Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance

My Saving Grace

by MyNameIsCherry 2 reviews

A sweet little Frerard one-shot, with Gee comforting a depressed Frankie. Theres not really any proper romance, except tension, but its certainly fluffy and sweet.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2011-09-27 - Updated: 2011-09-27 - 826 words - Complete

"No son of mine is going to be a faggot!" then smack.. Frank's cheek stung from the harsh slap his Father had dealt.. Was it even tough love anymore? Or was it just pure ignorance? Frank grit his teeth and looked at the monster who was his Father and held his tears, he couldn't let him see how much this got to him. It did.. Of course it did, who wouldn't feel it if their own father hit them and judged them.. Berated them for how they lived their life - besides, Frank wasn't even gay..

Or was he? It was so confusing ..Frank had all these feelings for his dead girlfriend - and then he felt these other feelings for none other than his best friend, Gerard Way. It made things tense.. Even if Gerard didn't notice - Frank sure did, it was alive in Frank all the time, Gerard was his sanity and his strength. They completed each other...


Frank survived the lecture with his Father by nodding and staying otherwise entirely silent, not rising to his Father's words - no matter how wrong or vile they were. He could barely take it, but had stuck it out until finally.. twenty long, cold, hate filled minutes later he'd been dismissed from his Father's presence and now was up in his bedroom, blood still on his wrist from where he'd sliced them just a few minutes ago.. and now he was waiting for the one person who'd make him feel better..

About ten minutes later, he heard a soft tap on the door to his balcony and he went over to it and sighed - he was here. Frank opened the doors quietly and was immediately swept into Gerard's arms, how was it he knew exactly what Frank needed? He always gave in to Frank's frequent and sometimes obnoxious demands on his time did he do it? As he felt Gerard's soft hoodie against his cheeks Frank couldn't help but cry, just a little - he wanted to be strong, but he just couldn't... It wasn't fair, why should he have to live through all his dads hate for him?

"hey.. what's the matter, Frankie?" Gerard whispered as he held the nearly sobbing Frank close to his chest. For some reason, this really didn't comfort him in any way ..he didn't want Gerard to pity him, he wanted him to want him like Frank did... at least he was here now. Frowning he mumbled into his black hoodie, "he's just.. driving me crazy." Frank then looked up into Gerard's hazel eyes, his face motionless and smirked a little as he felt Gerard take his hands and give them a squeeze.

Frank turned from the boy and walked over to his couch and sat down not expecting Gerard to follow - but he did. With a smile he sat closer to him and laid down, his head in Gerard's lap. It felt good to see him staring down at him but it felt even better to shut his eyes and forget all about the outside world - the world that wasn't them. Frank felt himself drifting off to sleep.. Now he was safe and Gerard was protecting him.. It was all ok, that is until he felt Gerard touch his wrist, Frank jumped off of his lap and walked swiftly over to his window.. too late.

He felt Gerard standing behind him, then he heard him say, "I hate when you cut..." his voice sounded so helpless, but so firm that Frank started crying - Gerard had only ever wanted to protect and help him.. and Frank had done a lousy job of repaying him. He stared out the window feeling the guilt wash over him again and again, silent tears falling as he then heard Gerard whisper, "at least its better than the heroin, I guess," as he wrapped his arms round him, causing Frank to shut his eyes.. was Gerard really that oblivious to what he did to him? Really?

Frank watched the outside pass by and what felt like hours later... Gerard was still there holding him. "I'm sorry..." he whispered, then he felt Gerard tense up and he added, "don't say its ok.. Its not, I'm sorry I did it - you just have no idea how he can be like sometimes..." Frank turned to face him and listened to what he said next gratefully, "I'm here for you, Frankie, just be careful, please.." with that he turned away and flopped back onto Frank's bed, yawning. Leaving Frank standing by the window, looking at Gerard's form stretched out on the bed. The terrible things he'd do to him if he could.. Frank shook his head and walked over, got on the bed himself and sat on Gerard's hips, smiling down at him. "Thank you, Gerard," he said as he smiled down at the one he loved... the one who'd saved him..
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