Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance
We Are the Forgotten
0 reviewsBecause when you go to a concert literally anything can happen
I roll over, batting at the air as I feel someone shaking me, trying to pull me from my pleasant dreamland.
“Mum it’s the weekend I know it is…get out…. leave me alone!” I manage to mutter under my breath. My mum obviously got the message because I don’t feel the shaking anymore. Feeling the presence of someone in my room I am not able to fall back to sleep. Grr.
“Aaaah!!! What the fuck!” Someone had just poured freezing cold water all over me. Seriously…I just wanna sleep.
I sit straight up, the person in front of me just a blurry blob. Once my eyes finally focus I see not my mum, but my best friend Amy standing over me. She has a mug in her hand and a huge smile on her face.
“Oh, yeah, ok, cool, but you will pay,” are the only words I can get out; it’s still too early in the morning.
Amy laughs, grabbing my hands and pulling me out of bed, “You might wanna hurry; we’re leaving in about forty - five minutes.”
“Shit!” I completely forgot about it…. Today Amy and I are going to a My Chemical Romance concert.
I grab my overnight bag and hurry into my friend’s bathroom trying to get ready as quickly as possible. Washing my boob length red hair quickly, I blow dry it and while waiting for Amy’s straightening iron to heat up I put on grey eye shadow and outline my eyes in heavy, black eye liner. The dark make up causes my drown eyes to look at little lighter.
Finally the straightener is hot and I run it over my hair, letting my fringe fall over the left side of my face. After all that I pull on a pair of jean shorts a black shirt that reads ‘Get Your Shit Together’ and my favorite pair of black combat boots.
I’m ready.
As I exit of the bathroom Amy jumps out from behind the door, grinning like a crazy person. Amy is a bit taller than be, being 5’7 while I stand at a measly 5’5. She has the prettiest, shoulder length, brown hair that she always wears up in a pony tail, a few pieces hanging out to frame her face. She has on black skinnies and a red tank top; her red converse high tops are still untied.
“You ready, you ready, you read?!” she asks me, jumping up and down.
“Yup, let’s go!” I reply jumping passed her and half skipping towards the door.
“Wait!” She shouts.
I turn around and by the look on her face and know something is wrong. Either that or she’d forgotten to use the bathroom.
“Have you got the tickets? No. Have you got your car keys? No. Have you got your money? No. Have you got your phone? No.”
I glare at her as I march passed into her bedroom with my head held high. I grab all that stuff and walk past her once more not saying a word. I guess I’m pretty forgetful when it comes to stuff like that. I’m lucky I have Amy, she is like the complete opposite of me, I think that’s why we get on so well.
Two minutes later we are both settled in my blue mini-cooper, which I love above many things in my life. I switched the CD player on, which is already loaded with My Chemical Romance’s, The Black Parade. When ‘The Sharpest Lives’ comes on I take my hands off the steering wheel and start dancing, as much as you possibly can sitting down that is. One look from Amy reminds me we are still on the road and that as the driver I must be responsible.
Overall the journey is pretty uneventful, besides seeing a few homeless people casing after a dog. Sitting in line to get a parking place as the venue makes me antsy. I tend to get really fidgety when waiting, especially if I’m excited.
Sure there where a lot of cars in the lot but most people stay out and drink a few beers before going in. Amy and I, not being old enough to drink, headed straight for the gate. This left only about fifteen to twenty people in front of us.
“Dude look, we are gonna be so near the front. How awesome is this?!” I squeal, jumping up and down. This gets me a few odd looks from people but nothing more. I’m pretty sure everyone is super pumped to be here.
After a while this group of girls came behind us. They didn’t even look like they belonged here. I mean seriously, who wears a bright pink sundress to a My Chemical Romance concert? Shrugging this off I continue to talk to Amy, then again I couldn’t help but over hear what they are saying.
“…. I mean what does she look like, this isn’t the Barbie doll competition, is she for real…”
“…. Look at them both, there the biggest posers I have actually ever seen, what are they doing here!”
I turn around and smile sweetly at them, not able to hold my tongue any longer, “Hi, I couldn’t help hearing your pathetic, little conversation and I just wanted to say, this is a My Chemical Romance concert, not a garden show.”
The girls glare at me, one of them eventually responding, “You probably didn’t know this, as you probably don’t even like this band, but it might surprise you to know My Chemical Romance doesn’t care how you dress they just care if you like the music.
“Too right, then again, they probably don’t like teeny bopper girls who are only here cause they think everyone in the band is hot. I mean, I wasn’t going to say anything but since you’ve given me –”
“Mollie. Mo, just drop it,” Amy is looking at me with those accusing eyes of hers as if I’d just done something terribly wrong.
Then again, she is right. I shouldn’t let a group of teeny boppers ruin my day. So I turn around once again, flip them off and then start dancing around to a song that is stuck in my head.
It seems like ages before the doors open but as soon as they do girls and even some guys start screaming and people are pushing and shoving each other to try and get in faster. As soon as Amy and I flash our tickets to the security guy we head quickly into the building, pushing our way up against the barrier.
“Oh my god I can touch the stage. This is the best ever.” I exclaim, smiling widely at Amy who is wearing the same expression. I simply cannot wait for My Chemical Romance to come on. Tonight is going to be the best I’ve had in a real long time.
“Mum it’s the weekend I know it is…get out…. leave me alone!” I manage to mutter under my breath. My mum obviously got the message because I don’t feel the shaking anymore. Feeling the presence of someone in my room I am not able to fall back to sleep. Grr.
“Aaaah!!! What the fuck!” Someone had just poured freezing cold water all over me. Seriously…I just wanna sleep.
I sit straight up, the person in front of me just a blurry blob. Once my eyes finally focus I see not my mum, but my best friend Amy standing over me. She has a mug in her hand and a huge smile on her face.
“Oh, yeah, ok, cool, but you will pay,” are the only words I can get out; it’s still too early in the morning.
Amy laughs, grabbing my hands and pulling me out of bed, “You might wanna hurry; we’re leaving in about forty - five minutes.”
“Shit!” I completely forgot about it…. Today Amy and I are going to a My Chemical Romance concert.
I grab my overnight bag and hurry into my friend’s bathroom trying to get ready as quickly as possible. Washing my boob length red hair quickly, I blow dry it and while waiting for Amy’s straightening iron to heat up I put on grey eye shadow and outline my eyes in heavy, black eye liner. The dark make up causes my drown eyes to look at little lighter.
Finally the straightener is hot and I run it over my hair, letting my fringe fall over the left side of my face. After all that I pull on a pair of jean shorts a black shirt that reads ‘Get Your Shit Together’ and my favorite pair of black combat boots.
I’m ready.
As I exit of the bathroom Amy jumps out from behind the door, grinning like a crazy person. Amy is a bit taller than be, being 5’7 while I stand at a measly 5’5. She has the prettiest, shoulder length, brown hair that she always wears up in a pony tail, a few pieces hanging out to frame her face. She has on black skinnies and a red tank top; her red converse high tops are still untied.
“You ready, you ready, you read?!” she asks me, jumping up and down.
“Yup, let’s go!” I reply jumping passed her and half skipping towards the door.
“Wait!” She shouts.
I turn around and by the look on her face and know something is wrong. Either that or she’d forgotten to use the bathroom.
“Have you got the tickets? No. Have you got your car keys? No. Have you got your money? No. Have you got your phone? No.”
I glare at her as I march passed into her bedroom with my head held high. I grab all that stuff and walk past her once more not saying a word. I guess I’m pretty forgetful when it comes to stuff like that. I’m lucky I have Amy, she is like the complete opposite of me, I think that’s why we get on so well.
Two minutes later we are both settled in my blue mini-cooper, which I love above many things in my life. I switched the CD player on, which is already loaded with My Chemical Romance’s, The Black Parade. When ‘The Sharpest Lives’ comes on I take my hands off the steering wheel and start dancing, as much as you possibly can sitting down that is. One look from Amy reminds me we are still on the road and that as the driver I must be responsible.
Overall the journey is pretty uneventful, besides seeing a few homeless people casing after a dog. Sitting in line to get a parking place as the venue makes me antsy. I tend to get really fidgety when waiting, especially if I’m excited.
Sure there where a lot of cars in the lot but most people stay out and drink a few beers before going in. Amy and I, not being old enough to drink, headed straight for the gate. This left only about fifteen to twenty people in front of us.
“Dude look, we are gonna be so near the front. How awesome is this?!” I squeal, jumping up and down. This gets me a few odd looks from people but nothing more. I’m pretty sure everyone is super pumped to be here.
After a while this group of girls came behind us. They didn’t even look like they belonged here. I mean seriously, who wears a bright pink sundress to a My Chemical Romance concert? Shrugging this off I continue to talk to Amy, then again I couldn’t help but over hear what they are saying.
“…. I mean what does she look like, this isn’t the Barbie doll competition, is she for real…”
“…. Look at them both, there the biggest posers I have actually ever seen, what are they doing here!”
I turn around and smile sweetly at them, not able to hold my tongue any longer, “Hi, I couldn’t help hearing your pathetic, little conversation and I just wanted to say, this is a My Chemical Romance concert, not a garden show.”
The girls glare at me, one of them eventually responding, “You probably didn’t know this, as you probably don’t even like this band, but it might surprise you to know My Chemical Romance doesn’t care how you dress they just care if you like the music.
“Too right, then again, they probably don’t like teeny bopper girls who are only here cause they think everyone in the band is hot. I mean, I wasn’t going to say anything but since you’ve given me –”
“Mollie. Mo, just drop it,” Amy is looking at me with those accusing eyes of hers as if I’d just done something terribly wrong.
Then again, she is right. I shouldn’t let a group of teeny boppers ruin my day. So I turn around once again, flip them off and then start dancing around to a song that is stuck in my head.
It seems like ages before the doors open but as soon as they do girls and even some guys start screaming and people are pushing and shoving each other to try and get in faster. As soon as Amy and I flash our tickets to the security guy we head quickly into the building, pushing our way up against the barrier.
“Oh my god I can touch the stage. This is the best ever.” I exclaim, smiling widely at Amy who is wearing the same expression. I simply cannot wait for My Chemical Romance to come on. Tonight is going to be the best I’ve had in a real long time.
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