Categories > Celebrities > Slipknot > Heartache every moment

Dark Secret Love

by SyndromeStar 0 reviews

Category: Slipknot - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2011-10-19 - Updated: 2011-10-19 - 1596 words - Complete

Chapter 13 – Dark Secret Love

Mick stood up as the doctor entered the room. He was clutching a folder under his arm, which he laid on the table next to the bed.

“How is he? Woken up yet?” the doctor asked.

Mick stuttered. “Umm, no, no not yet. Should he have?” Now he was worried.

The doctor smiled and shook his head. “It's ok. He's probably exhausted. I wouldn't be surprised if he slept right through to the morning. He's got a lot of sedative in him.”

The doctor checked the cardiac monitor, pronounced it satisfactory (what, exactly, Mick wasn't sure) and made sure there was enough saline in his IV. Mick hated to be rude, but he was getting anxious. Did he know what was wrong, or what? The doctor seemed to sense his impatience.

“We have his test results back.”

Ok..... so, spill!!!

“Joey has a condition called gastritis. It's the inflammation of the stomach” - Mick blanched. “Don't worry. It's not serious, it's quite a common complaint. That's what's been causing his vomiting. Unfortunately, in his case, the vomiting has lead to severe dehydration, which caused the fever and seizures.”

“Is he going to be ok?” Mick asked.

“He'll need to be on fluids for at least the next 24 hours. If his seizures occur again, we may have to run some more tests. He's lost a lot of weight, which is something that concerns us.

We'll like to keep him here for the next few days.”

Mick nodded slowly as he digested the information. He felt relieved that it was nothing permanent, but at the same time – dehydration? He knew he should have done more to make Joey drink.

“Will he stop throwing up now?”

"We've put him on antiemetics, which is a medication that should stop the nausea and vomiting. In a few days, we'll wean him off it, and see how he goes.”

“And if he starts throwing up again?” Mick wondered.

“Then more tests, and different medication. He's very weak, so we don't want to weaken his system any more by giving him anything too strong.”

Mick gripped Joey's hand. “So, he really will be ok?”

The doctor smiled. “Of course. Once he's had some time to rebuild his strength, he'll be as good as new. Now he's on fluids, the dehydration should be taken care of. In a week, he'll be up and about. Just make sure he doesn't overexert himself.”

Mick chuckled. “That could be a problem.”

“He's a drummer, right?” the doctor questioned.

“Yeah. He's pretty energetic.” Mick smiled, and then let it fade. “Usually, anyway.”

“He'll be back bouncing off the walls before you know it,” the doctor said sympathetically. “Even if it doesn't seem like it now. His body just needs a chance to repair itself.”

He picked up his folder, and tucked it back under his arm. “You're welcome to stay the night. I apologise for the guest accommodation though, it's pretty uncomfortable. If you have any problems, let a nurse know. There's a station just down the end of this corridor. Any emergencies, for instance if he's in pain or has a seizure, press the call button. I'll be back to check on him again in the morning.”

“Thank you,” Mick said sincerely.

The doctor smiled and nodded. “No problem. We'll fix him, I promise.” With that, he exited the room.

Mick slumped back in his chair, and ran his hands through his hair. Fuck! He breathed a sigh of relief. He hadn't realised just how much this all had been weighing him down until it was lifted. Joey was going to be OK. His shoulders started to shake, and he gripped his hands together to try and stop the trembling. He closed his eyes tight against the threatening tears, and swallowed the lump in his throat. Forcing himself to calm down, he sat back up and leaned forward so his elbows were resting on the hospital bed.

“Hey babe... I know you can't hear me.... but everything's gonna be ok. You'll be out of here soon... I'm gonna take you home and get you better,” he whispered to the still figure on the bed.

He reached out a hand to brush the hair off Joey's face, and tenderly stroked his cheek. For a few moments he studied his face, grateful that he was sleeping quietly. The tubes and electrodes were intimidating, but if they were helping Joey, Mick could get used to them. He traced Joey's jaw, and ran his fingers over his lips. He remembered the first time he kissed them, and felt a shiver run up his body. Standing up, he pressed his lips to Joey's forehead.

Mick's stomach was reminding him that he hadn't had anything to eat for a long time. He didn't want to leave Joey, but the boy looked like he was going to be out for a while. And this time, there were people around to make sure he'd be ok. Kissing Joey's cheek one last time, Mick kept him in his sight until he was out the door.

He stopped in his tracks. Which way? And where, exactly, was he going? He'd never been to this hospital before, he had no idea where the cafeteria was. Just then, he remembered about Shawn.

The percussionist had promised to stay in the waiting room, so Mick decided to start there first. Once he'd figured how to get there....

Venturing back down the way he'd come, Mick recognised a waiting area, or so he thought he had until he continued down the corridor and came across one exactly the same. Great. How was he going to be able to find his way back to Joey? He hadn't even bothered to check the room number! Way to go, genius....

A passing nurse, obviously sympathetic to the very confused look on Mick's face, asked if he was ok.

“Ummm, well, I'm looking for a waiting room?” he asked.

The nurse smiled. “We have a few waiting rooms... any one in particular?”

“Well, it's where I got put after my boyfriend came here in an ambulance. Does that help?”
Still smiling, the nurse nodded. “How about I take you there? That might be quickest.”

“Errrr, yeah. Thanks!” Mick replied gratefully. That sounded a lot better than wandering the corridors all night.

Tagging along behind the nurse, Mick marvelled at her ability to move though the hospital like it was her second home. Which, Mick thought, it probably was.

Coming to a stop down a corridor Mick didn't remember, the nurse pointed to a set of doors.

“There you go,” she said, beaming at him.

“Thank you so much!” Mick said thankfully.

Pushing through the doors as the nurse strode away, Mick hoped that Shawn hadn't given up and gone away. He smiled as he saw the percussionist stretched out in one of the chairs, fast asleep.



A grunt. Well, that was a start.

Poking him in the shoulder, Mick made sure he stayed well clear just in case Shawn woke up swinging.



“Ok ok....... what?” Shawn finally awoke. He saw who was prodding him awake, and sat up, all sleepiness gone. “Mick? How is he?”

He could tell from the goofy grin on Mick's face that Joey was going to be alright.

“I take it he's ok?”

Mick nodded. “He's sleeping. He's got this thing... gastritis? But he's on meds and he'll be good to leave in a few days.”

“Shit man.” Shawn stood up and flung his arms around the startled guitarist.

“That's fucking awesome!” He hugged Mick, who gave in and patted Shawn's back.

“Yeah.... god yes.”

They broke apart, much to Mick's relief. “Where are the others?”

“Main waiting room. Well, they were, when I left them. I assume they're still there. You wanna go check?” Shawn asked.

“Yeah. And find something to eat.”

“I concur with that statement,” Shawn dead panned.

Together, they ventured out of the room in search of the waiting room. Fortunately, Shawn seemed to have better navigational skills than Mick, and using the convenient signage, soon steered them to the right place. The boys were all still in there, most of them in various states of sleep apart from Corey, who appeared wide-awake. The singer stood up as soon as he saw them.

“Well?!” he demanded. “Any news?” He looked back and forth between Shawn and Mick. Shawn knew this was for Mick to answer.

“Yeah. He's gonna be ok.” Oh god! Mick was choking up again. He was spared the embarrassment of crying in front of the guys when Corey whooped and started to wake the others.

The distraction made him smile and his tears dried up. Corey and Shawn were telling the others, and Mick stood by and watched as if in a dream. Sid, who had been curled up on Craig's lap, asleep, sat with a strange grin on his face, while Craig laughed with Jim about something. The effect on everyone was instantaneous. Grim, foreboding moods were lifted and replaced with smiles and laughter; so much had been riding on their shoulders with Joey being sick, and now they felt released.

Chris came up and slapped Mick on the back in congratulations, snapping him out of his reverie. “How are you doing, Mick?” he asked quietly.

Mick shrugged. “Never been better,” he said, breaking into a huge grin. They laughed together for a few moments, before being interrupted by Paul.

“So, is there any food in this joint? I think this calls for a celebration!”
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