Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Audition If You Dare. BWAHAHAHAHA!
Audition If You Dare. BWAHAHAHAHA!
(#) MrsWayandIero 2011-09-20
Name: Triana Drew
Age: 16
Looks: Hair exactly like Frank's via Revenge era. It is shaved on the sides, but i have natural red hair, so one shaved side is blond and the other is black. =] I have snake bites, my septum, bridge of nose, eyebrow, tongue, bellybutton, and cartilage pierced. I have a tattoo on the inside of my lip that says foREVer in memory of the REV, i have a tatt on my left foot of the DD spider, on my right foot on the side of the heel is a light blue flower with blood on it, on my side i have a tattoo of black roses and black thorns on black vines, on the back of my neck is a dragon laying down in a circular position, under my right eye i have a spider web tattoo that starts from my bridge piercing in a circular motion that goes all the way down to the bottom of my nose and over to the other side of my eye, on my left arm i have a full arm tattoo, on my right wrist i have flames, on my left arm at the top i have a skull covered in flames, and on my right shoulder i have Gir from Invader Zim in his green costume. I also have a piercing like this: Oh and the HALLOWEEN tattoo on my hands like Frank.
Personality: Sweet, kind, paranoid, can be a bitch, funny, and sarcastic.
Your fears: Clowns, The Dark, Needles when getting a shot, heights, crowded and small spaces, being alone outside at night, Barney, and dogs.
Why your parents sent you to the school of fear: They think I have WAY to many fears.
Anything else: People call me either Drew, Tri, or Anairt.
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