Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > My Chemical Silence

Chapter 2

by Rydon4ever 0 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Horror,Humor,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2011-09-11 - Updated: 2011-09-11 - 625 words

Chapter 2

IF you want the disclaimer look at the first chapter god!

Jaydon's POV

Dads car is in the driveway. 'Beautiful. Drunk again, I'm guessing. Fucking douche.' I thought to myself as I walked into the yard. I heard a girly scream from in the house and then laughter and the door slamming. I ran into the house and in the kitchen which was directly in front of me, was my sister holding her neck, choking out blood.

"Shit, shit, shit Gale!" I screamed as I ran to her and held her neck as I picked her up. I ran to the car with her in my arms, We got in the car and her eyes started to close

"Shit, Gale. Don't die on me, you are going to be okay, I promise!" I yelled at her but it was to late she passed out. I drove from the house, to the hospital in five minutes. I picked her up and ran into the hospital.

"Help, my sister was stabbed in the throat!" I screamed frantically. A nurse, then, immediately took her and wrapped something around her neck and put her on a stretcher. I followed the nurse to the ER and waited out side the room.

Hours later the doctor came out and asked me to come with him so, I did. He took me around the corner.

"She will live, but we had to remove her vocal chords, they were to damaged to repair."

"Oh, so that means she won't be able to talk anymore?"

"Sadly, yes."

I almost started crying, she will never sing again. She had an amazing voice, and she'll never get to use it again.

"I need to know yours and the girls name, sir," the Doctor told me.

"I'm Jaydon Austen Walters, and the girl in there is Abigale Jocelyn Walters."


"I'm 19, she's 16."

He goes on about other medical type terms and I zone out, thinking about how hard it will be for the both of us to learn sign language. I turn around and see the doctor is gone and I sit down and fall asleep.

Abigale's POV

I woke up with a pain in my neck and memories of what happened before. I look around and realize I am in the hospital. I spot a Nurse by in the corner of the room. I try and talk to her but, no sound comes out. "Oh my god, what happened to me?' I ask my self. I turn my attention back to the nurse, I wave my hands frantically but she is to busy with her paper work she has. I thwack my hand on my heart monitor and we both jump, 'sorry,' I mouth. I only apologize because she is as white as a ghost and clutching her heart like she is going to have a heart attack.

"It's alright dear," she said sadly, " you're probably wondering why you cant talk, aren’t you?” I nod my head frantically and she continues. “ Well I’m sure you know, you were stabbed in the throat,” she looked at me as if to ask my permission to go on. I nod at her and mouth, ‘it’s okay.’
“Okay well, after you were stabbed your brother rushed you to the hospital and your vocal chords were so badly damaged, you needed surgery for them to be removed. So that’s why you cant speak.” She looked very sad, couldn’t blame her, I’m only 16 and now i’m a mute forever. I wonder how hard learning sign language will be for me and Jaydon.
Hope you like :) yeah I will try and make the chapters longer I PROMISE! :) okay so review please!!!!!!!!
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