Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Dragon Heart-Strings

Coming to America

by HalfBloodPrincess 0 reviews

The family lands in America.

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: G - Genres: Drama,Romance - Characters: Draco,Lucius,Narcissa - Published: 2011-09-10 - Updated: 2011-09-11 - 2213 words

Chapter 2: Coming to America

The city buzzed with the bustling sound of automobiles, speed public transportation and the constant chatter of what seemed to be over a million muggles roaming the graffiti clad streets. With the chaos of the busy city the muggles never noticed the the loud crack of the tree wizards apparating on to what once a bare although covered in litter sidewalk. The had not even notice when the elderly man screamed out in pain. It wasn't until the slight of blood pulsating from where his right hand should be that they were noticed. Yells escaped from the growing crowd. Many reached for their flip phones while others ran to pay phones to call for help. The women next to the man started to droplet some liquid on the squirting wound as the younger man tied his neck tie as a temporary means to stop the flow. Within seconds the pulsating had stopped.

Shortly there after, the paramedics arrived. Quickly the paramedics tended to Lucius with a number of questions to both Narcissa and Draco. Reacting swiftly Narcissa performed the Unforgivable Curse of “Imperio” over the medics. Under the curse the medics rushed the family back into the ambulance. Behind the tinted windows Draco performed a mass memory charm to the crowd. As more emergency vehicles came Draco confuned them. Meanwhile, his mother bandages his father's wound. Once finished the family exited with one last charm to the medics.

“Narcissa, if you hadn’t doubted my abilities, my concentration would have been devoted and this mess never would have happened.” Lucius reprimanded his wife.

“But Lucius Darling, I...” Narcissa started reaching out for her husband.

Lucius promptly backed away, “Don’t you dare touch me woman. You should be grateful I no longer possess my wand and hand.”

“Yes Lucius. Forgive me.”Narcissa looked down in defeat.

“Father, mustn't we get out of plain sight?” Draco asked his father.

“Patience Draco I was about to explain.” Lucius stared into his son's cold', gray eyes. “We need to find a place to set up residency. I have acquired a small amount of muggle money to sustain us for a short while, but it will not last long. Saint Potter and his friends destroyed Gringotts and I was not able to obtain our mounds of gold. Draco, you will now need to need to find work as I can no longer, with the state of my arm.” Lucius held up his nub. “It will take months to learn on my left and I simply do not have the time.”

“But father I have just finished school, I have not acquired a trade to find work.” Draco started but was quickly cut off by his father.

“Draco now is not the time. We must find a place of temporary residence.” Lucius reasoned.

“Do you know of the wizarding community here in-” Narcissa cut off “Where exactly are we, Lucius?”

“I told you before we left, America.” Lucius spat annoyed at his wife's forgetfulness.

“Yes dear, but where in America?” She questioned. “America is 40x the size of Great Britain.”

Lucius sighed, “Los Angeles, California. It is on the far west coast of the continent. Now we must really find somewhere to stay so we can speak in peace with out the chance of this filth over hearing us.” Lucius started walking down the street in a hurry.

“So then father, you do know of the nearby wizarding community?” Draco questioned. Taking long strides to keep up with his father.

Lucius was starting to loose his temper at his families obvious lack or brains, “Did I or did I not mention that we are going into hiding?”

“Yes father,” Draco stated.

“Then why do you ask about the wizarding community?”Lucius asked. “We need to keep a low profile until all this Saint Potter blows over. We shall have to integrate into the muggle culture.

Narcissa eyes widened with fear, “Lucius you can not possibly mean- live with these -act like these dress like these – filth I mean people.”

Lucius looked down at his wife,” I am afraid it is the only way my dear.”

“Father,” Draco started.

“Silence Draco,” Lucius drawled as he walked on.

The family remained quiet as they walked down the filthy streets. Each of them silently cursing the disgusting city they were to live in. No one seemed to give the trio second glances, even with them all adorned in wizards robes. It was considerably normal compared to the outrageous outfits of the people who roamed the city.

Draco could not help but stare at the menagerie of people driving in cars, rushing through the streets as they walked, or simply taking up any space to sleep. Many pestered the family trying to sell things like, clothing, food even baby turtles. If any anyone had told Draco that he would sharing company with the filth that adorned the city he would have hexed them straight in the face, but now he was one of them homeless with not a Knut in his pocket. No, never Draco would never be one of them, he was too good and held to much class. His family would regain their status, he didn't know how but they would. He was sure of it.

Lucius led them down a particularly dirty street, Draco noticed it was called Alameda. A strong smell of human feces wafted into the families noes giving them more of a sneer than they usually wore. On this street there seems to nothing make shift tents and bored up abounded building with a sprinkle of pan handlers.

Narcissa was the first to break the silence, “Oh Lucius, the horrid smell. How do people live like this? Surely, you will be having us take up residence some where far from here.” Lucius didn't respond he just kept marching on with determination.

Draco and his mother returned to their silent walk a few paces behind Lucius. The journey seemed to drag on and on. The further down the street they walked the smell seemed to get worst. They passed by a number of strange and unusual muggles. There were muggles muttering non sense to themselves, pan handlers and muggles with simply a crazed look in their eyes. Draco kept hos head high and refused to look to long on at the filth that lived there. One muggle in particular made Draco almost with draw his wand from his robes. She was a tooth less women in a bathroom, that obviously had an accident. The evidence was running down her leg. Draco stepped sideways to back away as she stumbling towards his yelling incoherent words. When Draco went for his wand, Narcissa grabbed his arm, “No Draco we must refrain from performing magic in front of muggles. We do not want to be found.” Narcissa whispered harshly. Lucius mumbled something about Draco not able to perform any magic under his breath.

They quickly hurried away from the mad women putting as much distance as possible between them. Draco could not believe this was the place he was going to call home. Draco thought that surely even the filthy blood traitor Weasley's must live in a better place than this. The journey didn't last much longer when Lucius stopped suddenly in front of a vacant area among the many tents of the city. It was no wonder why the Americans held no class with living conditions like this Draco thought to himself.

“Draco, “ his father snapped him out of his thoughts, “Did you bring the tent as I requested?”

“Yes, Father.” Draco said not looking at his father. He was too engrossed by all the mental looking people surrounding them.

“Well then get it out boy and pitch the tent.” Lucius sneered.

“Pitch the tent? But that servants work.” Draco complained.

“And do you see any servants?” Lucius asked. Draco shook his head at his father. “No? Then pitch the tent.” Lucius turned to his wife. “ Narcissa, my dear place protection charms around the tent, repeal those blasted muggles I do not want to be disturbed and do something about this horrid smell. I would perform the magic myself but with my arm in its current condition I cannot.” Lucius stood off to the side standing tall.

“Lucius, surely I cannot cast in front of all these muggles, they could see we could be found.” Narcissa said with worry in her eyes.

Lucius' face showed his frustration with his family, “Did you not pay attention my dear women? These filth will not notice a thing. They are all to lost in their own head and those head have more than a few screws lose. Everyone here is strange and unusual this is the perfect hide out.” Lucius had a wild look in his eyes.

Draco looked lost, “Father you mean to tell me that you expect us to live here? Honestly?”
He tapped his trunk three times with his wand before placing it back in his pocket and drew out the ugly canvas tent and started to pitch the tent, reluctantly.

“This is the perfect place Draco until we can obtain a place to better fit our class and status. Yes, this place is horribly below our standard but this is what we have to live with. No one would ever think to find us living among the vermin.” Lucius gave a look around his surrounding looking as if he had a bad taste in his mouth. “Not to mention our tent is of higher quality than anything we would could afford at the moment. That is until you find a job.”

“Oh Lucius,' Narcissa cried, “How dreadful but we will make the best of it,” she gave a stern look at Draco, “but we will get through this as a family.” Narcissa put particular emphasis on the word family. “Now, Draco, please hurry I would like to get off this horrid street and into our new home.” Narcissa withdrew her wand, thinking of what spells she should use. One the smell most defiantly, she thought, and let 's not forget to repeal these distasteful people of no class.

Draco looked disgusted, “This is hardly a new home mother.” Narcissa shot him a stern look. “Yes, mother.” he mumbled while looking at the steak and mallet.

Lucius brought his only hand up to his face a massaged his temple. How was he the only one in the family with slightest amount of brains. “Draco, are you a wizard or not?” Distaste showed on Lucius' face.

“Wha? Oh, right.” Draco withdrew his wand and erected it in record time with a simple flick of the wand. He shrunk his trunk again and placed it back in his pocket. The family quickly entered the tent protected from the streets of LA and all that, that implied. True to the nature of the muggles no one notice the small family or anything strange or unusual of the them.

Inside the tent was quite a sight to see. No one would have guessed from the simple stained canvas and sticks that held it up on the outside that magic could turn it into a complete 3 story mansion equipped all the luxurious of Manor, even the windows were enchanted to show beautiful gardens and the sea side. In the entry hung a giant shimmering chandler, as the family walked farther towards the back Draco could see a spacious living room, sitting room, library and top of the line kitchen. Draco climbed up the grand stair case leading to the six suites of bedrooms. He didn't bother going up to the third floor knowing that it lead to his father's study and his mother's drawing room. He found his old room he had occupied during the quidditch world cup nearly four years previous. Those four years seemed like a life time to him. So much had changed with him and his life but so little when it came to relationship of his family. Draco pulled out the small truck out of his robe pocket. With three more taps he opened the trunk and started to unpack it.

The room was starting to feel more like home as Draco placed his thing where he would like. Something where still left from his last stay. He left them remembering a simpler time. His thoughts were disrupted by his father's voice coming from down stairs. Draco reluctantly went down to see what his father wanted.

“Yes father?” He asked as he walked into the spacious sitting room full of expensive, black and green furniture. The room reminded him much of the Slytherin common room.

“Draco the time has come for you to go and seek work. The trouble is now that we are in hiding you will need to live like a muggle and seek muggle work. It is up to you to support our family. For that we will need to take you shopping for muggle clothing and muggle papers. This however will just be temporary, but for how long I do not know.” Lucius explained.

Draco was confused, “And will I be obtaining all of this?”

Lucius raised his nub, “Patients Draco, I have a plan. I always have a plan.”
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