Categories > Anime/Manga > Eyeshield 21


by nettles 0 reviews

The Huh Huh Kyoudai play a little prank.

Category: Eyeshield 21 - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Characters: Other - Published: 2006-06-09 - Updated: 2006-06-10 - 285 words - Complete

He'd gotten the black book! He'd gotten the black book! What lay in those pages, within the worn cover and on the greedy little pages? How many times had they stared at it in horror? He'd gotten the book, Hiruma's book, he'd gotten it! The Ha Ha Brothers had gotten it. They were home free. He felt like spinning and running and jumping all at once. Oh ho ho! He could taste the words in his mouth already: "Jyuumonji, Toganou, I've got it!" (Toganou would be fondling one shounen manga or another, eyes flickering towards him in awareness.)

"What's--" Then Jyuumonji would see it, the small, black, terrible bane of their existence in his hands, which had a normal bone structure. The devil's spindly fingers wouldn't be finding purchase for a while with this in his hands.

"Kuroki?" Toganou's attention was fully on him now. "Isn't that..."

"Yeah. I'm gonna see what's inside, dammit. We're saved, you know?"

They gathered in anticipation, and as though it was something sacred, lay the book flat on Kuroki's palm and peeled the thin leather cover open.

"Ah!" They all jerked at once, Kuroki threw it down and backed away.

It was empty. Toganou with his love for the texture of pages and his unreal curiosity picked it up again, gingerly and wondrously. Kuroki gasped and Jyuumonji made a reflex move to bat the thing out of his hands.

"Can this be?" he thought, "Hiruma, all words?" And on the last page, it said, "Go go Devilbats! -Ha Ha Bros.," scrawled in angular English, and a small scribble of a dog--slobbering and snarling and gnarled--was placed in the corner. It had three Pocky sticks in its mouth.
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