Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Cancer

No words needed

by mcraddikt 0 reviews

Depression does follow...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Romance - Characters: Gerard Way - Published: 2011-09-07 - Updated: 2011-09-08 - 453 words

The only word that crossed my mind for what was happening to me. I didn't get out of bed except to go to the bathroom. Gerard would stop by and try to get me out of bed, but would only fail. I would stare out into space. Today was the same thing as always. Gerard popped his head into my room. He came closer and sat down next to me.
" You need to eat." He stated. I didn't move. I didn't even look at him. " Let's go outside." He suggested.
" I have already told you that I don't want to do anything. There is no point I am going to die anyways." I said shuddering at the thought of dying.
" The best thing is to enjoy that last few months that you have left." He argued with me.
" I don;t feel like it." I said still staring out into space.
" Do you not realize how selfish you are being right now?!" He asked slightly raising his voice.
" Well last time I checked you aren't the one that is due to die in less than a year!" I said raising my voice louder than his.
" you don't know that!" He yelled back.
" Well like it matters the fact is that I am going to die weather you like it or not!" I shouted.
" Do you not realize that you are not the only one that is suffering from this?! Have you thought about your family? Even more of a better question have you ever thought about how hard it is for me, your boyfriend?! I have a girl friend who I know is going not going to be able to grow old with me. Or the fact that I won't be able to grow a family with her because she is going to go away soon!" He jumped off the bed and headed for the door. before he left he turned to look at me. " Did you ever think about that?" And with that he was out the door.
Tears were running down my face. He was right I was being selfish. I was looking out the window to see if he was still here. He was indeed still here. he was standing by his car crying. I have only seen Gerard cry once and that was a long time ago when his grandmother passed away. Apart from that it was raining. I quickly ran out side without a sweater or shoes. I ran to him as fast as my legs could carry me. I hugged him as if my life depended on it. There were no words needed for how we felt. I loved him too much to let him go.
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