Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The One Where Everyone Dies

Hospitals and Bodybags

by LePanicFan 1 review

The party takes a turn for the weird. Madden incest (no sex)

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres:  - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2011-09-04 - Updated: 2011-09-04 - 1280 words

[OK I'm gonna come clean here. The first few paragraphs are just setting up for a bit of plot later on in, that's why there's so much Pandy. I promise there will be more gore & stuff in later chapters! :D]
And ignore the crappy titles ;)


Slowly the house filled, Ryan’s sometimes-boyfriend Brendon arriving seconds before some old college friends, Pete Wentz and Joe Troughman. Everyone greeted each other with warmth, and though Pete was in a foul mood for some reason, he still tried to join in.

Maybe twenty minutes later Patrick Stump and Andy Hurley arrived, which brightened Pete’s mood considerably. Andy was always willing to be a make-out buddy when he was drunk, and Pete was intent on using this to get in his boxers.

Yes, it was more than slightly immoral, but that didn’t stop Pete from imagining the different situations that could arise, pun completely intended. His increasingly filthy thoughts were interrupted by Ray Toro jumping on him and squishing down, declaring that this was the comfiest chair he’d ever sat on, and where had Ryan got it?

“Ahh, get off me dumbass!” Pete shouted good-naturedly, beating on Ray’s back.

Out of the corner of his eye he could see Frank Iero killing himself with laughter, and struggled an arm out to give him the middle finger. But Ray could have shot Pete in the face and Frank would still be laughing. He was too hyper to do anything else, even at 19.

Finally Ray got up, apologising with a huge grin that he hadn’t seen Pete. Everyone said hi to the pair of blonde twins that Frank had brought along, who he introduced as Benji and Joel Madden, and the atmosphere relaxed as more beer was drunk from Jon’s seemingly never-ending supply.

Soon enough empty bottles lay in a heap in the corner, where Brendon had given up trying to make a pyramid, and Andy and Pete had disappeared upstairs. Not that anyone noticed as they were all too busy watching Spencer cracking bottles with one hand and laughing when a sluggishly bleeding cut appeared on his palm.

No one was watching Gerard and no one noticed when he licked his lips hungrily, his eye fixed on Spencer’s cut. No one ever noticed Gerard when he didn’t want to be seen.

The Madden twins had gone looking for food ten minutes before, and Mikey had just remarked that they might have to send a search party to go and find them soon, when there was a huge crash from the kitchen, followed by a hoarse scream. Nearly everyone rushed to find this new source of possible entertainment, Ray falling over twice and giggling into Jon’s shoulder each time he was helped up.

But what they found was the Madden twins entangled in the floor, covered in a mess of food from the upturned table. Joel was clutching his arm, which was at an odd and unnatural angle, while Benji was lying flat on his back with a heaving chest.

Neither saw the eight pairs of legs in a semi-circle around the wreckage, or the eight mouths that dropped open when Benji crawled over to his brother, planting a sloppy French kiss on
Joel’s lips. Joel hissed when Benji leant into him and accidentally put weight on the injured arm and backed away, colliding with a pair of legs.

Awareness dawned like an awful wave on his already ashen face as he looked up slowly into seven shocked faces and one annoyed one.

“I...u-um,” he trailed off.

“Heey guys...” Benji started as his twin tried to get up. But whatever he was planning on saying was cut off by Joel’s scream of pain.

He cradled his arm, the left that he had just leant on with a face contorted in agony.

“I-I think it’s broken.” He hissed, and Spencer’s ‘big brother’ mode kicked in.

Still slightly in shock, he offered to drive both the twins to the nearest hospital as Frank gathered up the few things they had brought. Ryan and Brendon began shovelling food back into bowls and righting the table.

The five remaining males found themselves with nothing to do, so trailed behind Patrick as he stumbled back to the front room where Gerard still sat, in exactly the same position as they had left him. The other four collapsed on or around the sofa, and Mikey made his way over to his brother who looked asleep.

The young blonde grinned, nudging the older Way with his foot, and Gerard’s hand shot out, lightning fast, to encircle his brother’s ankle. But Mikey’s grin disappeared when Gerard’s grip tightened slightly, just enough for it to become uncomfortable.

“Ger-Gerard! That hurts!” Mikey half-gasped when Gerard continued to tighten his grip.

He cast a glance over at the others, but Patrick and Joe were ignoring the re-emerged Frank, who was complaining bitterly about how the twins had promised to behave, and Jon was sitting on the floor with his back to the sofa, engrossed in stroking Ray’s ‘sleeping’ hair resting in his lap.

Mikey looked down into his brother’s eyes as he struggled to be rid of the iron grip, then stopped in shock as he realized Gerard’s normally green eyes were completely red.

“Gee, no!” Mikey whispered urgently. “You can’t, not here!”

But there was no flicker of recognition in those ghoulish eyes, or on Gerard’s deathly pale face. The face that was becoming more animalistic and less human by the second. In one sharp movement he pulled Mikey’s foot forwards and down, dragging his brother into an awkward sitting position next to the chair he was sitting in.

Mikey’s back scraped over a splinter on the wooden arm of the chair, which drew a thin line of blood. The coppery smell filled Gerard’s sensitive nose and pushed him over the edge and he arched his back, spasming in pain. His mouth opened as his jaw cracked, becoming wider and thicker to accommodate the second row of razor sharp teeth shoving their way through the gum.

All his teeth sharpened, as did his fingers, becoming long claws.
His fist clenched around Mikey’s ankle hard enough to splinter the bone. Mikey’s eyes widened in shock but still he didn’t make a sound as a shard of what was once his ankle pierced his flesh from the inside and gleamed wetly in the low lighting. Then he fainted, his head hitting the wooden floor with a dull ‘thunk’.

It was this thunk that finally alerted the five other men to what was happening in the corner and they stared in shock as a thing barely recognisable as Gerard bent over his unconscious brother, pushing blond hair away from his face and neck. It would have looked almost sweet until Gerard’s head darted down and fastened itself on the thick vein in Mikey’s neck.

It tore small chunks of flesh away in a frenzy of bloodlust, barely noticing the fully-grown bodies piling on top in a futile effort to save their friend. A fine mist of red hit the cream wall and stuck, marking the spot with a gruesome stain.

Only when Patrick’s nail ripped along the side, causing a drop of blood to leak out did the Vampire look up, registering the five humans around it. Dropping Mikey’s lifeless, bloodless corpse, the Vampire that was Gerard Way stood, making the terrified men take a few hurried steps back.


Please R&R, thanks!
- Betsy xx
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