Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Give Me Back My Sanity


by ILoveGerardMCR 2 reviews

"I need you to find out who killed me," Gerard interrupted. Frank's jaw fell open. Gerard was murdured?

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Horror,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] [?] - Published: 2011-09-18 - Updated: 2011-09-19 - 1225 words

A/N: I'm back from Europe! :D I'm so sorry this was SO late. But Imma start updating regularly now, since I'm back and stuff. oh and can you believe I just had to do 4 pages of physics? I'm only in ninth grade, jesus
oh well, enjoy this chapter, I shall be updating The Bloody Man of Čachtice tomorrow too :D and the fourth chapter for this shall be up by Thursday Isa (Isa means inshallah to those of you who don't know) Yeah, I'm ARAB, go on, make yer jokes... they actually crack me up xx

Title from Evanescence


"Are you okay?" Ray asked Frank, he bit his lip nervously and crossed his arms across his chest.

Frank huffed. He just gotten assaulted in his own home by some seniors on the football dream, passed out, had a strange dream that felt so freakin' real, then woke up and found himself being stared at by a walking toilet brush. Frank was most certainly not okay.

"What does it look like?" He snapped. Frank tried to sut up but was suddenly over washed by immense pain, he gasped and returned to his slumped position, but again attempted to roll on his side.
"I don't think you should do that. You'll hurt yourself," Ray said.

"Didn't seem like you cared back then," Frank muttered back, recalling the previous events.

"Listen man, I didn't know it was going to get this out of hand, I'm sorry. Jason is with the police right now," Ray said. His eyes looked poignant, like he was really sorry. Frank wasn't the one to hold grudges anyway. Even if it was one against someone who is friends with the guy who almost killed him, besides, if Ray wasn't there his injuries would have been far worse.

Frank nodded at Ray, and he seemed to relax more.

"Where are your parents?" Ray asked confused to why he was the only one here.

Frank dropped his head and stared down. "My mum's dead," He simply said.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know, honestly. Dad?" Ray asked.

"I dunno. Jail, I think."

Frank looked up again and stared, shocked. Not at Ray, but at who was behind Ray. His jaw dropped, and he continued to stare. Ray furrowed his thick eyebrows and looked at Frank. "What are you staring at?"

Frank ignored him. "What are you doing here?" He asked Gerard as he was leaning against the back wall, his arms crossed, raven hair falling on his eyes, and a proud smirk planted on his face. He looked at Frank and grinned.

"Who are you talking to?" Asked Ray puzzled, looking around to see if he has missed something.

"Gerard," Frank replied without hesitating.

"Who?" Now Ray looked really bemused.

"The smirking bastard that's standing behind you, he doesn't leave me the hell alone," Frank snapped, and Gerard raised his eyebrows, continued to smirk.

"Erm…I'm just going to let you rest since you look really tired, so…uh…bye," Ray said quickly as he grabbed his satchel from the floor and left at lighting speed. What the hell was that all about?

Gerard chuckled. He continued standing there in his position, and Frank noticed how darkly he was dressed. Despite having that eerie silver glow that seemed to radiate off his skin.
Gerard was dressed in tight black jeans that looked as if they had been painted on his legs; he wore a black obviously worn out plain shirt and a black leather jacket. A black scarf was tucked around his neck, and his outfit was paired off with black doc martens. How cheery, eh?

"So what’s up?" Gerard asked coolly, leaving his position as he walked around the white room, arms still folded across his chest.

What's up? What's up? He was sitting in a hospital bed after nearly been beaten to death by some vengeful, idiotic jock. He was stalked by some creep who claims that he is dead, he got a bizarre dream, and possibly scared off the only person who bothered to visit him and then Gerard just flaunts in here with his fucking annoying smirk and asks What’s up? Frank felt like attacking that motherfucker.

"What do you WANT?" He tried sitting up, no such luck as his ribs hurt, so he let himself slump back down.

Gerard rolled his eyes. He was obviously getting annoyed by this kid; he had about enough patience as a pen. And he was starting to lose it. Thankfully, Frank noticed almost immediately and asked in a much calmer voice "What do you want from me?"

"As I said before, and I will repeat, I need your help," Gerard said.

"But wha-"

"I need you to find out who killed me," Gerard interrupted. Frank's jaw fell open. Gerard was murdured? He opened his mouth to speak but Gerard continued.

"What I remember last is that I was talking a walk and I passed by that thicket. I heard Mikey call my name from in there, and I was just wondering why the hell Mikey was there at 2:00 AM anyways, so I went in, and then," Gerard paused. "Everything went black."

"Who's Mikey?" Frank asked, suddenly curious, and forgetting the fact that this all just might be a stupid joke, and asking questions would just make him sound ridiculous. "And why were YOU there at 2 AM anyway?"

"Mikey is my little brother, he is only fifteen. And I was walking back home from my girlfriend Lindsey's house. God, I miss her." Gerard's eyes dropped and he suddenly seemed very interested in his shoes. Frank felt a strange feeling in his chest at the mention of Gerard's girlfriend, but he decided to ignore it.

Gerard's expression seemed so melancholic, Frank felt like really believing him. But he tried reasoning with himself. Telling himself that if he gave in to him so soon, he might end up being laughed at and mocked and become labeled as the most gullible person ever.

"Suppose I believe you….which I don't!" Frank added quickly. "What would you want me to do?"

"I don't know!" Gerard exclaimed. "God, you must be the worst sensitive ever."

Sensitive was a word applied to the certain people who had the ability to sense the paranormal. It doesn't mean they can see them straight out and go "omgz look a ghost!!!" but when they are surrounded by any amount of paranormal activity, their hidden senses come to life. Clearly sensing the deceased person's aura. Some people believe that the dead have no aura, but Frank could prove otherwise.

"I'm not, I just can't….I can't sense you, okay?! Which makes me feel suspicious, but the fact that I can actually SEE you, totally blows! So until you have some proof you could show me, I'm not going to believe you."

Gerard pursed his lips, and as he took a few steps closer to Frank, his heart started doing a weird flutter, but then the door knocked, goddammit.

Frank and Gerard turned to face the door, and as quickly as the knock came, the door swung open and Bob burst in. "Frankie!"

Frank smiled and turned around to face Gerard again.

He was gone

Next chapter: Gerard visits Lindsey, Frank follows.....ooh can I get three cheers for some drama? teehee

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