a second later as she realized that the heavenly taste had pulled away. The two girls locked eyes for a moment before Parvarti knelt down next to Harry and gripped Pansy’s head, giving her a passionate kiss.

Padma looked up from between Daphne’s thighs, making the girl moan from loss, but she was covered in sweat and some cum had already leaked out onto the dark skinned girl’s chin. “Come on, Pansy, take him, otherwise the rest of us aren’t going to get our turns.” She turned and dived back into the girl’s sex before she had time to complain, turning Daphne once more into a moaning mass of flesh.

Pansy looked frightened for a moment, but Parvarti gave her an encouraging smile and another deep passionate kiss. Emboldened by the others, she grasped Harry’s cock between her fingers once more and directed it towards her sex. Slowly, agonizingly slow for both parties, she sank down against the member, letting it slip into the folds of her sex. She pushed her hips forward, forcing herself down harder against him until finally she had encased him completely within her body. She took a moment to enjoy the feelings that coursed through her with him sheathed in her sex before she started to gyrate and rotate her hips slowly at first.
Parvarti smiled as she watched Pansy sink down onto Harry’s member. She moved around to straddle his chest and rubbed her sex against his chest as she leaned forward to capture the girl’s lips once more in a kiss. She squealed in delight when she felt a hot wet tongue touching her slit and moved her hips backwards a little. She ground her hips back into Harry’s face, moving it away lightly so that he had room to breathe while he continued to work her slit with his tongue, going up and down slowly at first and then probing it completely with the tip.
Padma had moved off of Daphne’s thighs and lay down next to the girl, capturing her lips. Daphne utilized her fingers as she was slowly working the other girl into frenzy by slipping two fingers between her sex and working them up and down. The creamy thighs of the auburn haired girl locked with those of the darker skinned one and pressed harder against her sex. Daphne trapped her fingers in the girl’s sex with her thigh and utilized it as a thrusting motion to save her arms from having to move back and forward all the time. Judging by the frantic moans into her mouth, she felt that she was doing pretty well.
Pansy threw her head back and gave a startled yell gaining the attention of the other girls. Her body shook and trembled all over before she finally seemed to collapse against Parvarti. The girl lightly ran her fingers through the other’s hair and cooed a little into her ear, lightly lulling her into a dream state. The activity around the room seemed to dull a little as Padma came over and helped her twin to lift Pansy off of Harry’s member. Her whimpers at the loss of contact drew small smiles from the others.

“I think you broke her, love.” Parvarti smiled down at Harry once her and her sister had gotten Pansy off of him.

Harry propped himself up on his elbow and smiled, licking his lips; now that the caster was unconscious the spell holding him captive had fallen. “Fragrant, I like it.” Parvarti flushed and smiled.

Daphne sighed at the loss of Padma, but helped the two girls to get Pansy into the bed. The black haired teen sighed and curled up a little in the bed, fast asleep now. “You think we did the right thing?”

“We won’t really know until she wakes up.” Padma sat next to the girl’s head and ran her fingers through the sweat soaked hair.

Harry had come up behind Parvarti and wrapped his arms around her waist. His member poked at her butt making her moan. “I think that we still have a date to finish, do we not?”
Harry used his mouth to suck a little on the girl’s neck, making her head fall backwards against his shoulder. He moved his hands from her hips and up along her stomach towards her breasts. He tweaked and rubbed her nipples until they were rock hard, still nibbling lightly on her neck. Daphne had joined in the fun by kneeling down in front of Parvarti and licking her sex, parting it lightly with her fingers. Padma had sat next to Pansy, but drew her legs up and spread them so that she could enjoy the show being put on by the three on the floor.
Being trapped as she was, Parvarti couldn’t do much, but moan and groan. Harry moved only slightly as he slipped out from behind her and kissed her lips passionately. He was careful to lean on the side so that Daphne still had access to the girl’s sex. Daphne’s tongue had darted around her sex and was now pressing against the girl’s clit. She would draw it into her mouth, sucking on it lightly making the girl yelp in pleasure and a small amount of pain before slightly drawing her teeth across the sensitive nub and moving back down to her main lips. Her fingers were already starting to probe at her anus a little to the astonished and rather pleased grunts of the other girl.
Harry pulled away and whispered something into Daphne’s ear, making the girl moan and close her eyes for a moment. At a nod, Harry moved around the Indian girl and pushed down on her shoulders a little. Encouraged by her two lovers, Parvarti slowly sank to the floor and was captured in a kiss and a tight hug by Daphne. The auburn haired teen helped her lover down to the floor so that they were lying on their sides and holding one another locked in a passionate kiss. Daphne had moved her knee up so that it was pressed against Parvarti’s sex, grinding and rotating it a little to put more pressure on the girl’s clit.

“You want to get in on this?” Harry asked Padma as he moved to stand next to her.

Padma smiled and turned her head a little, giving Harry’s member a tentative lick. Both shivered in pleasure from the contact. “In a moment, I want to be certain that Pansy is going to be all right. My sister is right though, you two should finish your date first.”

Harry reached down and moved Padma’s fingers aside. Using his own he trapped her clit between his middle and ring fingers and gave it a little twist and push making the girl moan and close her eyes. “I want to make sure that you have a good time as well. I’m just glad that I get to enjoy you and not Ron.” He leaned into her and captured her lips in a searing kiss.

Parvarti smiled over Daphne’s head as the auburn haired witch was currently lavishing her breasts with her tongue. She moved her hair to the side a little and nibbled on her ear lobe. “Bring that man meat over here, sister of mine. I know that I love the taste of your twat after you cum.” She moaned as Daphne had taken that moment to push three fingers deep into the girl’s sex.

Padma broke the kiss and giggled a little between moans as she pushed her head back into the headboard of the bed. “Morgana, I love your fingers Harry. From what I saw of Pansy, I know you can work that cock really good.” Her fingers sought out the aforementioned member, giving it a few hard strokes that caused the black haired teenager to groan and moan.

Parvarti now had Daphne between her legs, slowly licking up and down her slit. She put pressure on her clit making the girl moan a little more with her fingers and her tongue. “Come on over here, Harry, I want that in my mouth.” Her voice dropped to a husky tone towards the end before she had thrown her head back and moaned; Daphne had made a good point with her tongue and was spearing her sex with it.
Harry grinned as he slipped out of Padma’s sex and slowly made his way over towards the other twin. He knelt down next to Parvarti’s head and the girl slowly licked up and down along the head. She reached out with her left hand, with her right steadying her body, and grasped him slowly stroking him and moving the foreskin back to get a good look at his glistening head. She gave it a few more tentative licks before taking the head between her lips and giving it a good long suck. It made Harry groan out loud as she did so. With Daphne between her legs, Parvarti hummed and moaned against Harry’s member while bobbing slowly down towards the base.
Harry stroked back her black hair as he watched her bobbing away at his members. His eyes sought out her own and watched as the brown orbs showed lust and passion in them as she continued to work her mouth up and down his long thick sex. Parvarti had to close her eyes then as she moaned and hummed against the member in her mouth as Daphne had started on her again with vigor, utilizing her tongue to the utmost with the small point on it. Daphne had actually starting to push the reluctant Indian witch into a new position that forced the girl to be almost horizontal to one another. Harry had to pull his cock from her mouth while the two repositioned themselves into a classic sixty-nine position with Daphne on the bottom facing Harry and Parvarti on the top with her rear end looking enticingly in front of the teen.

“Go on, Harry, you know you want to.” Parvarti moaned into Daphne’s sex as she reached back with both hands and pulled her cheeks apart. Her pussy was shining brightly from the amount of saliva that Daphne was applying to it.
Harry looked to Daphne and she gave a short nod of her head as her tongue was still exploring the depths of the girl’s pussy lips. He slowly repositioned himself so that his cock would slide into the girl while Daphne’s tongue lavished it from the outside with attention. He thrust in slowly at first and then bottomed out quickly, making all three people on the floor moan in pleasure. Daphne’s tongue was now alternating between Harry’s ball sack and Parvarti’s engorged pussy lips when she could get close enough to them. Harry was slowly picking up a nice rhythm of going in and out of the girl bent over in front of him as he did so.

Padma, still sitting on the bed next to a passed out Pansy, moaned as her fingers dug a little more roughly into her pussy. “Gods I love watching you, sis. I want to see Harry cum all over your back, shooting his hot cum all over your dark skin.”

Parvarti moaned loudly and seemed to almost forget her duty to Daphne’s engorged pussy. The auburn haired girl would have none of it and slapped her ass when Harry had pushed in all the way. “Come on, slut, keep working on my pussy lips, I want to cum when I feel Harry deposit his spunk in your willing twat.”

The dirty talking seemed to have done the trick as Parvarti dug her face deep into Daphne’s pussy and started to scream out her orgasm. This had the effect of the girl nearly going into her own fit and shaking from the convulsions of the orgasm that ripped through her own body. Harry could feel both the tongue on his cock and the pussy that it was sheathed in start to quake in orgasm and had to pull almost all the way out of the girl to keep from spilling directly inside of her. He knew that they were safe from conception, what with the spells from earlier, but a part of him wanted to fulfill what Padma had been talking about before that had caused her sister to shudder in orgasm.

The twin that had seemed to start all of this shuddered in her own orgasm and collapsed back against the headboard. “That’s the good stuff, Harry.”

Harry panted as he remained inside the Indian witch, going slowly with small short thrusts in and out of her. “I think that it’s time you got a little action, yourself, Padma.” He crooked a finger over towards the writhing group of girls on the ground.
Padma slid off the bed and slowly moved towards them. Harry lightly gripped her hips without even removing himself from Parvarti and set her straddling her sister’s back. Her feet were still on the floor and added some protection against Daphne being crushed by the added weight of another girl on top of her. The three stacked girls added an interesting element as Harry slowly withdrew from Parvarti and slid into Padma’s willing pussy sitting right above it. The girl moaned at the entry and slid a little further down on her twin, making her pussy leave a trail of arousal on the girl’s skin.

Daphne slapped Parvarti’s pussy with her fingers, making the girl yelp in surprise. “Just don’t wiggle too much and I should be good. Don’t forget, Potter, that I want a piece of that as well.” She was growling when she had finished and Harry was finding that he liked the auburn haired Slytherin more and more.

Harry moaned as he alternated between the two Indian witches that were before him. He watched the sweat bead on Padma’s chest and slip down between her breasts. He could watch the arousal from her sex slid up and down her twin’s back making it slick and sweetly smelling. Parvarti seemed to love it even if she was sharing the cock with her sister as she writhed and moaned beneath her. Daphne had kept up the rhythm that she had started with Parvarti and was sucking on the girl’s clit alternately when Harry’s cock wasn’t thrusting deep within the girl’s pussy.
With everything going on around him, it wasn’t a surprise that it didn’t take Harry very long to start to feel his orgasm building. He slipped from Padma’s sex and aimed his cock where the girl’s were joined together as he started to slowly move his hand up and down the shaft. Daphne knew what was coming and leaned up and started to lick and suck on his balls as best she could from the angle that she had gotten. Padma had closed her eyes at one point, but her hand came around to join Harry’s as he tugged and stroked himself closer to orgasm.

“Come on, Harry, I want you to cum all over my sister’s back and my legs. I want to feel that hot sticky cum against my body. I’m sure that my sister will love to lick it all off of my body.” Padma’s voice was growling as she spoke.
That was enough to set off the hormonal teen and he started to groan and cum hard. He threw his head back as spurt after spurt of his thick white cum splashed first against Parvarti’s back and then Padma’s thighs. He was a little surprised at how much there was as it seemed to keep shooting out across the dark skinned girls, making a contrast against their skin with the milky white substance coating it. Padma moaned and added her own juices to the already slick Parvarti as she orgasmed as well, throwing her head back and nearly colliding with her twin as she had thrown back as well.
Daphne was not to be ignored and had swiped some of the fluid from the girl’s back and was savoring the taste on her finger tips. She reached up and gripped Harry’s member, slowly directing it down to her mouth to clean him up. He was already starting to soften, but her tongue was lavishing around him slowly and savoring each drop of the liquid that he could give her. Within moments he was nearly back to his full erect status and she had every intention of utilizing it to the fullest advantage.

“I want this inside me, Potter.” Daphne gave his member a hard squeeze and stared at him with a cold determination in her eyes. He nodded mutely and slipped from the Patil twins, moving around to the other side of the odd sixty-nine that had been formed.
Padma had nearly passed out from her own orgasm on Parvarti’s back, her head lolling between the girl’s shoulder blades. Parvarti was struggling to remain on her hands and knees now, having to take some of her sister’s weight on her back. When she saw Harry coming around she looked up at him through the haze of her orgasm. Her hair was coated in sweat and was sticking to her forehead and her cheeks. It was tussled in a nice way that framed her face with some flyaway pieces. Harry leaned down and captured her lips even as his turgid member slipped between the legs of Daphne and slowly started to build up to another orgasm.


Tracy was panting by this point in the story. Her robes were suddenly feeling a little heavy and rather hot. She was tugging at the collar of them to the amusement of her roommates and the slight confusion of the two boys. She had asked for the entire story and she was going to get it, every single detail of it no matter what. She could see the deviousness in the eyes of the Patil twins and wondered why either of them hadn’t ended up in Slytherin with the other girls.

Daphne smiled and took up the story, simply waving off the last bit of it. “After we were all satiated, we collapsed back onto the beds and nearly fell asleep for the rest of the evening.”

Tracy gulped a few mouthfuls of fresh air before finding her voice again. “What about all these bottles?” She waved her hand around at the empty butterbeer and fire whiskey bottles strewn around the floor.

Pansy giggled a little and shook her head. “That’s my fault actually.”

Tracy had almost forgotten about what hapepend had to bring the entire odd group together, but then she was running through everything in her head. While the story made her face flame red she knew that she was forgetting something important towards the beginning, and then it came to her in a flash. “You attacked, Potter.”

While the black haired girl flushed deeply, her eyes were like steel as they fixed her roommate with a stare. “Yes, but I recognized what had happened when I woke up snuggled between Daphne and Harry.” Seeing the girl’s confused look she smiled warmly. “When there was no reprisal for what I did to Harry here, I figured that something else was going on.”

Padma was nodding and smiled as she gave her twin sister a tight squeeze on the hand that she was still holding. “I figured that the only way for Pansy to move forward was for her to gain some confidence back. I knew that with Harry’s reflexes, she would never get the drop on him magically or physically, so I asked if he would be willing to help out.”

Tracy was confused more than ever and looked back and forth from Padma to Pansy and then sighed as she rubbed her head in the confusion. “All right, I guess I can see that, but does it lessen the idea of giving her control by making it seem like they were just acting?”

Pansy shook her head almost at once, but then stopped and seemed to gather her thoughts before speaking. “I think that at first I was a little annoyed and started to regress back into the shell of a victim, but then I realized that Harry was willing to let me take real control over him. After I had petrified him, I could have done just about anything, I could have killed him, but he showed a great amount of trust that I wouldn’t do that.” She smiled up at Harry and kissed his cheek gently. “I find that I’m greatly indebted to both Padma and Harry for giving me that back, even just a little.”

Tracy thought for a moment that she had seen true and unadulterated love in Pansy’s eyes, but then she shook her head and gave a wiry smile. She knew that her roommate didn’t truly love Potter, but there was a deep affection there that couldn’t be denied. “That still doesn’t explain all the bottles, or how I found Pot-Harry here trying to sneak out of the room before anyone got up.”

Harry smacked his forehead with his right hand as the other girls glared at him. Daphne snickered a little finally. “He wasn’t being too successful as I was awake when he tried to levitate Pansy and I off of him to sneak out of the bed.” The other girls giggled at that as well as Millie’s silent boy-toy gave a deep chuckle.

“Fine, fine, pick on me all you want, but I know how to get back into your bedroom that bypasses the common room.” All of the girls except for Millie seemed to shiver a little before Pansy started to talk.

“As I was saying, when I woke up and found myself cuddled so deliciously between these two…” She indicated Harry and Daphne. “…I knew that I had been had. They weren’t completely asleep so I roused everyone and brought out the fire whiskey and butterbeer that I had been saving for a special occasion.”

“I’ll assume that because of the way Harry here was reacting that it was more than just a little drinking among friends?” Tracy asked and received a few wistful sighs and flushes around the room.

Padma giggled and shivered slightly. “All right, it was a little more than that.” She looked over at the bed that she and her sister had occupied that morning. “Sorry, Davis, but we might have made your bed smell a little of girl sex.”

Tracy shuddered at the thought, but not out of disgust that got some of the other girls thinking. “I’m sure that it’s fine. It’s nothing that those two haven’t already done before.” She waved at Daphne and Pansy that took on an affronted look.

“Hey!” Daphne waved a finger at Tracy in her agitation. “I’ll have you know that-“ She broke off as there was a sound of running feet outside the closed door and then a frantic knocking.

“Bulstrode, Parkinson, Davis, Greengrass, time to get up. Bed Check!” The voice was definitely female, but sounded much older. At the voice the girls scrambled around to grab cloaks and robes, vanishing bottles along the way.

Harry hissed as he hurried into his dress shirt. “You have bed checks?”

Daphne was pulling on a robe over her mostly nude body and didn’t seem to mind that she was wearing next to nothing under it. It gave Harry the idea that some of the girls in his classes might be going commando more than the boys. “Seventh year prefect, probably, Snape likes to do periodic checks that we’re not…sullying the house name or some such rot.”

Even though the silencing charm was still up on the door to the hallway they still spoke in whispers. “What about us?” Harry indicated the Bulgarian that was pulling on his trousers and hopping around the room as well as Parvarti and Padma whom were trying to fix up their makeup and try to clean up the bed of the smell of sex.

Pansy had joined them at the foot of her bed as they looked around to be sure all the bottles had been cleared. “The Durmstrang boy can stay as he’ll be more readily accepted, but you others are going to have to go quickly.” She stole a kiss from Harry and then pushed him towards Daphne.

Daphne kissed him thoroughly before whispering in his ear. “I wouldn’t mind a repeat of last night, Potter.” She gave a sharp slap to his butt towards the bathroom as she turned towards the door and started to undo the charm work, slowly, but quickly for the waiting prefect on the other side.
Harry quickly kissed Tracy on the cheek as he gripped the hands of the twins and started to drag them towards the bathroom. He caught the flush of red that the girl gave as he pulled the door open and then nearly threw the twins inside. He gave a wave to the Durmstrang boy that chuckled darkly before settling himself back down on the bed with Millie in his arms. Snape wouldn’t care that the boy had spent the night with the girl as he was from a thoroughly dark school that would, if anything, spread the word of Slytherin house as that of good repute, but the others would have to get going quickly.
Padma had just closed the door when they could hear the shuffling of the bedroom door opening and closing behind them. The three stood in the dark for only a moment before Parvarti moved towards the wall of the snakes with Harry. At a hissed command the wall slid away with barely a sound now and the passageway was opened to them. The three waited until they were in the passageway and had the door closed behind them before lighting their wands and heading down what seemed to be a smooth incline upwards through the bowels of the school.

“If my heart wasn’t racing at the prospect of getting caught by a Slytherin prefect, I would have really enjoyed finding this place.” Padma panted after a few minutes of their climb through the semi-darkness. Their lighted wands cast a narrow beam of light around the small enclosed area.
The hallway or passage that they were in was barely two meters across causing the three teens to nearly huddle together. Harry could have easily taken the point position before the girls, but they had dissuaded him of that notion silently as they all grouped together and moved down it. There were no torches, but small brackets where torches might have once rested at one point. There were dark spots on the walls just above the brackets indicating that they had been burned at some point by a fire that was long since gone. With Harry and Padma facing forward, Parvarti kept looking over her shoulder and casting light behind them to be sure that they weren’t followed.

Harry reached down and gave Padma’s hand a squeeze before doing the same to Parvarti as one hand had to hold his wand. “Don’t worry, wherever this goes it has to be better than being caught by Snape in the girl’s room.”

Parvarti chuckled a little at this, but Padma looked a little dubious at that. “This could lead down into the Chamber of Secrets, who knows what we might find down there.”

Harry chuckled and shook his head. “All you would find is the rotting corpse of a basilisk…” He paused at a small t-intersection and pointed right. “I think that we’re moving through the castle pretty steadily, this should put us out near the Hufflepuff common room.”

Parvarti shared a look with her sister after they had turned that direction. “And just how do you know what’s in the Chamber of Secrets, much less where the Hufflepuff common rooms are?”

Harry smiled a little in the dark. “Two years ago, remember?”

“You mean that was true?” Padma nearly shrieked and could have dropped her wand as she stared up at Harry in shock. “We all heard the rumors of course, but….oh my god…first year too?”

Harry shrugged. “I have no idea what the rumors might say, but I can tell you that Quirrell died because Voldemort left him and that the Chamber of Secrets is no longer a danger to anyone. Ah, this must be it.” They had stopped at a small stretch of wall that had the engraving of the Hufflepuff crest on it and nothing else. There wasn’t anything special about the stretch of wall except for the small blemish and the passageway seemed to continue down for several feet before forking.
The trio continued up and along the right hand fork that would lead them deeper into the castle. It was times like these that Harry wished he had kept the Marauder’s map on him at all times, but there wasn’t a real need for it the previous night with the ball going on. The twins kept up a steady stream of questions and chatting about the last four years. Like Harry had found out last night, while he had shared classes and even a few conversations with the Ravenclaw twin of the outgoing and bubbly fourth year Gryffindor, he knew very little about the actual person. He was also startled to realize that he could tell the girls apart almost from the get go as he noticed small personality twitches as well as physical differences between the two that seemed to scream out at him who they were, even if they tried to trip him up once or twice.
Finally they had come to a stretch of wall that seemed to have a painting on it. The painting, however, looked backwards. Harry had to concentrate to notice that it was of a landscape that he had passed the previous evening on his way down to the entrance hall for the beginning of the ball. He lightly ran his hands around the edges of the frame that he could see and a small seam that seemed to exist in the wall around it. With a hissed order the painting swung on hidden hinges and opened up into a more normally lit Hogwarts hallway. Early morning sunlight was streaming in through the stained glass windows at the left hand end of the hallway.

“Oh, I know where we are.” Padma sighed as Harry helped her down from the painting and then turned to help her twin. “We should be just around the corner from the Ravenclaw common room.”

Parvarti smiled as she nearly fell into Harry’s arms as he helped her out of the small hole before turning and pushing the painting closed with her bare foot. Harry hadn’t noticed since their fast departure, but neither girl was wearing their shoes and preferring to carry them in their off hands. He found that he preferred to see them barefoot for some reason. “Thank you, gallant sir.”

Harry chuckled a little as he kissed Parvarti on the cheek. “Until next time, my lady?”

Padma giggled as she shook her head at the pair of them. “Par, you should probably come with me and simply say that you spent the night in my room.”

Parvarti seemed to pout as she pushed out her lower lip and made it quiver slightly. “But Pads, why can’t I proclaim to the world what happened last night?”

Harry smiled and took a hand from both twins. “If I knew that I could get away with it, you know I would project the memory in the Great Hall at breakfast.” This not only earned him twin smacks against his shoulders, but equal flushes. “Your sister is right though, if anyone knew about what happened last night….especially what with the Daily Prophet….”

Parvarti sighed and leaned in to steal a small kiss from the corner of his mouth. “Very well, but I do want to at least get a few kisses and hugs more after what happened.” She smirked a little. “Even if you do end up with Daphne.”

Harry shook his head as he kissed Padma as well. The Indian witch seemed to flush at the passion given to her from her sister’s date, but accepted it well. “I haven’t committed to anyone yet, but I will let you two beautiful women know if something does come up.” He paused for a moment and the girls could tell that he was in deep thought about something. “I wish you both the best of luck with finding a good bloke. I know that you don’t need my approval, but I hope that he’s really worthy of either of you.”

Parvarti smirked as she looked over at the flush that Padma had developed. “I’m sure that any wizard that catches our eye will be more than worthy, Harry, but thank you for the sentiment.” She gripped her twin sister’s hand and started to pull her towards the other girl’s common room. “You better get back quickly, Harry, before you’re noticed.”
Harry watched the twins disappear around the corner before sighing and starting the long trek back towards Gryffindor tower. He put his hands in his pockets and fixed his pants and shirt up a little while he walked. In the rush to get out of the room he had gotten things on a little more haphazardly than he had thought and wanted to at least look more presentable when he showed up at the Tower. It probably wouldn’t matter as Ron and Hermione would notice that he had come back in the same robes from the previous night and would just reach their own conclusions.
His feet took him the tried and true path towards the tower while his mind continued to drift about what exactly had happened the previous night. He had no idea when he had asked Parvarti for the quick date before the dance that everything would turn out so wonderfully for him and everyone involved. The girls sure made his night and he was starting to get an erection again just thinking about all the things that they could do with their bodies. Padma’s remarks about Daphne seemed to confuse him though, he thought that the auburn haired girl was a lot of fun and seemed to have a biting wit, but would it be obvious to the rest of them that they were going to be together. He thought that Pansy would fight for him, but she seemed to be more devoted to him like a sister than a real lover; although everything that they did last night proved that she would never be seen as a true sister.
Before too long he was standing before the portrait of the fat lady and giving the password for the dorms. He pulled himself through the hole and looked around the common room with a small sense of satisfaction. People were lying around all over the place in various states of undress and some still passed out clutching onto bottles of some liquid. By the fire he could see Crookshanks curled up in an armchair stretching out for the morning so he went over there and gave the small ginger cat a scratch behind the ears. The cat stretched out and pushed his head into Harry’s hand.

“If you were a girl, I might have to be wary of my charms, but I think we’re good, right, Crooks?” Harry asked with a small laugh as he sat down in the armchair next to the cat. The cat stared up at him for a moment before seeming to shrug and push his head tighter against Harry’s hand.

The interesting moment was interrupted by the slouching form of Ron coming down the stairs in his own rumpled looking robes and yawning widely. When he saw Harry he groaned and seemed to pull himself over towards him. “Where were you this morning, we were all worried?”

Harry shrugged his shoulders as he kept up the scratching behind the cat’s ears. “I went for a quick walk just to clear my mind.” It wasn’t a total lie after all. “How was the rest of the dance, by the way?”

Ron grumbled as he fell into the couch near Harry. “Hermione was way out of line; she kept going on and on about magical cooperation or some such rot.” He mimed talking with his hand and groaned as he shook his head. “She just doesn’t see Vicky for what he really is. Needless to say when I logically pointed out that he might have put her under the Imperious curse, she flipped out, can you believe that?”

Harry shook his head, not at the information, but at the fact that Ron could never argue logically with Hermione and was obviously overstating his own conversation. Already knowing much of the answer to the next question, he wanted to see Ron’s reaction to it. “What about you and Padma?”

Ron leaned back and rubbed at his eyes while he draped his long arms over the back of the couch. “After Hermione and I had our row at the table I went looking for her, you know, to apologize. I figured that maybe she had gone to get us some punch, but I couldn’t find her.” He shook his head and groaned a little. “What I did find was even worse though.”

Harry was mildly interested as it seemed that things had happened while he was busy in the Slytherin dorms with a bunch of rather frisky girls. “You didn’t see Hermione kissing Victor Krum or something, did you?”

Ron made a face of disgust for a moment before seeming to think it over. “I’m not sure if this was better or worse than that mental image.” He shook his head as he leaned forward a little as if telling Harry a big dark secret, indeed his voice dropped a little when he spoke. “I saw McGonagall dragging Neville and Ginny away from a broom closet. Apparently they had been caught snogging rather heavily.” He snorted and shook his head as he leaned back. “Imagine, Neville, our own roommate feeling up my little sister.”

Harry shook his head and hid a small private smile. He was happy for his shy friend that he had found someone that seemed to like him just as he was. “Sounds like you had an eventful evening.”

Ron snorted a little and shook his head, which seemed to be too much for him as he pitched forward and put his head between his knees. “Diggory stopped me while I was coming back up here, said something about taking a bath with your egg…” He shook his head. “…barking mad, that one. Said something about owing you for the first task, like he needed help or something.”

Harry shrugged as he pulled the ginger cat into his lap so that he could more easily access some of the spots that he knew the cat liked. He had seen Hermione primp and preen over the cat and knew a few of the special spots that she paid attention to the most. “I did tell him about the dragons a little before the task.”

Ron looked a little shocked. “Why did you give up that to him of all people? Don’t you want Gryffindor to win?” He groaned and lay down fully on the couch, pushing two first years off of it with his long feet. He didn’t seem to notice as he draped a pillow over his eyes. “Seems like both of us really struck out last night, and with some really beautiful birds too. It’s too bad that they were all flighty, might have had some fun.”

Harry shook his head at his friend’s antics and looked up when the portrait hole opened once more. Hermione came in with her hair still down from the ball the previous night, she was cleaned and wearing some pressed robes that were too short showing a little more calf than normally. Her eyes sparkled a little when she caught Harry’s eye before glaring down at the oblivious form of Ron. Harry chuckled a little at that. “Yeah, Ron, completely and totally boring, that was our night.”
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