Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > How much do you value the lives of your idols?


by secretive 11 reviews

SOrry it took so long to update.

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: R - Genres: Drama,Romance - Warnings: [!] [!!] [V] - Published: 2011-10-06 - Updated: 2011-10-06 - 1123 words

There was no escape, if I died now, I’d be leaving Ryan alone in this hell hole. “Fine.” I told Robert, squeezing my hands into fists in a desperate attempt to release even a minute fraction of the fear that flooded me. “Just take me to him,” I said calmly. My winced as Robert shoved the point of the gun into my back. He pushed me along with it, making sure that there was no way I could possibly escape him. It wasn’t long before we were stood outside a huge, metal door.

“Open it.” Robert ordered me, I tugged at the cold handle, but my arm was shaking violently, making it increasingly difficult. “I SAID OPEN IT!” he bellowed at me, pushing the gun harder into my back. I let out a pained moan and slapped his hand away in an automatic response, immediately regretting my action. “You stupid bastard,” Robert snarled, pointing the gun to my head.
“Oh please,” I growled, my body brimming with anger, “You really think you’re going to get anything if I’m dead?” Robert’s eyes widened in rage as he slammed his fist into my face. I felt warm blood trickle down from my nose, but the pain didn’t bother me. The only thing I wanted was to see Ryan, and knowing that he was only metres away from me made me crazy.

“Hit me all you want my point still stands,” I snarled at him, he lowered his gun. “Just let me see my Ryan, and you’ll be a fucking millionaire.” Robert didn’t even anticipate to open the door for me and shove me inside with all his might. I fell into a crumpled pile on the floor. My eyes darted up to a sight that made my insides churn. Ryan was slumped, shaking in the chair. His face was covered in scars and blood, his clothes were torn and a crimson stream trickled down from his chest. “RYAN!” I screamed, jumping up and taking his face in my hands. I couldn’t stop myself from forming crystal tears that spilled down my own blood stained face. “OH GOD RYAN, PLEASE, PLEASE SPEAK TO ME!”

“B-Brendon…” he murmured,
“RYAN, WHAT HAPPENED, WHO DID THIS TO YOU?” I sobbed desperately, he could only find the strength to project one word,

The name rung in my ears, repeating itself over and over. “THAT FUCKING BASTARD!” I bellowed, I flung myself over to the door, slamming my fist into it so hard I was sure I’d broken a bone. I grabbed the handle and flung the door open. To my surprise, Robert wasn’t waiting for me. I ran out into the corridor, “COME OUT YOU FUCKING COWARD!” I yelled, kicking open every door I went past. The pure, hatred and anger had consumed me. I wasn’t scared anymore. They wouldn’t kill me, or they wouldn’t get a penny. “WHAT ARE YOU SCARED?” I called, awaiting some sort of reply. All I heard was my own voice bouncing off the walls. I kicked another door in frustration. It burst open, and inside, was my victim.

“You worthless piece of scum,” I growled, rage controlling my every movement. Will backed himself up against the far wall, a look of terror painted on his face. “You don’t even deserve to live you evil, pathetic, perverted freak.” Will shot me a little half smile before reaching into his pocket for his gun. He wasn’t quick enough as I soon had him pinned to the wall, banging his head against it in the process. His eyes pleaded with me as he begged me not to hurt him.

“P-please, don’t kill me,” he begged,
“How could you do that to him, HOW FUCKING COULD YOU!” I screamed in his face, “You can take all my money, all my possessions, yet still you, you…” I didn’t even know how to finish the sentence. I wasn’t sure exactly what Will had done to Ryan, but by the looks of the torn clothes and blood, it must have been pretty grim.
“I was only playing,” Will grinned, his eyes gleamed as a mischievous smile played about his face. My fist slammed into his face and I watched his body drop to the floor. He looked up at me, still smiling devilishly, that annoyed me more than anything.

“He’s never done anything to hurt anyone in his whole fucking life!” I bellowed, kicking my boot right into his stomach. He cried out in pain as he doubled over, then, he laughed. It was a crooked laugh, so sinister and creepy. It chilled me to the bone, I tried to stay dominant, but although he was doubled over in pain, he still scared the hell out of me.
“Silly Brendon Urie with all his money,” Will almost sang, “Money, Money, Money. You really think I’m in this for the money?”
“WELL THEN WHY WOULD YOU HURT HIM! WHY?” I screamed, my throat stinging.
“You want him all to yourself don’t you, that pretty one.” Will giggled, he sounded almost like a little girl. My heart thumped nervously, my palms began to sweat. “No, no, no you see, he’s mine now.”
“WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?” I shouted, kicking him hard in the arm, once again the pained reaction only held off a few seconds of wicked laughter.
“I’m not taking your money, I’m taking your Ryan, he can live with me, and we can play all the time, like we did today.”

I felt physically sick. I had no idea what that man did to my Ryan, but I couldn’t stand the images that were spinning in my head. “you’re sick!” I cried, “you’re wrong in the head!”
“You won’t win,” he grinned, baring his yellow teeth.
“I’ll kick those fucking teeth out of you show them one more time!” I yelled, trying to swallow back down the vomit trying to escape my body.
“Ooh a threat!” He sang, “try all you want, nobody can stop me, not even Robert, but I’m sure he’ll be happy when I’m gone with Ryan and he can keep all the Money.”

The words echoed in my head ‘Nobody can stop me’. “You’re wrong.” I snarled at him, “I’ll fucking stop you, if it’s the last thing I ever do.” Rage bubbled inside me, I was ready to erupt. I prepared myself as I wondered what damage I could possibly do to him. All I knew was that there was no was of controlling myself now.
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