Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > Almost

(12) Big Mistake

by XxPerfectTomorrowxX 1 review

Did Brendon cross the line this time?

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: R - Genres: Drama,Romance - Published: 2011-08-24 - Updated: 2011-08-25 - 833 words - Complete


Now Alex and I were seated at the restaurant and I was going through what I would state as the worst night of my life. Everyone was dressed up as expected and had all looked at me in confusion as I was seated. What kind of idiot came to a fancy restaurant in ripped jeans? This girl.

To top it all off I couldn't think of a single thing to say to Alex and he kept staring across from us where Brendon and Lisa were seated. Brendon was wearing a tux as well and Lisa was wearing a beautiful red dress with an expression of 'sorry' written all over her face every time she looked at me. Guess she couldn't pass up a date with Brendon but that didn't really matter. He wasn't mine and never had been so I had absolutely no right to get angry at her. Brendon was another story though. He knew we were having our date here and now he was here. Why did he have to work so hard to make me miserable?

"So your ex boyfriend is kind of giving me the stalker vibe." Alex stated, uneasily.

I almost choked on my salad as he spoke then I glared at him coldly. "He is not my ex-anything." I stated. "But yes, he does give off the stalker vibe."

Alex laughed, surprising me. "I guess I can't blame him. You're worth fighting for." Again with the sweet remarks.

"Yeah well there's a line drawn between sweet and creepy which he passed almost immediately. Plus I never gave him anything to begin with in which he would be fighting for." I stated, annoyed.

Alex simply smiled and placed his hand on mine and then we heard a crash and looked at Lisa and Brendon's table. It turns out that Brendon reached for Lisa's hand and ended up knocking both of their complimentary waters over. Lisa had jumped up and Brendon was apologizing while stealing glances at our table still. Lisa didn't deserve that from a guy. He was treating her as if she wasn't even there.

"I'll be right back." I told Alex, standing.

I walked over to Brendon and grabbed his arm, pulling him with me to the bathroom area where we could get at least a little privacy.

"If you're going to bring Lisa out on a date then show her the respect she deserves and pay attention to her." I scolded Brendon.

"I don't want to be on a date with Lisa though." Brendon complained. "I want to be on a date with you. I don't know why you prefer that loser over me."

"Well at least that loser didn't drag a girl out on a date only to make it clear that he's an absolute jerk and doesn't even want to be with her." I said, angrily.

Brendon shifted, uncomfortably. "Lisa knows why we came here tonight."

I rolled my eyes. "Wonderful. You're upfront about being an asshole. That's nice. Guess what Brendon?" I said, my voice getting colder by the second. "I don't want you. And I'm not at all fond of the idea of being used for the night then thrown out as you go out on tour." Why let yourself like someone who won't be around for long?

Brendon ran his fingers along my jawline and whispered to me, "It's better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all."

I stared in to his eyes trying to figure out how he could be such an asshole yet so alarmingly attractive at the same time. Was it just the star aspect? At that moment I had absolutely no idea how any girl could stand being on a legitimate date with him.

"Kacy?" Alex's voice broke me from my trance and I looked over to see him and Lisa staring at us, both looking angry.

"I'm just going to leave now because it's fairly clear to me that neither of you are over each other." Alex said, sounding as upset as I felt at the situation which he wasn't even seeing clearly. "Would you like a ride?" Alex asked Lisa. She immediately nodded and sent a glare towards Brendon. Even if Brendon had told her the date was a fake I knew Lisa and I knew that she would go along with it yet be hurt by it.

I closed my eyes and felt my body relax as I felt all of my anger flow through emotionally and tears stung the insides of my eyes but I didn't let them flow freely. Not for Brendon. Never for Brendon. "Did your plan go accordingly?" I asked, coldly as I composed myself.

Brendon nodded obliviously. "Pretty much. Now it's just us."

I shook my head. "Now it's just you." I corrected him as I turned and walked out of the restaurant.

*Sorry, I wanted to break the last two chapters apart so they are fairly short! Hope you still enjoy.*
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