Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Save Yourself....

Chapter 9:Rescue

by TheatreGeek 0 reviews

Sonic Nightmare thinks she might know who the four intruders at BL/ind might be, but will they find her?

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2011-08-22 - Updated: 2011-08-22 - 1172 words - Complete

The guard marched into the room again without even bothering to knock. "Natasha, you must come with me right now, we have an intruder in the building." Tasha sat up on the bed, tearing her gaze away from the blank ceiling, “An intruder?"
“Yes, four to be exact. Now come on, we need to get you to a safe room, follow me." He grabbed her wrist and tugged her towards the door. “Wait!" She glanced back anxiously to where she'd hidden her gun, she couldn't leave it behind. “No, you must come NOW!"The guard said, tightening his grip. Realising it was no use; Tasha followed him out of her room. Whilst being practically dragged down endless white and glass corridors, she suddenly took in what the guard had said to her moments before, "Did you say there were four intruders in the building?" She looked up at the masked face innocently, “yes, I did. Don't play the fool with me; you know exactly who they are. You were with them when we took you," His fingers were digging right into her flesh, hurting her. Terrified as she was, she couldn't stop the little bubbles of happiness popping in her stomach. They'd come back to rescue her. They rounded yet another corner and were faced with a large, re-enforced steel door. It looked out of place in this gleaming, white world. The guard entered a combination into a keypad by the door and turned to Tasha, " Now, you stay in here and don't even think about trying to get out. We don't want anything to happen to you do we now? I will come and get you when we have..."dealt" these friends of yours." The door closed behind him and she heard the beep of an electronic lock. She was trapped, her gun was in her room and the Killjoys were about to be killed. And it would be her fault.
“Okay, this corridor's clear and I've taken out those security cameras." Ray said to Gerard as they continued down the passageway. "That's great, Mikey and Frank went on ahead to try and find her." Gerard replied, running a hand through his messy red hair. This place made him uneasy. He knew too well how it felt to be stuck here. Four guards appeared round a corner, only to be met by a swift shot from their guns. “That felt good.” Ray said.
Mikey peered at the little name plate beside the door, Natasha Bortyk, Age 15. “Frank, it’s here!” Frank crossed the hallway and kicked the door hard with his foot. “AHH! SHIT!” He cried, his hand pressed against his mouth, “ man, that thing’s strong!” Mikey angrily punched numbers into the keypad by the door, each combination failing. “ Dammit! I don’t know the code...”
“How long was she here for? Five years wasn’t it? Try that with her age, 515.” Mikey typed 515 into the keypad and the door clicked open. They walked into the room ,“ She’s not here, they must have taken her somewhere else when they knew we were here.” Frank surveyed the empty bedroom. This room was nothing like the girl that was staying in it. The girl who was vibrant and outrageous and full of life. Something sticking out from underneath the bed caught Mikey’s eye. He knelt down and slipped his hand into the gap between the bedframe and the white tiled floor. He pulled out the battered brown leather holster, the red and blue ray gun still hooked inside it. Despite the situation, he grinned and tied the strap around his waist. He then went to the wardrobe, scanning it quickly and closing the doors again. They had to be somewhere...
“ Dude, what are you doing? We need to get out fo here and find her before someone comes in here...” Frank stood in the middle of the room, looking confused, as Mikey tugged open the chest of drawers. “ There! We need to take these to her. “ He pulled out the pair of torn skinny jeans, the white T-shirt smudged with dirt, the brown utility jacket, the stars and stripes print scarf and the military boots. Taking a sheet from the bed, he wrapped it around the clothes and he and Frank left the bedroom, the door automatically locking itself behind them.
The Draculoid’s head hit the glass desk with a loud thud, then the security room was silent. Gerard looked at the mulitple screens infront of him, each one showing a different room in the vast building. Ray carefully picked his way through the pile of bodies and stood beside Gerard. “ She’s there, in the high security room.” He pointed to the largest of the screens. Gerard looked at the switches and buttons on the table in front of him, “I can unlock the door from here, we’ve just got to hope Frank and Mikey get there soon..” He said, and pressed the button.
“ I don’t like how there are no guards around this area,” Frank said, looking around wearily, “ Especially seeing as they know we’re here.” They had followed the endless winding corridors for about ten minutes, and eventually they came across the enormous steel door. The green light glowed brightly above it, Mikey looked at it, confused, “ It’s unlocked...but...?” he reached out and pushed the door open.
Tasha didn’t bother to look at who had opened the door. There was no point anymore, it wasn’t even worth the energy to look. “ okay I’m coming...” back to my prison cell, she thought. She turned, and jumped. “ I believe this is yours?” Mikey held her gun out to her, a big smile on his face. She took the ray gun and looked at it, then flung her arms around Mikeys neck. “ Thank you, thank you!” She let go, realising tears were rolling down her cheeks. She saw Frank, stood sheepishly by the door, holding out a make-shift bag made out of a bed sheet. “ Erm... we brought your clothes as well. We guessed you wouldn’t like to stay in your white clothes any longer...” She took the bag and set it down on the table, then threw her arms around Frank also, then let go and took a couple of steps back, feeling herself turn red. “ Thanks Frank.”
“ Don’t mention it...” He rubbed the back of his head, and she noticed his cheeks had turned a bit pink too. Mikey broke the awkward silence by saying, “ Right, quickly get changed while we guard the door. We’ll need your aim to get out of this place alive.” She nodded as they closed the door. She took off the hideous white dress and slid into her jeans, T-shirt and jacket. She tied the laces on her boots and tugged her scarf up over her face. Fastening the rusty buckle of her holster, she took her beloved gun in her hand. She was alive and complete again. “ Ready!” she called.
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