Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Save Yourself....

Chapter 5: the Truth

by TheatreGeek 1 review

An ambush causes Sonic Nightmare to leap into action, startling the Killjoys and causing their suspicion to deepen.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2011-08-19 - Updated: 2011-08-19 - 883 words - Complete

The first blast came ricocheting off the bonnet of the car, missing the windscreen by inches. "What the fuck?" Ray swerved and jammed on the brakes. Mikey saw Sonic Nightmare's eyes widen even more than usual, and her hand flew to the battered leather holster on her hip. Before any of them had time to stop her, she'd clambered out of the car, tugging up her scarf around her face, ray gun in hand. " Oh, shit what are we supposed to do? Is she crazy?" Frank looked at Gerard, who was also almost speechless.
" We can't leave her out there, come on!" Mikey raced out after her, followed by the others.
Sonic Nightmare ducked behind a small rock. Her heart was pounding in her chest, harder than ever before. She tightly gripped her gun, her finger poised on the trigger. The screams of the Dracs proved to her that Party Poison,Jet Star, Fun Ghoul and Kobra Kid had followed her, which reassured her slightly.She was glad they'd got her back, but she knew she needed to fight them herself. She didn't want... approaching footsteps caused her to jump up from her hiding place. The hideous mask was right up close to her face, the immaculately white suit gleaming in the sun. It laughed and raised its gun to her, but she was faster, sending the Draculoid flying to the ground. She ran from the rock over to where Mikey was waving at her behind the car. A shot from a gun hit the sole of her boot, sending her crashing to the ground. She screamed, her head hitting the rocky ground hard.
Gerard looked over to where she lay. " She shouldn't have done that."
" She took out five of them alone , Gerard. She saved us from a lot of shit back there" Ray pulled his jacket tighter around himself against the cold night wind.
" What kind of kid can do that? How old is she? 17? 18?" Mikey gestured to her," She was out there before I could stop her, she's better with a gun than I am."
" Do you think that...." Frank stopped as a flash of movement caught his eye. She slowly sat up, pulling down her scarf and looking round. Frank went over and knelt down beside her. " Hey, you feeling okay? You took a pretty nasty smash on the head." She put her hand to her head and her big eyes widened at the sight of blood. The cut across her forehead was pretty bad, and her hands and face were scratched and smudged with dirt. " I..what happened to my head...what...?"
" You took out five Dracs by yourself, then one hit the sole of your shoe and you fell. You were pretty amazing actually. We're pretty impressed." Frank grinned at her, pulling out a canister of water and a rag from his pocket. " I'm just gonna clean this up okay? It's going to sting like a bitch but it stops you having blood all over your face at least." He gently pressed the damp cloth to the cut and she winced. " awww, come on, a girl who can get picked up by four strangers in the middle of the road and fight Dracs single handed can handle a tiny bit of pain surely?" he smiled again, looking straight into her eyes. She laughed, then blushed scarlet, suddenly very interested in her fingernails.
The drive to the safe zone was a quiet one. Frank and Mikey were once again in the back seat with Sonic Nightmare, Ray and Gerard up front. Sonic Nightmare blushed furiously once more when she found out the seating arrangements, and stared at her feet the whole journey.
Sat in the shade of the car, the five of them tried to study the map they had spread out in front of them, but yesterday's events were plaguing them. " I guess I've got some explaining to do haven't I? " Sonic Nightmare said, rolling a tiny shard of rock between her fingers. They all looked at her expectantly.
" My name is Tasha Bortnyk. I've been living at Better Living Industries for five years now. They took me away from my parents because they wanted to carry out this test... They made me take these pills that they said would make my stay easier, that would take all the pain and sadness away from being apart from my parents. I did as they told me for the first few years, then when I realised that they wanted me to be like everyone else I...I started arguing with the nurses who came with my pills, with the scientists that tried to test me. I tried to throw out all the white clothes they made me wear. They just kept bringing them back. They would lock me in my room but I just wouldn't eat or speak or do anything they said. I managed to run away two months ago. I stole these clothes from a store. It felt so good to wear colour. Since then I've been on the run from them. Just like you guys. When I saw your car I just knew I could trust you. I knew I could trust you because you looked like you knew exactly how it felt. To be different."
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