Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Scream


by sparkle_monster 5 reviews

Bandit gets tricked by a deceiving Bert. One Shot.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Angst,Drama,Horror - Characters: Gerard Way - Warnings: [V] [X] [R] [Y] - Published: 2011-05-23 - Updated: 2011-05-24 - 1301 words

"Hey Bee you know Bert right?" my dad asked me as I read "Catcher in the Rye". 
"Of course! I'm in love with his music! Been to a couple of his shows" I explained. 
"Well they are releasing a comeback album and Bert got clean so he wants to celebrate. And meet you." he said. 
"Great. Plus it's good for us since-" he cut me off,
"Yeah I know" and left the the room. 

Things haven't been the same since mom left. She went out and screwed some guy and got knocked up. Being the most understanding dude ever, she comes home and tells dad, thinking he'll help her through it and let her stay. He said two words: Get out. 
Boy, he cried for days. 

"Ready? We gotta pick up Mikey since his license get suspended, he was driving 90 while blasting Planetary Go. What a doof" my father laughed as he headed towards the door. 
I quickly folded the corner of the page I was on and joined him. 


We arrived at Bert's place about 20 minutes later. He greeted us at the front door. 
"McCrackin!" the shook hands. 
"Mikey" Bert nodded. 
"Bert" he lifted up two fingers for a wave. 
"And you are... Wait I got it, Bella! No… Bandit! Yes Bandit!" I shook his hand and giggled. 
"How old are you?" he cocked his head sideways. 
"16" I said. 
"Cool. Alright guys come on inside, there's food, drinks whatever you need. Oh! And Bandit if you want I'll show you our recording studio, I hears you were a fan.."
"Oh my gosh yes!" I said excitedly. 
"Great. Gerard, the guys wanna talk to you, they're up stairs" he said pointing his fingers up indicating the upstairs. 
He nodded and took Mikey with him. 

I followed Bert downstairs, he slid behind me to close the door and lock it "so no one gets curious and ruins your tour" he said. Shrugging my shoulders I followed him down into the back room where the studio was placed. 
"Wicked" I said I a strolled around it. 
"You like?" he asked. 
"Yeah! It's-" before I could finish he had his hands over my mouth and me down on the floor. 
"Listen bitch, we can either do this quick and painless, or long and full of pain" he said into my ear. 
I tried biting him but he just slapped me in the head. 

He reached for duct tape, when he got it he put five pieces over my mouth. My cries of terror were muffled. 
He ripped off my shirt along with my bra revealing me. 
He want for my pants, and boy did I kick him. 
I even tried to make a run for it, but he pulled my hair back whacking my head on the floor. 
He got my jeans off along with my panties. 
I now lay there naked, in front of a hungry Bert McCrackin. 

He slid his hands up and down my body as he began to strip himself. 

I stopped struggling because I knew it was no use. 

With a matter of minutes, he has a condom on him, ready to began. 


"One more thing." he said to me after the raping. 
He pulled out a pocket knife. I felt my pupils enlarge as he flipped it opened and inched it towards under my breasts. 
I felt him carve words into me, as if marking his territory. 
"Bert's Bitch in nice capital letters." he said with a grin on his face. 

"You say anything, the blade will next be carving artwork into your neck. I'll also go after your entire family. Your mother told your stupid father, this was my revenge. I know you got cousins little girl."

I wanted to kick his ass. 
The reason my family has been so messed up was because this sick fuck raped my mother and now raped me. 

He through my my clothes and ripped the duct tape off. He tossed me a hoodie to hide everything. 

I walked up in silence, meeting my father at the front door. 
"Ready to leave?" he asked. 
"Yeah, thank for showing me around Bert. And for the new hoodie" I was a really good liar. 

And that night, I was raped by Bert McCrackin. I never told a soul. It'll be my mortal secret that I will die with. 

Bandit's graduation party, Gerard's POV

Wow. My little girl has grown up. She's going off to New Jersey to get a music degree in a few months. 

It's good to see her smiling for once, a real one. 
For a few years she's been mellow, not talking or eating. 
She hasn't played her guitar in a long time. 
I'm guessing it's just the teenage years right?
But it's been really weird almost scary. She has always been really skinny and wore shorts and tank tops all the time. She always wore make up though she didn't need it and she always straightened her long black hair. 
But she cut it all off one night. Just so it was this pixie cut. She died her hair platinum blonde and stopped wearing make up. She started wearing more boy clothes, jeans and hoodies, hiding her body. 

Sometimes she'll wake up screaming "Don't let him hurt me". 

That's what scared me, it took her forever to calm down. I even had to send her to group therapy but she refused to go. 
Slowly I thought I was losing my little girl. But I knew she still needed me. 
One night when I was packing for a summer tour. It was maybe 3:30 in the morning maybe when she came into my room. 
Flash Back 
"Daddy are you leaving again?" she asked me. 
"Yeah baby girl. I'll be back in a few months." I said to her placing a few clothes into a bag. 
"I don't wanna be alone. I'm scared." she said, worry filling her face. 
"Of what honey? No one is gonna hurt you, I promise." I assured her. 
She shook her head. "Daddy I need you, I wanna come with you." she said. 
I walked up to her and gave her a hug. 
"Sweetie of course you can come. But I need you to please tell me what's been going on for the last couple of months, your scaring me and I just want my little happy go lucky girl back" I was holding back tears. 

She let go of the hug, tears down her face. 
"I can't." was all she said to me.
End Flash Back

But now I look over at her, smiling and laughing with her friends. 
I feel myself smile. 

"Pool's open!" I shouted to her and her friends that were sitting around gossiping. 
They are cheered and got into their bathing suits that were under their clothes. 
And that's when I saw it. 
As my daughter was walking towards me in her bikini,to say something to me, I saw what just angered my soul. 
I realized what happened. 
That night. My fists clenched. 
"Dad what's wrong?" she asked me. I just shook my head, still trying to cope with what I'm seeing. 
Looking at me strange for a second, she finally realizes what's up. She quickly covered it up. 
Right there I saw "BERT'S BITCH" in thin white lines. 


FIRST OFF! Please don't kill me for writing this. I had a dream exactly like this but instead of Bandit it was me. Just expressing some night terrors ya know? So pleas, give me your opinions. Oh I had no intend to offend Gerard, Bandit, or Bert. And yes the rape scene isn't good but I'm only 14 so yeah :p oh and I didn't take time to edit this so sorry. I had 7 soccer games this weekend and I'm extremely tired. 
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