Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance

You're special, aren't you Frank?

by PhoebeSevenfold 1 review

“Why, you said to trust you before, and then R-Robert said that! I don’t wanna die Gee!”

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Fantasy,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2011-10-15 - Updated: 2011-10-15 - 2728 words - Complete

??? POV.
“Are you sure you want him?”
“Yes of course I am!”
“But he doesn’t loo-“
“And I do? Please explain what ‘he’ is supposed to look like?”
“That’s what I thought. I want him, and it’s your job to go and find him, or do I have to remind you who’s in charge?” the black haired male grinned and cracked his knuckles.
“No! no, sir it’s not necessary! We’ll just be on our way!”
“Good boys, I think that we’ll be able to have some serious fun with this little one.” The black haired male smiled deviously to himself as his ‘little minions’ (as he liked to call them) left the great hall and went off to find his next victim.

Frank’s POV.

“Stupid mother fucking freak.”
“Go join a circus freak!”
Their mean words meant nothing tome now, I’m used to it. THEY think that I’m a freak, my parents think I’m a freak. I’m not. I know I’m not. I’m just a little different, I have my ‘illness’ as my doctor calls it, I don’t thinks it’s an illness, it’s a power. And I have my eyes, I think their beautiful. A glowing ruby red. Nobody else liked my eyes, that thought they were freaky and that I was the son of the devil, which is dumb because my dad’s name is Frank.

- LINE!-
I was walking home from school, like I do every day, on my own, IPod blearing full blast and the rain pissing it down right on top of me making my scruffy black hair stick to my face, but I couldn’t help feel like I was being watched. I glanced over my shoulder, nothing out of the ordinary, there was just this one guy wearing a full body length hooded coat with it’s hood pulled up so I couldn’t see his face.
I shook my head and told myself not to be so paranoid. I carried in my walk casually head-banging in time to my music. A few songs later the feeling still hadn’t passed, I glanced over my shoulder again, the guy was still there, but he had another slightly smaller guy walking next to him, wearing a similar attire. These guys gave off a sinister feeling. I shivered, they noticed and lifted their heads up and pulling their hoods down, to reveal these brilliant ruby red eyes, just like mine. I gasped and as if like clockwork they both sprinted forward, at exactly the same time, running right for me. I gave out a small scream and started running as fast as my short little legs would carry me. (I have never hated being 4’9” as much as now.)
I ran over the soaking wet pavement and around the corner turning into the alley way, in hope of losing them, but of course the alley had to be a dead end. I skidded to a stop and stared wide eyed at the wall. I turned around, only to be faced with the two men.
‘Fuck!’ I thought.
‘Didn’t your mother tell you it’s not polite to swear?’
‘Shhhh, Frank you don’t need to worry about us.’
‘We know a lot about you Frank Iero, but like my friend said you shouldn’t be scared of us, we’re not going to hurt you anymore than we need to.’ another voice joined the first, in my thoughts.
“W-who are you?”
the taller stepped forward, he didn’t look so scary, he had light brown hair and was extremely skinny, he was wearing a pair of glasses on the very tip of his nose, which was weird.
‘I’m Mikey, this is my colleague Robert, we here to help you Frank.’
“You’re lying! You’re just to take the shit outta me!”
They glanced at each other before the one named Robert stepped forward and grabbed my arms.
“WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU’RE DOING? GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME!” I struggled around in the blonde haired man’s grip but he held me firm in his arms.
‘Don’t fight it Frankie, it will only make it worse for you.’ Mikey said, he reached inside his coat and pulled out a brown bottle filled with liquid and a cloth. ‘You’ll be fine.’
“No! leave me alone please!” I was in hysterics now, tears threating to fall from my eyes.
Mikey tipped some of the liquid onto the cloth and held my face still with one hand, fuck he was string for a skinny guy.
“Sleep, just sleep.” Mikey whispered, before holding the cloth over my mouth and nose and punching me in the stomach, making me breathe in the substance on the cloth.
“Chuck him in the van Bob, but try not to damage him, Gerard has some plans for this one.” Gerard? who the fuck is that? My I started to feel dizzy and my vision was blurring.
“Wha? You doo-o t-t m-me?” I stuttered straining to keep my eyes open.
“Shhh, don’t worry Frank you’ll be fine.” Mikey voice was becoming more and more faint. “You’re goi……” and then everything went blank.

Nobody’s POV.

The two men had to work quickly so that they weren’t seen by the public.
“Are you sure about this Mikey? I mean the kid’s only like 16! He’s so young.” The blonde man said to his partner as he gently placed the limp body of the poor little boy down in the back of his van.
“Bob we don’t have a choice Gerard wants him, besides he’s one of us, he-“
“You don’t know that!” Bob snapped settling himself into the driver’s seat of his car.
“No but Gerard has a strong feeling about him, even though he is so young.” Mikey sighed and sat next to Bob on the car. “Shame, really isn’t it? losing your life this young?”
“Sure is.” He sighed and revved the engine.

Gerard’’s POV.
“Where could they be?” I asked to no one in particular, I scratched my chin and swung my leg over the arm rest of my chair.
“i-I-I C-could call t-them f-f-for you-ou if you w-w-ant.” A small voice sounded from behind me.
“No Johnny, let them do their job” I sighed.
“Y-yes sir.” Johnny nodded once and walked towards the door of my great hall.
I sighed again, I liked Johnny. Nice kid, shame once he was of age he would have to... ‘change.’
I did love my life, don’t get me wrong being the head of ‘a secret organisation’ was fun, but it could do without killing taking innocent peoples’ lives.
Let me introduce myself, My name is Gerard Way and I am the ‘boss’ around here, me and my boys go around finding a certain kind of people. What’s so special about these people I her you ask? Well they’re special, they can control people with their minds, like I can. But the reason I take them, well that’s the thing, I let my little freaks run around and play happy until I think that they’re ready, then I take them and I kill them. The usual age for this is around 30-35 but sometimes I just can’t help myself, I like torturing the young.
“Sir! Sir!.” An out-of-breath Johnny burst through the door. “They’re back sir!”
“With the boy?”
“Y-yes sir, but hes still unconscious.”
“Yeah, Mikey had to put him out, he was fighting.”
“A fighter eh? Good boy Johnny.”
Oh, was I going to have fun with this one……

Frank’s POV.

“Wha? Zefff fuh?” I mumbled to myself, I woke up having no idea where I was. “Hello! Mikey? Robert? Anyone?” I called out, I took a look around, it looked like I was in an old-time dungeon! There were rusty brown bars that acted as a door, the walls were made up of light brown blocks that has a dried crimson liquid splattered across them. Blood. Had people died in here? Was I next?
“Hello? Somebody?” I cried out.
“Are you Frank?” a small black and blonde haired boy said in a small voice.
“Yeah, Who are you?”
“I’m Joh-“
“Johnny! Leave him alone! I thought I told you to come get me when he woke up!” a mean sounding woman’s voice sounded from somewhere behind him.
“I was just leaving honest!”
“Whatever brat, get out of here!”
“O-Okay M-Mam.” Johnny left the room without a further argument and revealed an old ,fat ,miserable looking woman standing in a doorway. She pulled a set of old copper keys out of the front pocket of the off-white apron she was wearing, and slid them into the key-hole of the iron bars of my cell.
“Get up.” She spat at me.
“Do. Not. Argue with me boy! I said get up!” I did as she asked and walked through the gate.
“Follow me, do not make eye contact with anyone, do not speak to any one and do not wander off. Got that?”
“Yeah.” I mumbled. She lead me out of the dungeon room and into a corridor so long that I couldn’t even see the end of! It was a blood red colour with black trimmings, this scene wouldn’t have been out of place in a vampire movie. The halls were dotted with the occasional maid, they were all dressed the same in the typical maid’s dress and apron, but the one thing I noticed was that they didn’t have my eyes, they were normal.
“In here kid.” The lady I had been following pointed to a massive black wooden door which reached the ceiling and has and was laced with an intricate white gold. “Hurry up!”
“Right.” The door was lighter than I expected and I pushed it open with little effort.
“Wow.” I said under my breath, this room was AMAZING! It looked like a king could live there, the ceiling was high and was held up by pillars that were attached to the green-y blue walls. I gingerly walked across the checked marble tile floor, which was so clean I could see my face in it. I strained my eyes to see, at the other end of the hall under a crystal blue chandelier, was a man he was sitting lazily on a throne-like chair Picking at a loose string on his trouser leg.
The man looked up and a wide smile spread across his face……

Gerard’S POV.

I was seriously getting restless now. Did Mikey kill him or something? I started fiddling with my trousers when I heard the door creek open. I didn’t bother to look up cause it would only be Johnny or one of my other maids.
“H-hello?” that voice doesn’t sound familiar. I glanced up and felt my face be taken over by a huge smile.
“Frankie?” I asked sitting up straight in my chair.
“Who are you?”
“My name is Gerard, but you can call me Gee, sweetie.”
“Gee.” Frank played the word with his tongue. I took a good look at frank, he really was a beautiful kid, with his shiny red eyes, I bet if he wasn’t one of us they would be a crystal blue or a golden brown. He was short for his age, and looked really innocent and scared. How was I supposed to kill him?
“Are you scared honey?”
“Wha?” He looked me right in the face, twin eyes staring deep into each other’s only for a second before he looked away, embarrassed. “N-no.”
“Good, you shouldn’t be. I’m not gunna hurt you.”
“Why am I here?” he asked, his voice cracking slightly.
“You’re special aren’t you Frank?”
he gulped. “I can hear peoples’ thoughts, and sometimes tell them what to think.”
“I can too, I’m like you.” I got up and took a step towards him, but his eyes widened and he backed away. “I’m not gunna hurt you, Frank trust me.” I stretched my hand out to him. “Please just trust me.” I whispered. He looked my deep into my eyes again before just slightly nodding and gently taking my hand with his.
“Okay Gee.” Okay, can this kid get any cuter?
“Hey Gerard, yeah we got you the kid you wanted, he’s just sleeping off one of Mikey’s attacks, he’s kinda young though, you sure you want to go through with this?” Bob obviously didn’t notice Frank was there.
“Wha- oh h-hey Frank. I’ll urmm just ugh.. yeah.” Bob turned on his heels and sprinted out the door.
“Do what Gee?”

Frank’s POV.

“Do what Gee?” What did he mean? Go through with what? What’s happening.
“Nothing Frankie. Don’t worry.”
“Gee!” what was he gunna do to me?
….. he swallowed.
“Please tell me.”
“Do you know why you’re here baby?” he didn’t meet my gaze.
“I kill people Frankie, kill people like you and me. Do you know why?” I gulped and shook my head. “Cause were freaks, we shouldn’t be allowed to live.” He said calmly almost as if it was obvious. “I was going to kill you.” He looked down at the floor.
“What? Why?” Why would me want to kill me, we’ve never even met! I let go of his hand a step backwards.
“I’m not now, Frankie, I was going to, b-but I can’t!” he looked me in the eyes again. “I swear to you!”
“Gee, I do-“
“Just. Please babe. Trust me.” Seriously what's with the pet names?


Nobody’s POV.
The two boys stared at each other for a moment , not a word was said, they were just staring in to each other’s eyes.
“Why, you said to trust you before, and then R-Robert said that! I don’t wanna die Gee!” The smaller of the two cried out, terror tears threating to fall from his eyes.
“I won’t, I promise baby, really!” The older male replied and tried to wrap his arm around the youngers trembling form, but the smaller was still scared and pushed his arms away.
“I wanna go home Gee, let me go home!” Frank screamed making his words echo off the halls marble walls.
“Let me prove it to you, just one chance please, I won’t hurt you Frankie.” The older truly did mean his words, he didn’t understand why he meant them, he was just another little freak and it was his duty to rid the world of them, but still, he meant them. “Please?”
The younger nodded, but he was still unsure.
“Close your eyes.” The smaller did as he was instructed. He was expecting the older to pull a knife on him or a gun even, but the pain never came, instead two warm lips fell in it’s place.

Gerard’s POV.

“Close your eyes.”

what I did next shocked me and I still don’t know why I did it, but I did. I kissed him, and dear god was I shocked to feel his lips moving back against mine. I felt his arms fly up to around my neck so I put on his skinny little waist and pulled him as close as I could, up against my chest. I ran my tongue against his plump lips and he obliged my open his mouth, granting me entrance to his moist cavern. The kiss wasn’t sexual in anyway (thanks to Frank’s innocence) just a gesture of what? ….. Love?
I pulled away so I could catch my breath.
“Believe me now?” I asked. Frank nodded before catching my lips in another blissful kiss.


Well hey there Guys! Hope you enjoyed my little Frerard :)
This Is Kinda confusing so if you have any questions just ask and I’ll be happy to answer.
I love you guys so much
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