Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance

The Birthday Pumpkin

by thekobrakid2019 2 reviews

Mikey's least favorite holiday is Halloween.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Mikey Way - Published: 2011-10-13 - Updated: 2011-10-14 - 1588 words - Complete

Mikey's least favorite holiday is Halloween. He saw it as a day that Gerard could pick on him about his costume choices and the other kids in his neighborhood would steel his candy and spray him with silly string. So Mikey chose not to celebrate Halloween, and even being only six years old he was very confident that he would never want to trick or treat again.

Then when he was nine Frank moved in next door. It was roughly two weeks before Halloween, not that Mikey was counting or anything, and he was less than thrilled when his mother brought him next door the meet the neighbors.

He stood on the front porch with his mother and the other woman made small talk. There was a small round pumpkin on the top step that he considered kicking off and he would have if his mom wasn't standing right there.

Mikey sat down on the top step as his mother told him she was going inside. The other woman, who's name Mikey had long forgotten, promised to send her own son out to play with him. He just sighed and glared at the stupid little pumpkin.

Mikey isn't exactly proud of what he did after the door closed, though at the time he felt that swell in his chest of a job well done as the pumpkin hit the pavement and smashed. He was covered in pumpkin guts and juice but he didn't care. It was the only act of rebellion he'd ever really preformed and now he could almost understand how his brother must feel when he acts out like this.

The feeling of complete-and-total-awesome only lasted for about ten seconds.

"Wh-wh-what did you do?" Came a totally pathetic whine from the top of the stairs that chased away all of the good feeling from Mikey. "Why would you do that?"

Mikey stared at the boy as he rushed down the stairs. He was around the same age as Mikey and had dark brown hair and wore the saddest expression Mikey had ever seen in his life as he kneeled down by the exploded pumpkin.

"Why?" The boy looked up at Mikey and he was a little shocked by the tears brimming the other boy's eyes.

"I'm sorry," Mikey said hurriedly as the boy poked at the mess on the ground. "I-I didn't-"

"That was mine!" The boy's voice hitched as he spoke and the tears were starting to streak his face. "Why would you break something that's mine? It's not yours!"

"I know," Mikey said dropping to his knees next to the boy. "I'm sorry, I didn't know. I didn't mean to-"

"I saw you!" The boy interrupted with a quiet sob and a cough. "You did it on purpose. I saw you!"

"I'm sorry!" Mikey felt tears starting to sting his own eyes. "I didn't know it was important."

"It was my birthday pumpkin," The boy sniffed hard and fell backwards onto his butt. "Now it's ruined."

"I know," Mikey swallowed hard. "I'm sorry. I wouldn't if I had know. I promise." Then an idea struck him. "Hold on, I'll make it better."

Mikey ran over to his house and grabbed one of the pumpkins from the front step. It was one that his mother had forced him to pick out when his parents took the family to the local pumpkin patch. Mikey personally had not enjoyed that day but had picked some out just to satisfy his mother.

The pumpkin was small, like the one he had destroyed, but it wasn't as perfectly round. He hoped the boy wouldn't notice.

"Here," Mikey said offering the pumpkin up to the sniffling boy. "You can have mine. I don't really want it anyways."

"A birthday pumpkin?" The boy asked as he tentatively reached out and took it. "For me?"

"Yeah," Mikey nodded eagerly as the boy wiped his tears and stood up. "For you. A birthday pumpkin."

The boy sniffed a few more times before lunging at Mikey. It was the tightest and most bone crushing hug Mikey had ever received but he would have let out a relieved sigh if he were able to breathe.

"Thanks," The boy said with a small smile as he inspected the pumpkin. "It's cute."

Mikey nodded and shoved his hands in the pockets of his jeans. "I'm Mikey."

"Frank," The boy said grinning up at him. "Halloween is my birthday. I'm turning nine!"

"I turned nine in August," Mikey responded. "Are you going to carve your birthday pumpkin?"

"No," Frank said with a rushed urgency. "I don't carve pumpkins. It's not nice. They can't live without their guts."

"Oh, me neither," Mikey nodded. "My brother does though. He's not very nice."

Frank nodded with remorse as he stared down at his new pumpkin seeming to have forgotten about the old one.

Suddenly, Frank brightened and grinned at Mikey. "Do you want to go trick or treating with me?"

Mikey wanted to say no and how Halloween was a terrible holiday and how the older kids would just take their candy anyways and he didn't have a costume. But the way Frank was grinning at him and the fact that he had broken his original birthday pumpkin and how Halloween was his birthday, it was hard for Mikey to turn him down.


Mikey was pleasantly surprised when he spent Halloween night 'Frankie Iero style'. His mom even made him a really awesome vampire costume that complimented Frank's zombie costume well. Mikey's mom had even agreed to let him stay at Frank's for the night because it was a Friday.

They left early. Early enough that it was still light out and not many kids and their parents had hit the streets yet but still the occupnats of the houses weren't surprised to see them and had candy at the ready.

Mikey realised that if you went early you got the best candy but he wasn't getting excited about it yet. Frank's mom brought them to awesome houses that had the best candy. None of the weird places that gave out fruit or health bars.

He also learned that Frank's mom was good at keeping the older kids away. She was like some awesome superhero that Mikey had been missing on all his Halloweens with his brother. When they got back to Frank's house he had a bag full of candy that was just waiting to be sorted and eaten.

In Frank's room they spent the better part of an hour sorting through the candy. Mikey liked the gummy and sour candies the best and was willing to trade whatever chocolate Frank wanted for it. It was also discovered they they both disliked black twizzlers and they were given to Frank's parents because they apparently loved them.

"Happy birthday, Frank," Mikey said to his new best friend as they were about to crash. "This has been the best Halloween ever."

"You said it," Frank sighed and cuddled up to Mikey's side on the small race car bed.


"Dude, you suck," Mikey groaned as he chucked a chocolate malt ball at Frank. "You don't even like jellybeans."

"I know," Frank nodded with a sheepish grin. "But they can be used in potential bribery at a later date."

Mikey sighed and pelted Frank with another malt ball. "Give me the damn jellybeans."

There was an old horror movie playing on the screen on the television in Frank's basement that neither of them were paying attention to. Frank was much to busy harboring all of Mikey's beloved jellybeans as Mikey looked for adequate projectiles

"Remember when we were younger?" Frank asked with a hint of a laugh in his voice. "And you broke my birthday pumpkin?"

"And then you guilted me into trick or treating with you?" Mikey smirked. "Yeah, it was only like nine years ago."

"Am I already eight-teen?" Frank asked with a cheeky grin.

"You won't let anyone forget it." Mikey laughed. "Especially the cashier that sold you your first pack of cigarettes. He thought your ID was fake because of it."

Frank huffed a little and tossed a jellybean at Mikey. Much to Mikey's displeasure it was a white one and those were his least favorite.

"Whatever," Frank pouted. "It's my birthday. You're supposed to be nice to me."

"I'm sorry," Mikey smiled and picked up the pumpkin sitting between them on the couch. "Here, have a birthday pumpkin."

Frank rolled his eyes and took the pumpkin and placed it in his lap. "Shall I call it jellybean?" He asked placing a ring of jellybeans around the stem.

Mikey laughed and they fell into a comfortable silence as they watched the movie playing before them.

That's how it had been every year since they were 'too old' to trick or treat. They would hold up in Frank's basement eating store bought candy and watching lame horror movies that they spent more time laughing at than anything else.

"You know what would make this the best Halloween ever?" Frank asked, placing the pumpkin on the coffee table in front of them.

"What?" Mikey asked though he couldn't tell what. Everything they ever had was right there infront of them.

"This," Frank grinned and leaned over placing a chaste kiss to Mikey's lips.

"Oh," Mikey said shocked as Frank retreated back to his side of the couch.


"I see,"

"Uh-huh," Frank tried not to grin.

"I agree," Mikey said with a short laugh. "This is the best Halloween ever."
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