Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Way This Goes

Chapter 6

by mcrobsessed99 3 reviews

Rated for language and violence. The first morning at the Way's.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2011-10-01 - Updated: 2011-10-02 - 969 words

I sipped at my hot chocolate until it was gone.
“Alex, you wanna go decorate your room?” LynZ asked.
“Sure.” I stood up and walked up the stairs.
I went to the stereo and popped in I Brought You My Bullets, You Brought Me Your Love.
Romance started playing, and I went to my suitcase.
There was a bathroom connected to my room, so I picked up all of my stuff that belonged in the bathroom, and put it where it was supposed to be.
I walked back to my suitcase and took out my clothes, then put them in the dresser.
Vampires Will Never Hurt You had come on by now, and I layed on the bed.
The last few days had been crazy.
I needed to sleep.
I was afraid to, in case my dad would show up and strangle me or something.
I eventually fell asleep.

“Mommy…look at the picture I drew!” 6 year old me said.
“Aw, that’s so pretty Alex!” She smiled.
The front door opened, and in stepped my drunken father.
“Uh…Alex, honey, go up to your room.”
“Okay mommy…”
She looked so scared and helpless.
I ran up to my room but didn’t close the door, so I could hear everything going on.
“Fred…you need to stop coming home drunk everyday.”
“I don’t give a shit.” He slurred.
“Do it for our daughter?” She pleaded.
“I don’t give a shit about her either.”
I heard a beer bottle smash, and my mother scream.
“Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go see Alex.” He slurred.
I heard him coming up the stairs, so I ran and jumped into bed.
“Alex.” He yelled.
“Yeah daddy?”
I winced as shards of glass hit my skin.
“Goodnight.” He yelled.
I started crying softly, and my mom came in my room.
“Alex…are you okay?”
“Yeah mommy…I guess.”
She hugged me, and I could see blood pouring out of her arm.
“Daddy’s mean.” I said.
“I know sweetie, I know.”
I felt someone grab my arm and pull me out of bed.
I screamed.
“Fred. Let her go. Now.” My mom said.
He kicked me, and pushed me under the bed.
“Fuck you, and fuck you.”

I popped out of bed, sweaty and scared.
I looked at the clock, hoping it was around 6.
It was 5:30. Close enough.
I got up, and went into the shower.

15 minutes later

I was at my dresser, getting dressed in skinny jeans and a black t-shirt. I brushed my hair and put on eyeliner.
I looked at myself in the mirror.
I approve.
I grabbed my iPod and stuffed it in my pocket. Then I grabbed my backpack and slung it over my shoulder to bring downstairs.
It was 6, so that meant I had 2 hours until Bandit and I had to go to school.
I walked downstairs and Gerard was at the coffee pot, making coffee.
“Hi Gerard…” I said quietly.
He turned around and looked at me, then laughed.
“Alex, what are you doing up?” He asked.
“Um…I had a nightmare…and I woke up and decided to not go back to sleep.”
“Oh. I see. You want some coffee?”
“…sure.” I said.
He turned back to the coffee pot and poured me a cup of coffee, and brought it over with milk and sugar.
“Thanks.” I said quietly.
I poured in milk and a little bit of sugar, then drank it.
LynZ came downstairs.
“Hey.” She said, and went over to the coffee pot.
“Hi…is Bandit up yet?”
“No, she will be soon though.”
“Oh. Okay.”
I stood up and walked up the stairs into my room.
I heard Bandit’s alarm go off in her room across the hall, so I decided to turn on my stereo, since I knew she was up now.
Danger Days started blasting through the speakers.
Bandit walked in, messy haired, in pajamas.
She leaned against the wall.
“You know that woke me up right?” She asked, then smiled.
I laughed.
”I’m sorry.”
“No prob.” She said as she walked out.
I heard the shower turn on, and layed down.
Hopefully I wouldn’t fall asleep.

My dad just came home from another night of drinking, and partying.
“Dad…where were you?” I asked him.
He slapped me across the face.
“Shut up. You’re stupid.” He said.
He went to the kitchen and grabbed a knife.
“Now, go to your room.” He said, pointing the knife at me.
My eyes opened wide and I ran up to my room, jumped onto my bed, and started crying.

I woke up from yet another nightmare.
Fuck, I wonder what time it is…
I looked at the clock.
Wow, a short dream for an hour and a half.
I ran downstairs.
“Hi…I fell asleep.”
Gerard looked at me in worry.
“Did you have another nightmare?” He asked.
“Yeah…I’ll be okay though.” I said hesitantly.
“Okay. Good.” He said, and smiled.
“You wanna eat something?” LynZ asked.
“Sure…” I said.
She gave me a plate of toast, and I ate it.
I never ate much, but this was good.
“Okay, we ready to go?” Bandit asked me.
I swallowed the last bit of my toast, stood up, and grabbed my backpack.
“Let’s go.”
She opened the door and we got into the car.
We drove to the school, which didn’t take long.
She parked the car, and I got out.
What greeted me was a water balloon on my back.
I turned around and flipped off the people behind me, who had a couple of small water balloons in their hands.
They laughed and walked away.
“You okay?” Bandit asked.
“Yeah. Fine. Let’s just go.”
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