Categories > Anime/Manga > Fruits Basket > "Bad Things Happen for a Reason" (I Hope)

He's Coming

by stargate-lover 2 reviews

Inora finally gets around to calling her uncle. rated R just for language.

Category: Fruits Basket - Rating: R - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Characters: Hatori,Shigure - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2011-09-23 - Updated: 2011-09-24 - 3144 words - Complete

(A/N): when something is in (these) it means she said it in English! ;)
The next morning she woke up really groggy. She looked up at the ceiling and saw that she wasn’t in her room; she felt a weight on her arm and rolled over. She was face to face with a large black dog; she realized that his transformation had been what woke her up. She remembered what had happened last night, ‘Shigure and his distractions,’ she thought. They had moved from his study into his room when Tohru and the others came back and she had fallen asleep in there. She groaned as she remembered that she forgot to call her uncle again. The noise woke Shigure up, he rolled onto his back then laughed when he saw that he had transformed.
“I don’t think I’ve ever slept through one of my transformations before. It’s a little unsettling to wake up like this,” he said.
“Shigure you (fucking) distracted me again! I really, really need to call my uncle. He must be worried sick.” She said a little annoyed.
“Hey it’s not my fault you look so sexy when you’re wet,” he said with an evil dog grin. There was a ‘poof’ and Shigure was lying on top of the covers completely naked. It really looked like it didn’t bother him at all, ‘of course he may just be trying to get something started again,’ she thought.
“Just go call him now, no big deal,” he shrugged. She thought it was a big deal but she had lost the will to fight him after he called her sexy.
“(yeah, yeah),” she said as she stalked out of his room. She was just glad she could escape his nakedness without getting distracted again. She ran upstairs to the room she shared; she crept inside because Tohru was still sleeping. She routed quietly though her suitcase and found the objects she was looking for then tiptoed back out of the room. Inora had insisted on living out of her suitcase, Tohru had tried to give her some drawers in her dresser, but it just didn’t sit right with Inora for some reason. It was for the same reason she wouldn’t let Shigure get her a bed, and she wouldn’t call it ‘her room.’ She was tying desperately not to get attached to the house or the people in it.
She went to the kitchen and found a wall socket to plug her phone into. As soon as it finished turning on it erupted into a long string on vibrations. She rolled her eyes, ‘Of course he would be freaking out,’ she thought. As soon as the vibrating stopped she closed out of all the windows telling her that she had missed things, and found him in her contacts. She held the phone to her ear but had to jerk it away as soon as he answered.
(A/N): so obviously while she is talking to her uncle they are using English. The () are for when she is talking to everyone else… tell me if you think that’s to complicated. :(
“INORA! I HAVEN’T HEARD FROM YOU IN FOREVER! ARE YOU ALRIGHT? DO YOU NEED ANYTHING?” he shouted into the phone. He continued to rant for quite some time while she held the phone a foot from her ear. She knew from experience that she should just wait until he was finished, or passed out from lack of air. When it sounded like he was done she put the phone tentatively back to her ear.
“Okay, Daniel I need you to not interrupt and just listen to what happened ok?” she said. He shut up right away because when she used his whole name he knew she was serious. She told him the whole story of what happened, when she was finished he was silent for so long that she thought that the call had dropped. She glanced at her phone to see if the call was sill active at just the right time; his voice came screaming out of it.
“INORA HOW COULD YOU STAY THERE!?! YOU COULD HAVE BEEN HURT! THESE PEOPLE AREN’T EVEN CHECKED OUT!” He continued to rant like that for about five minutes.
“Dan you need to calm down, you’re going to give yourself a heart attack,” she said as soon as she could get a word in.
“DON’T TELL ME TO BE CALM!!!” he shouted. She heard him take a deep breath. “Well I suppose you have been there for almost a month, if anything bad was going to happen it would have,” he muttered mostly to himself. “So tell me what this family is like.”
“Well… it’s not what you would call a… traditional family,” she said slowly.
“What kind of family is it?” he asked suspiciously. She didn’t really know how to explain it so she just settled for telling him about each person.
“Well there’s Shigure and he owns the house, then there are two other boys, they’re Shigure’s cousins, Yuki and Kyo. And then I share a room with a girl named Tohru, who isn’t related to them. I guess they all sort of found each other and made a family.” she explained.
“So you are living with three men?! How old are each of them?!” he demanded.
“Oh, Well, Kyo and Yuki are only 17-”
“Almost 18,” he interrupted.
“Uh…yeah. And Shigure is 27,” she finished deciding not to lie. She could hear him trying to calm himself down through the phone. Shigure picked that exact time to come into the kitchen, and upon seeing her in her rather skimpy night clothes, tried to kiss her. Normally she wouldn’t blame him, she was wearing a tank top and extremely short shorts, ‘but can’t he see I’m on the phone?’ she thought franticly. She tried to shove him away but he just took that as a challenge and started tickling her. She couldn’t stop her self from bursting out in laughter.
“(Stop it Shigure!)” she said in between fits of giggles. Because she had been talking to her uncle she forgot to say it in Japanese. She froze as soon as she realized what she had done; she closed her eyes waiting for the screaming to start again.
“I’m coming,” was all she heard before he hung up. She stared at the phone in disbelief for a whole minute before setting it back down. ‘What the hell does he mean he’s coming? He can’t mean he’s coming here right?’ she thought in a stupor. But when she thought about her uncle she couldn’t think of any other explanation. She turned around and smacked Shigure on the shoulder.
“Ow! What did I do?” he asked trying to sound innocent.
“Thanks a lot! He heard you and now he’s coming!” she said glaring at him.
“I think actually ‘he’ heard you. And who is ‘he’ anyway?” he asked her as she stomped out of the kitchen.
“My uncle (dumbass)!” she shouted over her shoulder as she went up the stares. As the morning went on she kept trying to call her uncle back but he refused to answer the phone. Finally, after an hour of silence he called her.
“Inora I don’t have much time to talk. I got a plane ticket and I’m on my way. I’ll be there at two a.m. your time. Oh I have to go my cab’s here,” he said in a rush.
“Wait! Two tonight, or morning-whatever? Dan? Dan?” she said but he was already gone. “(Gah! I can’t believe this! He never listens to me! I’m just fine; I’m perfectly capable of taking care of myself!)” She ranted to herself in English. Someone put their hands on her waist and she jumped about a foot before she faced him.
“You’re so jumpy,” Shigure said wrapping his arms around her waist as far as he could while still keeping their chests separated.
“Well stop sneaking up on me,” she said with a slight smile, but the smile soon slipped away. “So my uncle is furious and he’s on his way here, would you mind if he stays for a while?”
“Of course not, as long as he doesn’t go crazy and try to beat me up for being with you,” he said with one of his stupid grins, but when he looked at her his grin slowly disappeared. “He wouldn’t, would he?”
“Um, well… would you mind if we kept ‘us’ a secret?” she asked slowly. ‘How am I supposed to explain my relationship to Dan if I can’t even explain it to myself?’ she thought.
“Oh forbidden romance, I see now that you can not bear to be seen with me in public! Oh woe is me! But fear not for I shall pick up the scattered pieces of my heart and be content to be with you behind closed doors!” He said with the back of his hand pressed to his forehead. He ended the show with closing his eyes and pretending to faint. She rolled her eyes at him, ‘he’s so dramatic,’ she thought.
“Stop fooling around,” she said a little coldly. She was honestly worried that she had hurt his feelings, she couldn’t tell if this was just an act or if he was trying to cover up his real feelings. “Does it honestly not bother you?” she asked almost in a whisper.
“No I understand, it’s not like we are engaged or anything,” he said being serious. “And we wouldn’t want you dragged back to Oregon now would we,” he added with a smile.
“No we wouldn’t, I really like it here,” she said smiling back. ‘And yet again we tip toed around defining our relationship. This can’t exactly be healthy,’ she thought but she wasn’t about to bring it up. “Ok on to the next problem.”
“Which is?” he asked looking suspicious.
“A car,” she laughed. “Do you drive? He’ll be here at two a.m. or at least I think that’s what I heard.”
“No I don’t drive,” he said slowly. He paused for a moment then his face lit up. “I know I’ll call Ha’ri! He can take you!” he said brightly then ran to the phone.
“Ha’ri?” she asked following him.
“Oh that’s what we, aya and myself, call Hatori,” he explained. She felt a blush creep up on her face at the mention of his name. He dialed the number and she could tell, even from where she was standing, that Hatori sounded annoyed at Shigure’s voice.
“Ha’ri my love! How I’ve missed-” Shigure started but Inora snatched the phone away from him.
“Don’t annoy the poor guy before you’ve even asked him! (Dumbass!)” She almost yelled at Shigure, then she took a deep breath and put the phone to her ear.
“Um, Hatori?” she asked quietly. She scolded herself for sounding so nervous.
“Inora, it is nice to hear from you again, thank you for taking the phone from Shigure. How have you been?” He asked and she noticed the lighter tone to his voice. ‘At least I don’t annoy him as much as Shigure does,’ she thought.
“Oh I’ve been better. Listen I have a huge favor to ask and you can feel free to say no if you want. I actually feel horrible about asking but-Oh! I’m sorry how are you?” she was babbling, and that annoyed her. ‘Pull yourself together idiot!’ she scolded herself. She heard him laugh at her randomness.
“A bit tired perhaps but I can’t really complain. What is it you want me to do?” he said kindly.
“Well, you see, my uncle heard about my, um, situation and he decided to come here. He has such a one track mind that I can’t stop him… like a rhino,” she muttered the last part then laughed, she heard him join in on the other end. “Anyway I need a ride to go pick him up at the airport.”
“That shouldn’t be a problem, when is he arriving?” he asked.
“Well you see that’s the part that’s the problem. It’s going to be here at two a.m. tonight-or tomorrow morning-whatever.”
“Ah I see, well I can sleep a little before and then after so it is not that big of a problem. I’ll se you later tonight?” he asked brightly.
“Uh, yeah! Thank you so much! I owe you big time! Bye,” she said and hung up the phone. She turned to beam at Shigure who seemed to be shocked beyond words. She couldn’t see why ‘it can’t be that hard to get a favor form Hatori, he’s so nice,’ she thought.
“Hatori laughing,” he muttered mostly to himself. “Well that is very nice to hear.” He surveyed Inora for quite a while. “So he said he would go? That’s great, I should probably stay here huh?” he asked brightly.
“Unless you wanna get punched in the face? Yeah.” She said with a smile.
“Right, I’ll just meet him tomorrow morning then. Give him a chance to sleep it off,” he laughed. The rest of the morning they figured out sleeping arrangements. It was decided that while Dan was there he would get the sleeping bag in the living room. Shigure had voiced the idea that Kyo and Yuki share a room and Dan get the other one, but he almost got beat to a pulp so he dropped it right away. Inora had assured them that he would be fine on the floor, he was pretty young. That just left the problem of where Inora was going to sleep sense they only had one sleeping bag, until Tohru pointed out that her bed was huge and Inora and her could share it. Shigure liked that idea very much.
“I love it! Give you two a chance to bond and spread your wings of friendship!” he said with a huge grin. A grin that only got bigger when Inora apologized in advance for being a sleep cuddler. No one besides Inora had gotten what he was trying to get at.
“Dirty old man,” Inora muttered to him as soon as they were out of ear shot of the others.
“I can’t help it, but that reminds me, I need to set up some cameras…” he muttered back, she smacked him. The rest of the day went by quickly until the sun set, then it seemed like time came to a complete halt. She knew what it was, when she was thinking of not wanting her uncle to come was when time had gone quickly. Time seemingly slowed when she started to get excited about seeing Hatori. She sat on the living room couch staring out of the window ignoring all of the commotion around her; apparently Yuki had managed to piss Kyo off again. She was too lost in her own thoughts to really care. ‘Wow, I don’t think I can hide it from myself any longer, not that I was doing a good job of it anyways. I defiantly have a thing for Hatori. How big of thing is what I don’t know though,’ she thought. She thought back to the first time they had met, when she couldn’t even make eye contact. Then she thought about when he had told her about the Rose of Winter. ‘Well I don’t believe in love at first sight, you have to work at love. But I think it’s safe to say that I have more then just a little crush.’ Shigure walked in and sat next to her, closer then was necessary.
He ran a finger up her arm and over her shoulder and started drawing patterns on her neck. “What are you thinking about?” he asked quietly.
“Us,” she said in a half truth. “I’d kinda like to know what’s up.”
“What’s up?” he asked raising an eyebrow.
“Yeah, I mean, with us. What are we exactly?” she asked pointing between the both of them.
“Ah, I see. In all honesty I don’t know. Do you know?” he said while still drawing on her neck with his finger. She shook her head.
“I’ve been trying to figure it out for a while now,” she said looking at the floor.
“Well that explains some things. Do you want it to stop?” He asked, and as an example took his finger off her neck. She considered that for a long time then chose her words carefully.
“Well… I don’t think so, but if this doesn’t change it might end soon? I don’t in anyway mean that as a threat, I’m good with just having fun as long as you are, I just mean something might come up,” she said trying to keep Hatori from her thoughts. “Do you see what I mean?”
“Yes I think I do. You’re saying that our relationship-whatever is just fun. No strings attached kind of thing. And we’ll keep going until something better comes along, for either one of us, or you move. Is that right?”
“Well… when you say it like that it sounds… cheap. But pretty much yeah?” She said intently staring at his face to try and get a reading. His face split into a huge grin.
“WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN ALL MY LIFE!!!” he said while tackling her. They both got knocked off the couch and there was a ‘poof’ and suddenly there was a black dog on top of her.
“You’re such a guy!” she said with a smile and smacked him lightly on the shoulder.
“Hey you don’t hit as hard when I’m in my dog form!” he said and licked her on her cheek.
“You’re cuter in this form,” she said with a laugh.
“It is harder to get mad at him when he looks like that,” a voice above them said. Inora looked up to see an upside down Hatori gazing at the pair on the floor. She beamed up at him.
“Hatori you’re earlier then I thought!” She said completely forgetting about Shigure, who was on top of her still.

(A/N): hmmm. I’m not sure about this one I could really use some feedback… lol sorry about all the ‘dumbass’! I had just watched That 70’s Show before I wrote it. :)
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