Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Forever and Ever Continued....

Love Has Opened Your Eyes

by MCArmyWife 1 review

A very long night comes to a close.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Fantasy,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2011-10-18 - Updated: 2011-10-19 - 3431 words

Marcus smiled as he lay in the large bed with the two women cuddled close on each side of his body. He first looked at Carrie and saw her eyes were closed, she was asleep. Suddenly his smile slipped as he remembered the ugly wounds she’d had on her body when the night had began. He felt a movement at his other side. Turing his head he saw Casey’s eyes were open. Looking into them deeply he asked a question in his mind knowing she would hear.

‘You don’t want me to give her back to William, do you?’

Casey smiled slight then whispered “No.”

He sighed. Keeping the blood bound would definitely anger William. Casey who was listening closely to his thought whispered again.

“That pleases you.”

He laughed because of course she was right. He hated William so a decision that would anger him wasn’t a problem.

“Marcus, some of the guests are starting to leave.”

He and Casey both looked at Alice who was standing at the foot of the bed.

Marcus grinned, “Yeah, it’s been a long night.”

“A very pleasurable night.” Alice nodded however when her gaze fell on Casey her eyes narrowed. She had hoped at some point in the evening she would get to share in Marcus’s attention but it hadn’t happened.

Lifting his arms from around the women Marcus sat up. Immediately Carrie awoke.

“Parties over.” Marcus said.

“Oh.” Carrie sat up.

“Tell everyone I will be there is a minute.” Marcus said to Alice. She nodded then turned to leave.

Carrie started to slide off the bed but Marcus grabbed her arm.

“I have decided to keep you.”

The look in Carries eyes was one of fear which shocked Marcus.

Casey too was shocked.

“But I belong to William.” Carrie whispered.

Casey looked over to make sure no one was standing in the doorway before she whispered. “How long have you been bound to William?”

Marcus frowned; she shouldn’t be questioning the woman.

Carrie looked at Casey. “A few months.”

“And before that?”

Marcus gave Casey a look that clearly told her to stop.

Carrie was confused. Should she answer the question? Since Marcus had not intervened she decided to answer. “I was homeless, living on the streets of New York.”

Casey had figured as much. She looked into Marcus’s eyes but saw he was angry. So angry she was having trouble hearing his thoughts.

“Come.” He said to both women.

They all pulled on robes and followed him into the main living room.

Immediately William appeared at Carrie’s side. Grabbing her arm he growled, “Get dressed. It’s time to go.”

Marcus smiled. “I hope you had a good time.” He said to William.

William, while angry, knew it would be unwise to anger Marcus. “Of course. I always enjoy your parties.”

“Good.” Marcus said looking around the room at the other guests most of who were now dressed in their original clothing. He heard Carrie’s intake of breath as William tightened his hold on her arm. “I’ve decided to keep this blood bound.” He nodded towards Carrie.

“What?” William sputtered. “You want to keep her?”

Marcus’s eyes narrowed. “That’s not a problem, is it?”

William released Carrie’s arm then stood back. “No, of course not. I’m just surprised. She’s nothing special.”

It was hard for Casey to remain quiet but she did.

“That’s your opinion.” Marcus placed his arm around Carrie. His fingers reached up to part her robe so his fingers could cup her breast. “I found her very enjoyable.”

William’s eyes flashed but he held his tongue.

Glancing across the room Marcus saw several guests were waiting to bid him goodbye before leaving. He dropped his arm from around Carrie then moved towards them totally dismissing William in the process.

William’s eyes were topaz and full of hatred. Casey wanted to follow Marcus but somehow knew leaving Carrie alone with William was wrong. She quickly moved over and put her arm around the girl intending to lead her over to where Marcus was talking with another Pure.

“You think you are so special.” William hissed. “Just because you are Ingredior Utriusque“

Casey tried to control her anger. Knowing it would be wrong to speak to William in any way other than that of a true blood bound she pressed her lips tightly together.

William’s smile was evil, “Mortal you will one day lose your looks. When that happens believe me sweet blood or not Marcus won’t want you.” He took a step closer to her. “But I will. I’ll enjoy making you scream.”

“What’s this about screaming?” Marcus’s had returned to Casey’s side in the blink of an eye.

William laughed nervously. “I was just telling your blood bound that it was too bad you gagged her. I would have loved to hear her scream.”

Marcus’s eyes flashed, “Really? You like hearing women scream, do you?”

William felt trapped. Marcus was a very old and respected Pure. To get on his bad side he knew would be a bad idea. “Only in pleasure.” William lied. “Well, I must go.”

As he walked away Casey had to cover her mouth when she heard Marcus’s words in her head.

‘Piece of shit’

Marcus glared at Casey. He was tired and didn’t want her hearing anymore of his thoughts tonight. He motioned for Alice. “Take Casey and Carrie up to the third floor.”

Casey frowned. She had assumed she would remain at his side until all the guests had left. However from the angry thoughts she was hearing now was not the time to push Marcus.

When they reached the third floor Alice opened the bedroom door at the top of the stairs. “This is where you’ll sleep.” She said nodding to Carrie.

Further down the hall she opened a smaller bedroom. “You can sleep here.” She said to Casey who had followed behind her.

“But my things are in the other bedroom.” She said.

Alice glared at her. “Marcus said to bring you up here. This is where his blood bounds sleep.” Her eyes flashed, “And since that’s all you are, one of his blood bounds, this is your room. Now I have to get back downstairs to Marcus.” She turned and strode down the hallway.

Casey walked into the small room then sat down on the bed. She was still sitting there an hour later when she heard someone coming up the stairs. Getting to her feet she walked quickly to the door and saw Marcus as he reached the top step. She smiled believing he was on his way to her room but that smile faded when she saw him open the door to Carrie’s room and go inside closing the door behind him.


Gerard knocked softly on Sean’s door. He waited for a minute then knocked again. The guilt he felt about glamoring Sean earlier demanded he handle the situation now.

A moment later Sean opened the door a crack. “Yes?”

Gerard was surprised Sean wasn’t inviting him into the room. “Uh, I’d like to talk to you.”

Sean nodded, slipped through the door then closed it softly.

Gerard knew by the look on his blood bounds face something was wrong. “You don’t want to talk in your room?”

Sean wouldn’t met his eyes. “I don’t want to wake up Annie.”

“She’s in there?”

“Yes, we were talking and she fell asleep. I didn’t have the heart to wake her.”

Gerard grinned, “Oh.”

Immediately Sean was defensive. “Really, we were just talking.”

Gerard held up his hand, “Hey, I didn’t say anything.”

“I just don’t want you thinking anything.” Sean said quickly. “She knew I was upset and well, she was upset so we came up to my room to talk.”

Gerard nodded, “Come on lets go downstairs.”

Once they were seated in the living room Gerard spoke. “About you being upset. I know that’s my fault and I’m sorry.”

Sean looked down but remained silent.

“Really.” Gerard said softly. “I fuckin’ hate what I did. I had no right.”

“Of course you did.” Sean said finally looking into his eyes. “You are a Healer and I’m your blood bound. You have the right to glamour me.”

Gerard could hear the hurt in his voice. “That’s not how I want it to be. You are my friend first.”

Sean shrugged.

Getting up Gerard moved to sit beside him on the sofa. “Look, I hate what I did. I was just so fuckin’ upset. I could tell whatever you knew had something to do with my brother.”

“I understand.” Sean said.

“I fuckin’ promise I’ll never do that to you again.” Gerard said reaching out to touch his arm.

“Gee, you don’t have to make promises to me. I understand you were upset. I just was between a rock and a hard place about it. I wanted to tell you but I didn’t think I should.”

Gerard smiled, “Well it’s okay now.”

“Mikey is better?”

Sitting back Gerard took out his cigarettes and lit one. “Mikey has been healed.”

“That’s great.” Sean smiled, “Uh, so who?”

“Katherine.” Gerard answered. “She and Jacob were in New York. Jacob had met Mikey in the past so he worried about going to see him. My brother was very ill and the amount of blood it took to heal him was a lot. Jacob worried he wouldn’t be able to completely erase Mikey’s memories so Katherine went to see him.” He quickly told Sean what Katherine had said wanting to share it with Sean.

Sean smiled, “Your brother is a wonderful man.”

“He is.” Gerard nodded. “But man when she told me the name of the ranch I almost lost it.”

Sean understood. “It’s hard to control your human emotions.”

“Yeah, fuckin’ hard at times.” Gerard sighed. “But anyway I just wanted to get things straight between us as soon as I could.”

Suddenly Sean realized what Gerard wanted to hear. “I forgive you.” He said softly.

Gerard smiled, “Thank you. Now I’d better get back to Anna. You gonna let Annie spend the night in your room?”

“You think I shouldn’t?”

Gerard stood, “Hey, it doesn’t matter what I think.”

“But really we were just talking.” Sean clarified again.

“Okay.” Gerard laughed, “I get it.”

Sean looked away, “I really like her.” He whispered.

“And she really likes you.” Gerard smiled, “I can tell.”

“And you’re okay with that?”

Gerard nodded, “Of course.”

“Think Anna will be okay with it too?” Sean asked.

Gerard nodded, “Yeah, I’m sure she is. Both of us want you and Annie to be happy.”


Casey was pacing when she heard the door down the hall open. She glanced over at the clock. Marcus had been with Carrie for almost an hour.

“You’re still awake?”

Casey looked at him closely. “Yeah, I’ve been waiting for you.”

He shrugged. “Why?”

She knew immediately he’d fed. “What were you doing in Carrie’s room?” She wanted him to admit what she already knew.

He walked over to the window. “What do you think? She’s my blood bound. I’d like to remind you that it was you who wanted it that way.”

“And you know why. I didn’t want her to have to endure anymore of William’s abuse.”

“Do not speak that way about him.” Marcus said turning to glare.

Casey has angry. “Why? You hate him, I know it.”

“I am a Pure. I have the right to hate a fellow Pure. You are only a blood bound. You do not have the right to think of say anything negative.”

Casey crossed her arms in front of her body angrily. “So now you have put me in my place.”

“A place you wanted.” He spat. “You wanted to be a blood bound.”

“For now.” She answered.

Immediately Marcus’s eyes flashed with anger and more. “Whatever. I’ll be gone for a few days.”

“What?” Casey couldn’t believe what she was hearing him say and as angry as he was she couldn’t make out his thoughts. “You’re leaving?”

“I have things to do.” Marcus said narrowing his eyes. “There is a party I’ve been invited to and I’m going.”

“No.” Casey shook her head. “I’ll go with you.”

He glared at her. “I don’t want you with me.”

His words caused Casey to recoil as if she’ been slapped. “Marcus, what’s happened?”

“Tonight reminded me of who I truly am.” He said walking towards her. “What’s been going on with you at my side….it’s wrong.”

“But His Excellence…..”

“To hell with what His Excellence.” Marcus roared. “I don’t give a shit what he wants.”

“Oh Marcus.” Casey whispered. “You don’t mean that. Don’t say it.”

“I do mean it.” He ground out. “He can just find another Pure to deal with you. I’m tried of my life being turned upside down.”

Casey blinked trying to hold back her tears. “You don’t want me.” She whispered.

Marcus cursed, not out of anger but because of the emotion he was feeling seeing her tears. For several minutes they stood staring at each other.

“I’ll return home.” Casey finally whispered. “I do not want to be a Healer if you aren’t the one to turn me.”

Marcus tried to hold on to his anger but it was impossible. “Casey….”

It was then she could finally hear his thought and understood. “Marcus, please.”

In a flash she was in his arms. He covered her face his kisses. “Fuck, I’m sorry.’ He whispered.

“No, I’m sorry.” She answered sadly. “I understand how difficult this is for you.”

“Fuckin’ difficult because I love you.” He led her over to the bed. Once they were laying side by side, his arm around her he spoke again. “Tonight was the first time in my existence that I truly despised what I am.”

She touched his cheek gently, “No, please never say that again.”

“Why?” He asked, “It’s the truth.”

“What you are, a Pure, is wonderful.”

He closed his eyes, “No, Casey. Tonight what I realized about my kind shook me to the core. We feed off mortal, we use them.”

She was listening to his thoughts and what she heard broke her heart. “Marcus, that’s not true. What you realized tonight is this…Pures like mortals are not all the same. There are good and bad Pures. So many Pures I’ve met are wonderful, good and kind. But just like mortals there are Pures who are evil. They believe themselves to be superior to mortals.”

He shook his head, “We are superior.”

“In many ways that’s true. The Supreme Being gave you power over mortals. But with power comes responsibility and sadly power can corrupt. William is an example of that.”

He opened his eyes. “What he has done to that girl sickens me.”

Casey again was hearing his thoughts and what he was remembering made her shudder. Marcus had gone inside Carrie’s head and what he’d learned was brutal. “You saved her.” She whispered.

“Because you told me to.” He whispered. “It was your idea for me to take her from William.”

“I saw her arms when we were dressing.” Casey explained. “When she told me he’d done it to basically remind her of her place…”

Marcus grew angry. “Yeah, I know. He’s been abusing her like that since he found her on the streets.”

She nodded, “Because he believes it is his right. He believes as a Pure it’s his right to treat mortals like that because to him we are nothing.”

“That is the Pure belief.”

Casey leaned up on her arm to look down into his eyes. “Not all Pures think like that.”

“You’re wrong.” He said sadly. “We do believe we are superior.”

She had to make him understand. “Your Pure blood demands you understand that you do hold power over mortals. But believe me, I have met many Pures who while they understand that fact do not abuse that power.” She grew quiet listening to his thoughts. “You are torn, you do not know how to deal with this.”

He nodded, “William needs to be stopped. I’m sure he treats all his blood bounds the same way.”

“And you realize that’s not right.”

“Yeah, our laws state it is wrong to abuse mortals. But damn it, I’ve never reported one of my kind to the council.”

She sighed “You are thinking about Anna.”

He closed his eyes. “Just as I know I should report William, I also know I should have reported the truth about Anna and Gerard. Where do I draw the line? Report only what I want?”

Casey sighed, “If you reported Anna and Gerard to the council you would also be reporting Jacob.”

“You see my dilemma?”

“Marcus, nothing is ever completely black or white. I understand what you are thinking. You believe if you report William that means you should report everything you know to the council.”

“Well shouldn’t I?”

“There is a big difference. When I look into William’s eyes I see evil. He has abused his Pure gifts. He’s used them to hurt mortals. Jacob is a Pure who uses his gifts for good. Anna and Gerard are Healers who use their gift to heal for good.”

“I’m so fuckin’ confused.” Marcus whispered.

“Because for the first time you are allowing yourself to see that a Pure can be evil.”

“I already knew that. Believe me we’ve had our share of evil Pures over the course of history.”

Casey remembered several stories His Excellence had shared with her. “Yes, I know. I’ve heard.”

His eyes narrowed, “You’ve heard?”

“His Excellence shared a lot of the Healer history with me.” She sighed, “He did it because he wanted me to understand about your world, because he is saddened how many have lost their way.”

“I heard him voice that feeling before.” Marcus said sadly. “When the truth about Judith came to light.”

Casey nodded, “Yes, when he met my mother. What she told him she believed, that the Healer world had to struggle with right and wrong, is the same thing I’m telling you.”

Marcus closed his eyes again. “William while not as old as me has still been on this earth a very long time. To report him to the council will cause a fuckin stir in our world.”

“Some will feel it is wrong.”

“Yeah, some will. They will believe I’ve turned on my own kind.”

“The ones who believe that will be the Pures who are like William. And you must remember William’s actions go against your laws. Pures were put on this earth to look after mortals, not to abuse them.”

“Is that why we’re here?” He wondered sadly.

Casey could feel his confusion and sadness. “Yes, I believe that from the bottom of my heart and if you are honest you know it’s true.”

“I don’t know anything anymore." He sighed.

“What you feel for me has made you questions everything you once believed.” She whispered.

He opened his eyes, “Yeah, in a way that’s true. Before you I would have turned a blind eye to what William is doing. That makes me just as bad as he is.”

“I don’t believe that.’ Casey said. “Not in the way you are thinking. Before you met me you simply wouldn’t have seen what William was doing. But I know in my heart if you had seen it, you would not have allowed it to continue. You’re a good, kind man, Marcus. That I believe from the bottom of my heart.”

As much as he wanted to believe her words it was difficult. “You are blinded by love.”

“And love has opened your eyes.” She smiled.

He lifted his hand to gently caress her cheek. “I hope so.”

“It has.” She smiled before leaning down to press her lips to his in a gentle kiss.
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