Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Welcome to America

Hajimemashite (First Time Meeting)

by nici160 2 reviews

They meet for the first time and Frank develops a small crush... In Frank's POV unless otherwise stated...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Published: 2011-08-23 - Updated: 2011-08-23 - 392 words

A/N: I will update as I write, so if it's not updated yet I haven't written that far... Thankyou to Broken_Feathers and MrsWayandIero for reviewing... Made my day... I'll try to write more but with study and work it may not go that way... I can relate with this story coz I went on exchange a couple of years ago, so I know the kinds of things experienced by exchange students :) Anyway, on with the story;

The flight was ok but it was long and tiring. I slept almost all of it and when I wasn't asleep I was watching crappy foreign movies. I'm so excited, I get to meet my host family soon. I waled out of the plane and looked around. I saw a group of people rush up to the collection gate and unroll a sign. The brown-haired woman held up a piece of paper with "Frank Iero" on it. I scanned the group and my eyes fell on the huge sign. There were drawings of three people, I assumed one of them was me, doing various activities together and the words "Welcome to America Frank!". This had to be my family. Why did the sons have to be God-like in appearance? I ripped my eyes away feeling like if I looked at them any longer I would jizz in my jeans right there in front of them, now that would be embarrassing... I walked over to the brown-haired woman, who I learnt was Donna, and got ushered out to a red Jeep. We drove for a little while, I don’t know how long we drove for though because I was staring out of the window the whole time. We arrived at a quaint little house and the Jeep stopped. We all piled out and the eldest son took my bags in.
“Wow, This place is amazing!” I said. The two boys looked at me funny.
“What?” I asked them.
“You have an accent.” said the younger one.
“You’re making fun of the way I speak and you guys haven’t even introduced yourselves yet.”
“Sorry, I’m Mikey and my brother here is Gerard.”
“Well, as you already know, I’m Frank. Now what are we gonna do for the rest of the day?”

That's it for chapter 2, sorry it took so long. Nic :)
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