Categories > Original > Fantasy
Name: Takuya Elissa Mae
Age: 15
Nick Name: Ta Ta
Race: Human
Attitude: Energetic and Bookworm
Height: 5'6"
Hair Color: Light Brown
Hair Length: To shoulders
Eye Color: Brown
Status: 9th grade student and knows Nizumi's secret of her being half vampire but doesn't quite understand but is interested. When she was little her older brother (Andrew) and her were visiting their grandparents, one night there was a bad storm and she got scared so she ran to her older brother's room (Andrew's), but when she got there somebody was hovering over his bed and took one look at her, then snatched up her brother and jumped out the window.
Love Interest: Wyatt
Age: 15
Nick Name: Ta Ta
Race: Human
Attitude: Energetic and Bookworm
Height: 5'6"
Hair Color: Light Brown
Hair Length: To shoulders
Eye Color: Brown
Status: 9th grade student and knows Nizumi's secret of her being half vampire but doesn't quite understand but is interested. When she was little her older brother (Andrew) and her were visiting their grandparents, one night there was a bad storm and she got scared so she ran to her older brother's room (Andrew's), but when she got there somebody was hovering over his bed and took one look at her, then snatched up her brother and jumped out the window.
Love Interest: Wyatt
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