Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Aokigahara


by AhoyMikeyo 5 reviews

known as the sea of trees and famous for its high suicide rates 10 young hopefulls brave the forest Aokigahara

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Fantasy,Horror,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2011-09-16 - Updated: 2011-09-16 - 1962 words

“Mikey! Hurry up!” Gerard called up the stairs to his forever-late brother
“I’m coming I’m coming” came the reply Gerard sighed they should have left 20 minutes ago and if they didn’t leave soon they would miss their flight but thankfully Mikey was now in sight at the top of the stairs pink suitcase in hand and his glasses on the tip of his nose
“No” Gerard said simply Mikey looked confused
“Why? What?” he started lugging the ridicules suitcase down the stairs
“Aren’t I meant to be the sassy one?” Gerard raised an eyebrow making no attempt to help his brother down the stairs
“Oh shutup asshole I had to use Mom’s mine couldn’t fit everything in” Mikey huffed as he pulled the suitcase down the remaining three steps Gerard sniggered and started out the house Mikey was quick behind him and the boys clambered into the car Gerard was in the drivers seat and started the car speaking as he backed out of the drive
“Now we’ve got to pick up Frank and meet everyone else at the airport…. If they haven’t left without us already” They pulled out of the drive way and onto the road finally setting off on their majestic adventure.

When they got to Frank’s house he was waiting outside a massive rucksack on his back he grinned at his two friends as they pulled into his drive Gerard rolled down his window
“Pop your stuff in the trunk then we’re off” he called as Frank walked round to the back of the car slipped off his rucksack and shoved it in the boot of the car he then opened the back door behind Mikey and climbed in.

“So guys” Frank leaned forward once they were safely on the motorway
“I’ve been looking into that forest” he continued
“Aokigahara” Mikey nodded
“yeah whatever Aokiga-thingy… well anyway I’ve been reading into it… well actually I watched this thing on it so its not really reading but I said reading anyway” Gerard cocked an eyebrow
“Get to the point Frankie” he joked looking at Frank in the drivers mirror before turning his attention back to the road Frank nodded
“Uh yeah well its actually quite famous its known as like a suicide forest they like found 78 bodys there in 2008 or something, or like olot I dunno but they usually find around 30 in there a year but that’s not all cause like its meant to be haunted by these weird spirit things… um Yurei I think and they like torment the people that go in there by screaming and shit…Oh! And there are these ice caves cause its all on like volcanic land or whatever and there is a wind cave… that I assume is like really fuckin’ windy or something” Mikey snorted
“Wind caves; fuckin’windy or something” Frank hit Mikey over the head hard
“Watch is asshole” he warned Gerard just smiled this was going to be a long drive.

By the time they had arrived at the airport Gerard had a splitting headache he was slowly but surely regretting his decision to go on the trip and with the 20 minutes it took to find a parking space Gerard felt like turning to go home then and there but somehow forced himself out of the car and into the Airport building where they were met by a beaming girl in skinnies and a black tank top her long mousy hair hung below her shoulders and one eye was partly covered by a thick side fringe she pulled each man into a hug in turn before introducing herself “Hello!” she had a strong British accent and sparkly blue eyes
“I’m guessing you are Frank, Gerard and Mikey?” the men nodded and the girl ticked them off on a sheet making ‘uhuh’ noises with each tick
“Okay well great! I am Chloe and I shall be making sure you don’t die on the trip! Now are you all ready to check in? Cool then you can meet the others!” Chloe led them to the check in desk apparently they didn’t need to queue so they were glared at by other weary travellers that looked like they had been queuing for days.

Once they had checked in and spent an hour waiting for Frank to take off then put back on his converse in security checks Chloe led the three men into a private waiting room
“Okay boys here are the other lucky lucky contestants! Mingle and whatever I have to go speak to my brother quickly” and with that she flashed them another million dollar smile and disappeared off into the airport. The three men stood awkwardly in the doorway for a few seconds before spotting Ray and Bob chatting to a couple of girls in the corner of the room and set off on an epic quest of avoiding legs and baggage to get to there friends.

Gerard collapsed into one of the small metal seats next to his fuzzy headed friend
“Sup Toro” he greeted
“Oh hey Gee… your very late… But whatever this is Jez and Gigi” Ray gestured towards the two smiling girls Gerard offered his best attempt at a warm smile and the girls grinned back.

The conversation was light they chatted about music and the trip Gerard didn’t speak a whole lot other than replying to his brother’s questions on when Chloe would be back and if he thought she had a boyfriend, it was clear his brother had the hots for the girl, not that he blamed him she was very pretty, just not at all Gerard’s type.

After nearly an hour of mindless chatter Gerard decided to work on a few drawings he pulled out his sketchpad and stated shading in a villain he had begun drawing earlier when he was interrupted by a redhead tripping over his legs Gerard looked up from his drawing and down at the small pile on the floor
“You okay?” he asked as the girl sat up a dazed look on her face she pulled out her earphones
“Oh god sorry I’m such a klutz” she pulled herself up off the ground brushed off non-existing dirt from her cargo pants and tucked her red hair behind her ears before quickly flicking it back out Gerard smiled
“Don’t sweat it,” The girl flashed back an awkward grin before making her way across the room to find a free seat Gerard found himself watching the girl and before he knew it he was sketching her all hope for the super villain for his comic ever being finished gone.

Around half an hour later Chloe was back with who Gerard assumed was her brother they looked very much alike and could easily have been twins they stood talking in the doorway for a few minutes’ serious expressions on their faces Gerard noticed a deep worry line above the boy’s right brow as the two spoke in hushed tones before finally facing the room full of people Chloe’s smile was back and the boy leaned against the door frame.
“Okiedokie guys!” Chloe sang Gerard couldn’t help but smile at the way his brother was watching her
“So as you should know by now I’m Chloe your medic and this is my brother Ashley he will be your guide” Ashley waved and smiled at the group as a brunette arrived behind them she looked flustered as she brushed her hair out of her face and ran her fingers through the her long ponytail Chloe turned around and smiled at the girl before pulling her into a friendly embrace her brother rolled his eyes earning him an elbow to the ribs from his sister once she had pulled away from the girl in the doorway
“And this is our lovely Camera girl Emily Toye” Emily waved shyly a small smile on her lips
“Now guys were gonna give you all diary cams where you can film all your thoughts feelings bla bla bla etcetera” Chloe lifted up a black bag filled with cameras and started to give them out as she spoke
“Now in a minute were going to board the plane, and its gonna be a long ride!” she exaggerated the os in long she was by Gerard and Mikey now Mikey looked up in ore at Chloe as she handed him a camera she blushed a little suddenly aware of the dork in glasses watching her mouth a-jar but her smile never faltered as she moved round the room handing out more cameras.

Gerard looked down at the small flip-cam in his hands un-interested he shoved it in his coat pocket and went before packing away his sketch book being careful not to let anyone see his creepy stalker drawing he then stood up and swung his satchel over his shoulder and made his way towards the waiting room doors with everyone else.

Gerard was now sat in his comfy business class seat staring out the window it took all his strength to keep staring at that window though because next to him sat the Red headed girl from earlier because he was a nice brother Gerard had agreed to swap places with Chloe so Mikey could drool over her all the way to Japan so now Gerard was left to fight his own drooling issues he had decided the best way to not freak the girl out was to avoid looking at her completely but apparently she had other ideas
“You’re Gerard Way right?” she asked her Green eyes wide with expectation Gerard nodded
“Uh yeah... um yeah” he mumbled looking at his lap the girl smiled a broad smile
“I’m a fan” she admitted her eyes sparkling
“Oh no way! I didn’t know we could have fans, I mean our first album isn’t even out yet,” Gerard laughed somehow managing to string a full sentence together the girl laughed with him
“You supported my friend’s band about a month back and I’ve been to watch you play a few times since, great name by the way like really good” Gerard felt himself blush and tried to hide behind his shaggy hair
“Ha-ha thanks my brother thought of it, Mikey he’s our bassist” The girl nodded and Gerard realised he still didn’t know her name he opened his mouth to ask but she got there first
“Annabelle Lee” Gerard smiled it was a pretty name, suited her Gerard thought and suddenly found himself unable to speak
“I-m ung Gee… Gerard uha Way” he spluttered out Annabelle laughed
“Yeah, we already went over that” Gerard felt his cheeks heat up probably beetroot red by now but thankfully the pilot’s voice was now cracking through the speakers above each of the seats
“Good evening ladies and gentlemen my name is Joan Ross and I’ll be your pilot for tonight leaving at 9 15 pm and arriving in Tokyo 2pm local time this is a night flight so cabin lights will be off during take off in a few short minutes look towards your cabin assistants for a walk through of what to do in an emergency, thank you for flying with Thomson”

A/N Sooo first chapter up! Yaay dances so how was it? Gimme feed back I know not all the characters were in this chapter but they will be eventually and I want to take my time introducing them so that they can be seen properly and its not overly rushed Danke for reading I love you more than rainbows or something… yeah xxx Hatie
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